Super Study God

Chapter 1884: 1 word, 1 gold ingot!

Perhaps some of the ancestors of the Chinese ancestors directly said so, Su Hang thought so.

"First find a place to live!"

Su Hang said, since the mind guides himself to come here, there must be something special here, and Su Hang is not in a hurry. Now he found a hotel in the city to stay, and by the way, he found a restaurant to eat some food.

This city is not big, and the building is very old. It should be some years. A restaurant in the north of the city, Su Hang is the only one sitting on the third floor by the window. Looking at the low-rise tile houses outside, there are many rows of them. A little bit of ancient style and ancient charm, the scenery is pretty good, there is a sense of sight through the ancient China.

"Brother, what is the origin of our Spring City?" Su Hang asked casually while the second child was serving.

The second brother took out a plate of sauced duck from the dinner plate and placed it on the table. He looked up and looked at Su Hang. "The origin? I don’t know what the guest said?"

These words asked Su Hang, thinking for a while, and laughing, "When was this Spring City built? Who built it? How many years old is it?"

The second brother heard the words, but scratched his head with a look of embarrassment, "Guest, you are really stumping me, you asked me, I really don't know, since the villain was born, this city has been there , The villain is so shallow, so sorry!"

When he had finished speaking, he had to retreat, and Su Hang did not embarrass him. He took out a piece of silver and threw it to him as a thank-you.

The younger brother was holding a silver ingot in his hands, and he was so full of relationships that he didn't want to meet such a generous customer. The so-called short-handedness and the questions asked by others, he didn't answer it, but instead got the benefit. It was a bit overwhelming.

At the moment, the second brother pointed to the corner, "Did the guest see the man?"

Su Hang looked over. An old man was sitting in the corner, holding an erhu in his hand. He was pulling Qu'er with his eyes closed. Next to him stood a little girl of twelve or three years old. .

Qu'er is not very nice, but it is a bit sad to listen to people's ears. It is not uncommon for Su Hang to have seen many folk artists like this.

The younger brother said, "The old man used to be a lecturer in the school in the city. He has a lot of knowledge. He knows everything from the south to the north. He knows more than we are servants. If the guest wants to inquire, just ask him to ask!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, and the younger brother won the silver two, and he took the dinner plate and retreated.

After the little girl sang a song, the guests on the opposite side gave some rewards, and then Su Hang clapped her hands and applauded. "It's a good song, old sir, how about coming over and performing a song for me?"

The old man looked up at Su Hang, and there were new guests ordering songs. He was naturally happy, and immediately took his little granddaughter, and got up and walked over to Su Hang.

After dragging a bench, he sat down next to Suhang. The old man did not speak. The little girl said, "What song do guests want to listen to?"

His eyes are agile, but it is a bit lively, but it is also mature that his peers should not have. At the age of twelve or three, when it is time to play, it is really not easy to go out and sing for life.

"Just do it!" Su Hang said, and then took out a piece of silver and placed it on the corner of the table.

The little girl's eyes lit up when she saw the silver, and she was about to reach for it, but was pulled by the old man next to it.

The old man still didn't speak. The little girl pressed her impulse to reach for the silver and pointed to the Suhangdao. "Listening to the guest's accent, it's not the local people. Presumably coming from afar, the slave sings a song "Distant" to the guest!"

"Distance?" Su Hang paused, nodded and smiled, "Good mood, let's do this song!"

It doesn’t matter what you listen to. What’s important is that he wants to find an excuse to talk to the old man.

The old man has opened the erhu. The erhu's voice is sad, with a little worries, plus the girl's polite voice, turning her face to look into the distance, the mood is really good.

In Nong minor minor, most of them are country sounds. Su Hang didn't understand what she was singing, but from the old man's tune, Su Hang could hear something.

"It's a good song!" No matter how good it is or not, Su Hang praised it and turned his eyes to the old man, "Mr. this song, although the scene is far away, but with a bit of anger in the sadness, I don't know me Did you hear it wrong?"

The old man looked up at Su Hang, but he didn't know what kind of look, but he didn't answer Su Hang's words.

At that moment, the little girl collected the silver on the table. Seeing this scene a little embarrassing, she told Su Hangdao, "Grandpa, he hasn't spoken for a long time, guests forgive me!"

Su Hang heard that she looked at the little girl in amazement, "Why is this?"

Listening to the meaning of this little girl's words, this old man should not be a dumb person. He hasn't spoken for a long time, which is a bit weird.

The little girl said, "Grandpa said, the trouble comes out of the mouth, and there is much to say and wrong to say!"

Speaking of which, the old man next to him seemed to be mentioned erhu, and when he got up, he took the little girl away.

It took a piece of silver, where Su Hang could let him go, and then said, "Mr. is also a strange person. To be honest, when I come here next time, I am not familiar with the water and soil of this side. Listen to Xiao Er, Mr. Bo Wenqiang Knowledge, hope to get some guidance!"

The old man paused and listened to Su Hang's remarks. He even wanted to go, as if he was afraid of something wrong.


Without saying anything, Su Hang took out two pieces of gold and placed it directly on the table.

When the little girl saw her, her eyes lit up, and she quickly grabbed the old man. This was gold, which was much more expensive than silver. Their grandfather and grandson were afraid they would not earn so much by singing a small song in their lifetime.

When the old man saw the two ingots of gold, he was obviously a little bit moved. After all, how much could he be so impressed with such a large fortune?

Su Hang smiled, it seems that this is not an expert who regards money as dung, and said at the moment, "I think your grandfather and grandson should not have eaten yet. I am worried that there is no one to accompany. Why not sit down and eat? Quandang to make a friend!"

The old man hesitated!

"Grandpa!" The granddaughter next to him couldn't bear the temptation, and stretched out the old man's sleeve.

The old man couldn't bear it at last. He put his erhu to the table and sat down with the little girl.

Su Hang looked at this old man, not dumb, but suffocated and did not speak. It was indeed a weird person. He aroused a little curiosity of Su Hang. Presumably what happened to this old man!

The old man was also polite. He moved his chopsticks directly. He did not regard himself as an outsider at all, and the little girl's eyes were always above those two ingots of gold.

Su Hang said to the little girl with a smile, "Little sister, if you can let your grandfather speak, these two pieces of gold are yours!"

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