Super Study God

Chapter 1898: Go to Cangzhou!

"Tui'er?" Su Hang turned to look at the little girl running around. "Does the girl have a name?"

Ye's nodded and said, "Nujia is a woman with no ink on her chest. She only gave a breast name to her. For a girl's family, it would be nice to have a breast name!"

"The name is the second face of a person. That can be ambiguous!" Su Hang shook his head. The girl was the reincarnation of the granddaughter Wa, and it must be extraordinary in the future. How can there be no big name, and Cui'er this little The name is indeed a bit off-price.

"If Duke En doesn't give up, give Cui'er a big name!" Ye Shidao said.

Su Hangdao, "You don't want me to call me publicly, let me listen to the uncomfortable, you are younger than me, just call my brother, brother, all!"

"Eun Gong is gracious to my mother and daughter..." Ye's mouth opened.

"What I said, that's what!" Su Hang interrupted Ye Shi's words helplessly, and turned to look at the little girl. "I saw that this girl was born with aquatic spirits, and her spirits were compelling, so she gave her a single name. Call it Ye Ling!"

"Ye Ling, right?" The two old women next to each other nodded, and the old woman said, "It's still learned from the fairy, Yesao, I think Ye Ling is good!"

"It's very good, it's very good!" another old woman said.

The black lines on Su Hang's face, these two old ladies, are you making trouble with me? Ye Ling, right? Who would call this name?

"It's Ye Ling, not Ye Ling!" Su Hang had to explain.

"Uh..." The two old ladies were awkward for a moment, embarrassed for a moment, and then laughed, "Look at us, without learning and pretending to learn, let Daxian laugh!"

Ye Shi next to him also smiled heartily, said, "Ye Ling listens well, Linger is better than Cui'er, thank you Engong... uh... thank you brother for giving Linger a name!"

Su Hang just smiled and turned to look at the two children. "These two children are not ordinary waiting. When they are older, they will preside over the ceremony and let them formally enter my door!"

"Su Hang!"

Before the Ye family had time to thank, Su Hang froze for a moment when a beautiful female voice came from outside. In the Dragon Palace, he dared to call his name, which is not small.

Immediately, Su Hang's consciousness looked out of the door, and his face suddenly showed a little helplessness, but it was the little girl of Ao Suer, now standing on his hips, standing outside the Feixia Palace, shouting with his throat.

"Come in!" Su Hang shouted.

"There are dogs inside, I will not come in, you come out!" Ao Suer shouted again.

dog? Su Hang was speechless for a while. Presumably she was talking about the Beast Leopard. The dagger Beast Leopard was regarded as a dog by this little girl. I really don't know how the salamander would feel when he heard it.

"Come in, won't bite you!" Su Hang shouted helplessly. The little girl was always afraid of the sky and the earth, but finally there was something that made her afraid.

Soon, a small figure, the probe probed into the door came in, it was Ao Suer.

The little girl looked like a thief and walked tremblingly. When she saw Su Hang, she ran over in three steps and two steps. It was as if she had been stunned by a dog. Obviously she had encountered a raccoon, Not scared.

"If you don't accompany Longshen's retreat, do you run here?" Su Hang asked.

Ao Su'er said, "Long Zu has long gone somewhere without knowing where to go. I have nothing to do with it. I came out and walked around. I heard that you are back. Come and see you..."

"Oh, should I be flattered now?" Su Hang looked at her a little funny. Although she hasn't seen it for more than a year, the little girl hasn't changed at all. The dragon's growth has been slow, not to mention this small There is also the blood of the dragon on the girl. I am afraid that if you want to become an adult, you will not be able to grow a few years before waiting for tens of thousands of years.

You know, Su Jin has only half of the dragon blood, and he is now 100,000 years old, which is just like an adult, equivalent to the twenties of humans.

"Don't be flattered!" Ao Su'er smiled and made a move to Su Hang. "I heard you are going to Cangzhou? Take me all the way!"

Su Hang looked at Ao Suer strangely, "You little girl, go to Cangzhou to do nothing?"

Ao Su'er said, "I heard that there is a Supreme Master in Cangzhou. I'm going to see you!"

Su Hang heard the words and smiled dumbly. "Jin'er told you? Do you know why I went to Cangzhou?"

Ao Suer heard and said, "Aren't you also going to see the Supreme Master? I have heard of this Master's reputation long ago, and I have a deep admiration in my heart. I have been there a few times in the past few days. It's a pity that Cangzhou hasn't been able to meet you. I will follow you this time and I'm not afraid that he won't show up to see me!"

That little look was totally a little girl, looking forward to wanting to see her idol. Su Hang looked very speechless. How did the Supreme Master do it? Can charm this little girl!

"Honestly staying on the mountain, nowhere is allowed!" Su Hang said directly, and said that he would go there, and then he was afraid that there would be no better master!

Ao Suer was stunned for a looked at Su Hang strangely, but unexpectedly Su Hang would reject her, and it was still a kind of dad's tone, and now he was a little unhappy, "What's so great, If you don’t take me, I can go!"

Su Hang was speechless for a while, "What good is the Supreme Master? Why do you have to see him?"

Su Hang's question seemed to ask Ao Suer. Ao Suer thought about it and said, "Everyone says he is good, he is naturally good, and I want to see where he is!"

Su Hang is huh, is this the legendary brain powder? But I haven’t even seen it before, so I was captured. Isn’t it too exaggerated?

With that said, Ao Suer came up and pulled Su Hang, "Let's go!"

"Where?" Su Hang asked.

"Of course it's going to Cangzhou!" Ao Suer responded rightfully, looking impatiently.

Do you need to worry so much? Su Hang couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that this Supreme Master was really a curse, and it was a terrifying ability to manipulate faith.



Originally, Su Hang was going to go to Cangzhou the next day. He was so distracted by Ao Suer, but she couldn't help but had to go ahead.

This is just back to heaven, even without a break, he has to leave without stopping, it is really tired.

This girl, Ao Suer, didn't know which kind of madness he had sent. He was excited to tell Su Hang the deeds of the Supreme Master, along the way, his face was full of worship, as if he was enchanted, but Su Hang heard that all the things she said were nothing more than hearsay.

"Su Hang, I have a hunch that this supreme guru is harder than you think!" Su Hang automatically shielded Ao Suer, too lazy to listen to the nonsense of her little children, but the realm of mind and peace Su Hang Shennian talked.

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