Super Study God

Chapter 1908: The original sins get together!

"Keep the past?"

Mituo heard that if she thought about it, yeah, the past has become the past, why should you keep the past?

The little toad is his previous life. Without the death of the previous life, how come his own life?

In any case, I am still alive now, the past life is already in the past, why do you persevere?

After a pause, Mituo looked up at Su Hang, "but I don't know, what was the situation in my past life?"

These words seemed to be talking to oneself, but they were also asking Suhang.

Su Hang listened, but shook his head. "If you want to know the past, then awaken to Tibetan knowledge yourself. Your Buddhists should be very good at this."

In addition to the innate life, everyone has a past and a past life, and the memories of the previous life will be worn away by the reincarnation, so that the reincarnated soul will become a blank piece of paper again.

However, there are some things, even the power of reincarnation, that cannot be cleaned up all the time. That is the eighth consciousness except the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, heart, touch, and seven consciousnesses of God. He can hide the monk. The memories of the past will not be destroyed as long as the true spirit is still there, but it is difficult for a person to awaken and hide his knowledge and recall the past.

As strong as Xuantian, after entering the reincarnation, and also in the ninety-ninth 99th reincarnation, after becoming Mo Daoxuan, he awakened the Tibetan consciousness and recalled the past life. I can imagine how difficult it is to recall the previous life. .

Su Hang also knew about the little toads in the previous life of Mita. Hearing Xue Qi said that in the time of ancient times, little toads had an agreement with Hongjun to reincarnate forever, and he did not forget his original intention, so he created Buddhism and established Buddhism. Promote Buddhism and Daoism, and give Buddhism a chance to rejuvenate.

If things are true, Su Hang can imagine that the little toad should be the founder of the ancient Buddha.

Speaking of it, it's really incredible. It's not easy to awaken the Tibetan consciousness once and recall the past life, but the little toad actually reincarnates the world, and can never forget the original intention again and again, recalling the past life, how much wish should this be?

Su Hang did not know whether the little toad was successful, but he knew that there are Buddhist doors now. Although it is the post-Buddhist era, when the Buddha came to create the Buddhist door, it must have been influenced by the ancient Buddhist door.

For these, Su Hang did not want to tell Mituo that the mediocre was disturbing himself, adding to his troubles.

After all, even Su Hang himself is often thinking about what his past life will be like. Unfortunately, awakening Tibetan knowledge is not something that can be achieved by the realm of strength. Until now, he feels unpredictable and can only follow the fate.

No one told me what my previous life was. Why should I tell you again, what did your previous life look like? If you're curious, let's go for it on our own.

Mi Tuo was disappointed. He thought that Su Hang would tell him something. He didn’t expect Su Hang to be so arrogant, but he didn’t dare to ask too much. He only smiled sorrowfully and arched his hand at Su Hang. Then, the poor monk retired and visited again every day."

Su Hang nodded slightly and did not retain a guest set. Rulai Lan also made a farewell to Su Hang. Then the Three Saints used the technique of big shift and disappeared from Su Hang immediately.

"These bald heads, it's too much to run when something is wrong." Ao Suer said a bit angrily, and then turned back to the Su Hangway. "Su Hang, the three sages of Buddha are gone, you just let go Master Guru?"

This little girl was also really naive. Until this moment, I was afraid that Su Hang was embarrassed by the Supreme Master because of the Buddhist door. Now that the Three Saints of the Buddhist Gate have left, Su Hang should naturally let go of the Supreme Master.

Su Hang reached out and rubbed her head, "Adult's business, little children do not care."

Ao Suer was a little unhappy. Su Hang rubbed her head. When she was about to say something, she saw that Su Hang had turned her head and looked at the Supreme Master.

Without saying a word, a big sleeve waved up Supreme Master directly. The three of them disappeared instantly, and when they appeared again, it was already in the sky.

After returning to the mountain, Su Hang closed the door. If he had not finished speaking, he had to talk to the original sin of the Virgin.

Among the halls, only Su Hang and Supreme Master Zuo, Su Hang did not want others to participate in it again. The sound of the supreme goodness of the Virgin's original sin was really overbearing. In case the people in the Dragon Palace were also infected by their enchantment, it was not worth the loss.

"But I don't know why you brought me to heaven?" Supreme Master Zhishan looked up at Su Hang.

Su Hang smiled and said, "Aren't you asking for this? Do you have any good things?"

The Supreme Master, when he heard the words, smiled briefly, and was about to say something. I saw the scene change in front of me, and it had already appeared in the battle space of the Soviet Airways.

The desolate Gobi, rocky and rugged, sits cross-legged on a few rocks nearby.

Mr. Kong, death, girly heart.

The three original sins felt the emergence of Su Hang, and immediately opened their eyes and looked over to Su Hang.


When they saw the original sin of the Virgin next to Su Hang, all three of them shrank their pupils. They were very surprised, and they seemed a little unbelievable.

"How, how is it possible?"

Mr. Kong looked at the Immaculate Conception with a disbelieving look on his face, his voice trembling slightly, "You are so strong, how can you..."

Supreme Master Sigh sighed softly, with a very helpless face on her face, Su Hangdao, "blame it on her too virgin......"

Speaking of which, Su Hang turned to look at the Supreme Master, "You are willing to come to heaven with me. It should not only be for those of you believers, I am afraid I still want to save them a few?"

The Supreme Master, when he heard a stagnation, said nothing in silence, but it seemed to be the default.

Su Hang smiled, "A few of them betrayed you for a living, but you still want to save them. I really don't know what your heart thinks."

Speaking of Hang couldn't help but smiled bitterly.


The three of Mr. Kong heard these words, but they all felt ashamed.

"Zuo Shi" stood up and pointed at Su Hang. "Su Hang, you are too much, it is enough to catch us and kill us. Our mother is kind, what is wrong? What is wrong?" ? Why did you catch her?"

Su Hang heard that his face suddenly turned black, and this guy ran out and forced to die.

"Listening to what you said, do you think I did something wrong?" Su Hang looked at death with a black face, as if he would do something if he didn't agree.

"Zuo Shi" twitched slightly, and then said, "I, I don't mean you did it wrong, but, after all, Our Lady is just a woman after all."

There was no confidence in the sound, and I was obviously afraid.

"Female, woman?" Mr. Kong seemed to be very sensitive to these two words and swallowed subconsciously.

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