Super Study God

Chapter 1915: You beast!

Hao Tian stood on the stage and heard Su Hang calling him his name. His heart tightened suddenly. Some scalp became numb, and he did not dare to lift his head.

Hong Jun glanced at Haotian, then nodded and said, "I went there, there are a few problems, I want to find Di Zun to relieve my confusion, but unfortunately I didn't see anyone, so I came back."


This understatement does not seem to have any loopholes, but Su Hang will not dispel doubts. The only thing in the entire Zixiao Palace that can not be seen by Su Hang is the Hongjun in front. If "luck" is really hidden In the Zixiao Palace, Hong Jun is very suspicious.

For the time being, Su Hang still can't see any flaws, so he doesn't move, and said, "Aren't you and Di Zun a good relationship? How could you not see anyone?"

"The relationship is good, that was only once." Hong Jun shook his head. "I'm not Hong Jun of that year, not the former master of the wilderness, he has been short of his generation out of thin air, people want to see me, don't want to see me, I all There is no help."

"Speaking so pitifully, if Di Zun hears it, he will be afraid of your heart?" Su Hang shook his head.

"Ah." Hong Jun sighed for a long time, he just just talked casually, "He may have encountered some difficulties, the land is not too flat now, so I am a bit heavy, or don't go inside. Blended."

"Oh? What happened to the land boundary?" Su Hang looked at Hong Jun in surprise.

Hong Jun shook his head, but refused to say more.

Su Hang is also not easy to ask, but the real spirit of the world seems very excited, and he urges Su Hang to ask clearly.

After all, the real spirit of the realm is the original sin of the deity. If the deity suffers a lot, then the happiest thing besides his enemies is his original sin.

"The thing that can make Di Zun feel troublesome, I'm afraid it's not a trivial matter. You and Di Zun are also old friends. They didn't say anything to inquire, maybe they can provide some help." Su Hang side struck sideways.

Hong Jun shook his head, "What can I help him if he can't solve it himself? If he can solve it by himself, why should I help him?"

What this guy said always made sense. After one sentence, Suhang didn't know how to answer the call.

Hong Jun looked at Su Hang and said, "Instead of caring for me so much, my brother still cares about yourself."

"Me?" Su Hang was stunned.

The corner of Hongjun's mouth bent a little arc, "It is less than two years away from the Wanjie Conference. Brother, but you are the protagonist of this session of the Wanjie Conference. Whether Xuanhuangjie can make a comeback is all about your performance..."

"Wanjie Conference?" Su Hang's heart tightened when he heard the word.

Yes, this trip to the ancient times, after returning to later generations, was staggered for a whole year, causing him to lose a lot of time. Now he is full of money, and it is less than two years before the World Assembly.

In two years, he will surpass Lin Xuan, and surpass all young masters in the world. This task is quite arduous.

"Not long ago, I have been to Heaven Realm several times. Chuangjie Mountain is already preparing for the Wanjie Conference. I believe that the invitation will be put in your brother's hands shortly. Brother should prepare early." Hong Jun Dao.

Su Hang heard this, and felt that time was running out.

For a time, Su Hang fell into silence.


At this time, Haotian's voice came and brought Su Hang back to reality from his contemplation.

Su Hang raised his head and looked at Haotian, seeing Haotian looking at himself with a bitter face, and now he reacted. He had just requested to prove the identity of Hongjun in front of him, but he didn't want to be brought into the ditch by his three words. .

Taking a deep breath and leaving the Wanjie Conference behind, Su Hang directly pointed to Hong Jun, "It's still early, isn't it two years? Two years is enough for me to do a lot of things, but Before that, I had to get rid of the original sin first. You also know that the existence of the original sin will limit my practice."

Hong Jun nodded slightly, "If Hong Jun can help, the younger brother will not refuse."

Su Hang looked at Hong Jun strangely, "Suddenly so enthusiastic, it feels a little different from you."

Hong Jun just smiled, making people see no depth.

Su Hang thought about it and said, "Do you still remember Tianjizi?"

Hong Jun paused and nodded, "Of course I remember."

Su Hang nodded, "I asked him to teach you the technique of heaven and earth. In this world, if you count the number, you are the second. I'm afraid no one dares to count the first?"

"Brother praised me so much, Hongjun felt ashamed." Hongjun said.

Su Hang smiled and said, "The technique of Tianyan deduces the past and the future. It is more subtle than what I know about consciousness modeling. It can be more than one or two points. Can you help me figure it out, where is the person I am looking for?"

"This..." Hong Jun heard the words, and the expression on his face suddenly stagnate, and then said, "I'm afraid to disappoint my elder brother. The so-called heaven cannot be revealed. Even if he can figure it out, he won't tell his elder brother."

"Really?" Su Hang frowned.

Hongjun nodded, "It's not that Hongjun doesn't help, just because Hongjun is powerless."

From Suhang’s point of view, it is simple to distinguish whether the person in front of him is really Hongjun. In fact, Hongjun must be able to do so. The original sin is from Suhang, and the power is from Suhang. There is the technique of Tianyan.

A sentence of powerlessness, but Su Hang couldn’t help it. After thinking about it, he laughed, “Since you don’t want it, then I’ll just do it, and use my consciousness modeling technique to calculate. If it’s accurate, you just need to nod your head. However, if it is not accurate, then you should be right to smile."

"Brother please, please." Hongjun said directly.

Su Hang nodded slightly, extended a hand directly, the consciousness model was externalized and appeared, and a three-dimensional model quickly appeared in his palm.

The halo circulated, and after a moment, the true appearance of the model was revealed, Hong Jun looked at it, and frowned.

The model is exactly the image of Hongjun.

"Huh? How could this be?" Su Hang heard the words, pretending to be surprised.

Although the consciousness modeling technique is powerful, it can simulate back to the time and accelerate the future. Seeing the past and the future, it does not seem to be much different from Hongjun’s Tianyan technique. However, this technique is too costly. Even if Su Hang is so powerful now, it can't bear much. Moreover, Zixiao Palace is in chaos, and it is even more exhausting to display it.

Su Hang was reluctant to do the troublesome thing. He used this model, but he deliberately modeled it according to Hongjun's image. The reason for this is that he only used an introduction.

When Hong Jun saw the model in Su Hang's hands, his face changed slightly, and he already understood something, "Brother, what does that mean?"

When Su Hang built the model, the atmosphere was already awkward and frozen.

"Huh, what does that mean?" Su Hang hadn't answered yet. At this time, Hao Tian had already stood up and pointed at Hong Jun directly, scolding, "What a wicked animal, dare to pretend to be Dao Zu, not fast yet Prototype!"

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