Super Study God

Chapter 1932: Everyone!

Su Hang looked at Hong Jun and suddenly felt a little funny. He knew that it was impossible to get any useful information from Hong Jun. He asked him in a hurry, wasn’t it interesting to find it?

At this time, Hong Jun chased the topic and said, "We are only one year away from the Wanjie Conference, how is the elder brother prepared?"

Su Hang shook his head and said, "Do you think I am ready like this?"

Hongjun said, "That ancient peak, the second grade of Dadao Realm, can already be regarded as the top among the generations of Heaven Realm. Although the elder brother has not yet broken through Dadao Realm, his strength has not lost to Dadao Realm and can be easily defeated. Gu Danfeng, it shows brother's ability!"

Su Hang shook his head, just smiled bitterly, what ability? Isn't it based on the theology system? Before the fight, if Gu Danfeng was stupid, he would fight with him for the skill, and it was exactly cheap that he picked it up with the Xueshen system. I am afraid who will die in the end is unknown.

In this game, victory can be said to be luck. That world conference, masters come out in large numbers, and I want to be thorny. I can't rely on luck all the time!

Although he has the ability to cross the ranks against the Dadao Realm, but without breaking through Dadao Realm, he has no confidence at all!

There is more than a year left to break through the realm of the avenue. It is incredible to think about it. How many strong people have been practicing for hundreds of millions of years, but they have never been able to break through the realm of the avenue. One year, even with the aid of the system of learning, Su Hang It all feels virtual.

"How about you? Are you not going to participate? Strictly speaking, you are still young among the high-level monks in heaven?"

Su Hang glanced at Hong Jun. Unfortunately, Hong Jun was connected to Heavenly Dao and spoke for Dadao. Although it was Heavenly Dao Realm, I am afraid that it is no less than Dadao Realm. Xueshen system cannot yet scan his information. Otherwise, directly Spend some energy and learn the skills of Hong Jun, maybe you don’t have to be as passive as you are now, no cause and effect are known, and you are rushing around like a headless fly.

Hong Jun listened to Su Hang's words, but shook his head. "In my own identity and in this way, I'm so embarrassed to go to the Wanjie Conference and play lively? Will it be bombarded!"

The monk's face is the appearance of the mind, and when he is old, he is really old. This is the case with Hongjun. It is no longer the handsome boy when Su Hang first met. The precipitation of time, experience, and cultivation has made him old. Too.

Of course, the appearance of the old does not mean the old age. The current age of Hongjun is only a few hundred million years old. In front of those powerful people who have been cultivated for tens of billions of years, they are really young, but, His identity is a problem. Everyone who knows how to know that he used to be a landlord and super-predecessor, how can he be so busy going to the Wanjie Conference?

Suddenly, Hong Jun said, "There is still more than a year. For practitioners, one or two years is really a flick of a finger, and a nap will be gone. My elder brother will have to hurry up. Lin Shaojie The Lord is basically your biggest opponent, but above the Wanjie Conference, there are not only one or two who can fight against him, not to mention, there are always so many dark horses killed at each conference Some of them have never shown their fame, while others have been hiding their powers before, playing pigs and eating tigers. This conference may be related to the attribution of Dao Patriarch Sect, and a large number of masters will surely come out... "

Speaking of which, Hong Jun paused, looked at Su Hang, and said, "So even Master Lin Shaojie, if he does not dare to be confident, he will surely win the first place, and his brother will have to work harder!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Relax, I dare not say I can win the first place, but I will do my best!"

Hongjun nodded and said, "There is one more thing, but I want to remind my brother!"

"Huh?" Su Hang looked at Hong Jun. "But it's okay!"

Hong Jun said, "The elder brother's decision to be the heir by the real people of heaven has already leaked the wind in the heavenly realm. You also know that the position of the patriarch of the Dadao is important. It is already the peak of the rights of the heavens and the world. I don’t know how many people covet In the past few years, the forces in the heavens have already divided their camps. Your sudden appearance has obviously touched the interests of some people. Therefore, some forces have sneaked into the Xuanhuang Realm for the purpose of You remove!"

"Huh?" Su Hang said, frowning.

Hongjun said, "In the year you disappeared, I have received a few rounds, but fortunately they can't find your whereabouts, and they are afraid of the rule that Zongmen is not allowed to dabble in the masters, and stay for a long time. He left. However, there are not many people who want to kill you. Brother is always careful."

"How could it be leaked, who did it?" Su Hang asked, who is so ill at Nima? Isn't this a cause for hatred?

All of a sudden, he put himself on the target, and was set on fire by many forces. Is this too much for Nima?

"It's no longer meaningful to investigate these things now, and even if I know it, why would my brother care about them?" Hong Jun shook his head. "For more than a year, my elder brother still has to be careful, if he can be on the world in the future The pinnacle of the mountain, mastering the authority of the world, it is not too late to investigate again!"

Su Hang listened, but also for a while helpless, really sitting at home, the disaster comes from heaven.

Su Xuan's first suspect is Lin However, Su Hang vaguely felt that Lin Xuan should not engage in such small actions behind his back, but even if it is not Lin Xuan, it is most likely Lin Xuan The people behind, you know, there are many supporters behind Lin Xuan. These people will definitely not allow any existence that threatens Lin Xuan’s status. Even if Lin Xuan does not do it himself, they will definitely do it.

The situation is very serious. Before the Soviet Airways went to Taikoo, they survived several disasters, but after that, it was definitely not so lucky.

These guys were so bold that they went to Xuanhuangjie to find themselves in trouble. Sure enough, the so-called rules, in the eyes of the strong, are really just like a play.

"However, my elder brother is assured that these people do not dare to be blatant. As long as they are discovered by me and reported to Daozongzong, they will not dare to stay for long, but just have to keep an eye on them!" Hong Jun said.

Su Hang took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth. I haven't been afraid of anyone since Suhang's memoirs. Since they dare to come, I dare to kill, and I can't help it. Come on more!"

Speaking of which, Su Hang’s eyes are full of killing intent. Since they all want me to die, I’m going to live to show you. It is not without the power of World War I. Although I am naturally good-tempered, it does not mean that I am easy to bully.

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