Super Study God

Chapter 1948: 0 gold is hard to buy, I am happy!

"Millions of people under the mountain, gods, whoever have a little kindness, should see the hope of life. If even these unarmed mortals kill, I am afraid that they will laugh at the world. It turned out that I was waiting in the eyes of God Zun, only a ant ruddy dog..." Bilian was humane.

Su Hang turned to look at Zhong Miaozheng and said, "Did you learn such a skill from Zhishan?"

"I don't understand the meaning of God!" Zhong Miaozheng said, looking ready to be generous.

Su Hangdao, "You wait until you know the danger of this trip, but you still confuse the believers and come here to die, what is your heart? Pushing the believers under the door into the fire pit, can the action of waiting for El be called the best?"


Everyone heard it, and it was all stagnation. The disciples of the Taoist Sect could not help but look at each other as if their faith had been impacted, and they didn't know how to answer it.

Zhong Miaozheng said, "They are asking for help from their teachers. As I said just now, they act spontaneously..."

"If they die today, they all died because of your master, because you died in the most good way, and you don't want to dissuade them, but help them rise, wouldn't it be sinful?" Su Hangdao.

Zhong Miaozheng was swallowed by Su Hang, and looked at Su Hang incredulously, "So, is it our fault?"

What's wrong with this, and it's all our fault? You know, we are the victims.

"What do you think?" Su Hang looked at him a little funny. "It's death or life, how to choose, should your master teach you?"

Everyone was speechless for a moment, and Su Hang had given them a choice. One life and one death, the so-called life, and now take people away from Tiandu, so that they would be defeated. The so-called death, everyone died together, even if you die, you have to count this account. On their heads.

They dare not try to scare them if Su Hang is scaring them, because each person has only one life, and millions of lives, in front of such a strong man, it is nothing at all, not even Su Hang. Someone will naturally help him deal with it, such as Liu Ruxu, but add a few more lives.

The people of Mingli know how to choose, but the people of the Most Good Dao Sect are quite embarrassed at this time, but they have agreed with Miaoshan, and they must insist that Miaoshan invites seniors.

Sister, why don't you come back, we can't hold it anymore!

Everyone was anxious in their hearts, thinking about how to delay it for a while.


Perhaps their sisters really heard the cry in their hearts, only heard a thunder in the clear sky, the space was torn apart from the air by a mouth, and the two bodies were instantly drilled out of that mouth.

"I thought I was shameless enough, but I didn't want the deity even more!" A voice sounded from the air.

Immediately, the two figures drifted down from the sky.


Everyone looked up, and the eyes of the Most Good Daoist Sect were all bright. On the throne of a green lotus, a man was sitting. The man looked twenty or thirty years old, but his body was fat, his chest was open, and he looked like a Maitreya Buddha. Again, look closely, this face is somewhat similar to someone.

And the one behind him was Miao Shan, standing endlessly beside the lotus throne like a child.

Finally came back, really timely, this is Bilian Master? But why is it a man?

Although it feels a little weird, the hearts of the Most Good Daoist Sect are all relieved at the moment. Anyway, when the uncle comes, everyone is saved!

"So many people kneel here to beg you, you can be indifferent, and threaten to kill it. This is the **** Suhang. How do I feel that they are better than those so-called evil demons?" The man sat Above the throne of the lotus, hang in the sky and watch Suhang from the top.

Su Jin and others all looked at the suddenly emerged man, his face full of alertness, as if the man came with a threat when he appeared.

Su Hang also looked up at the man in front of him, and the Xueshen system could not scan the information, but looking at the face, Su Hang already had a little bit of clarity in his mind, "I just wanted to find you, but you sent it to your door, Should I say you are stupid?"

The man frowned slightly, "It seems you know me!"

Obviously, Su Hang's remarks had already seen through his origins, which surprised him.

Su Hang smiled softly, "Bu Yaoshan, Bilian real person? A man, a female track number, but you surprised me!"

It turned out that this man was really Bilian, even when Miaoshan went to Bu Yaoshan to see him, he was surprised. This man not only looks similar to the Su Shenzun he has seen, but also actually It was a man, it was really unexpected.

The man heard the words, but there was an indifferent expression on his face, "I am willing to buy a lot of money..."

"Good talk!" Su Hang smiled. "Since the net has been cast, he will die every day. It seems that you are also happy!"

"Of course!" Bilian nodded his turned to look down the mountain, "I didn't want to come, but I was worried about the life under the mountain, if I came, they might be afraid You have been poisoned by Su Shenzun!"

In a word, what he said was really awe-inspiring, and he instantly dressed up as a man with a deep heart, saving suffering and noble sentiment.

The people were very moved, and the disciples of the Taoist Sect could not help but want to rush forward and cry to the uncle who had never seen it before.

But now Miao Shan, who is next to the real person of Bilian, does not know how she feels. At this time, in order to invite this teacher out of the mountain, she has almost hollowed out the family of the sect, and promised many The promised things, but now, Uncle Shi's remarks are really a bit shameless.

Of course, some words of Miaoshan can only be put in my heart, and I dare not say it at all. After all, I still have to rely on this teacher and wait for the master to be rescued. Everything will be fine.

"Ha ha!"

Su Hang smiled and looked at the fat guy in front of him. It was not like a good thing in this face alone. Although he knew that he was the original sin, he didn't know what the original sin was.

"Listening to what you mean, are you here to die for them?" Su Hang looked at him with a smile. "Sure enough, it is a man. If I don't fulfill your intentions, it seems that I am not a human being, or if you I decided to stop here by myself. I will not only hold the people accountable for the crimes under the mountain. I also let her go back to the Supreme Master you want. What about Bilian?


Everyone was stunned, never thought that Su Hang would say such a thing, but this directly took Bilian live.

Let this Bilian live self-discipline, and then everyone is fine? Everyone looked at Bilian real person, this Bilian real person is so valuable?

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