Super Study God

Chapter 1955: Xuanzang, the demon!

Moreover, even if the breakthrough is successful, he can't guarantee that he can beat Lin Xuan. You know, Lin Xuan is a top five-ranking powerhouse, even stronger. With his noble identity, he is not much at the bottom of the box.

What's more, among the heavens and the worlds, there are countless strong men. Above the world conference, there are more than one strong man he will meet. If he is not even interested in Lin Xuan's face, he must be brushed down. Too.

Anyway, in this year, the biggest goal is to break through the realm of the avenue, and there is hope if there is a breakthrough. If the breakthrough cannot be achieved, the Wanjie Conference will almost never be used.

To break through the realm of the avenue, the first task is to clean up these original sins. If you don’t clean them up, you have almost no hope of breaking through the realm of the avenue. Therefore, catching the remaining two original sins is the most important task of Su Hang now. .



The believers under the Tiandu Mountain retreated for two days, and the mountain was ruined to look like this. The matter of the best kind Taoist ancestors leading the believers to surround the mountain has already been popular in the practice circles of the mainland. Many of them are waiting to watch good shows. Yes, but the end result is to disappoint many people.

Western Star Field, Golden Cicada Galaxy!

It belongs to the kingdom of Buddhism. It is the disciple of Jin Chanzi, a disciple of Buddha's seat, which is the seal of Tang Xuanzang's Han Tan merit and deed.

There are 36 stellar galaxies, a total of 527 planets, including 51 Buddhist planets.

It can be said that these fifty-one planets are the source of faith for the Tang Tan merit buddha Tang Xuan Zang. The monks on these planets are basically Buddhist cultivators. In the Buddhist civilization, it is almost difficult to accommodate pagan believers. .

Tan Tanxing is the main star of Jinchan Galaxy, and Tang Xuan Zang’s Baosha Hantan Temple is above this planet.

Tang Xuanzang was very depressed recently. He has already reached the peak of the Great Buddha Realm, which is the peak realm of the Venerable Realm, and he can only enter the Buddha Realm by one step.

As the first disciple of the Buddha seat, Tang Xuanzang was very much looking forward to entering the Buddha's realm as soon as possible and becoming the fourth Buddha of the Buddha's kingdom. However, he has been quietly meditating and practicing recently.

Both of his own apprentices have betrayed the Buddhism and betrayed himself. As long as they remembered that they left without looking back, Tang Xuanzhuang was inexplicably distressed.

Bajie is okay. The foodie, without learning and no skills, has some origins. It's not a pity to go, but it's not a pity, but Wukong...

Just left? Have you forgotten the loyalty of the apprentices of Xitian's classics? He had high hopes for him, how could he be willing to leave him.

Because of the departure of the two apprentices, Tang Xuanzang has almost become the laughing stock of the entire Buddhist kingdom. Now that the Buddha summoned the Buddhist meeting, he dare not go there, fearing that he will be laughed at.

All of this is because of that person!

A figure appeared in Tang Xuanzang's mind, but in the end there was only a helpless grin, and even the Buddha was respectful in front of him. What did he count?


Tang Xuanzang sighed a long time, his heart was full of misunderstandings, how to seek the true self, how to prove my Buddha?

I heard that the Zhishen Daozong led the believers to encircle the Tiandu Mountains, but they didn’t know the result. This is really bold, and even the Buddha did not dare to do all the things that they did. I really wanted to see , How bad he is.

"Amitabha, how can I have such an idea?" Tang Xuanzhuang shook his head. But how could he have such a thought when he was a Buddha cultivator? This has never happened before.

"Sin, sin..." Tang Xuanzang shook his head quickly, closing his eyes quickly, trying to get rid of the miscellaneous thoughts. If a demon was born because of this, it was not good for the practice.

"What does the heart want, what does it mean to sin?" At this time, a sudden voice sounded in the mind of Tang Xuanzang!

Voice? Flayer?

Was the demon born so quickly? Tang Xuanzhuang was shocked in his heart and opened his eyes quickly, only to realize that he was wrong, that the voice was not his own demon, only to see a black light group floated in from outside his Zen room.

"Where is the evildoer?" Tang Xuanzhuang snorted sharply, reaching for a move, and the golden zen stick standing next to him flew into his hand, and directly smashed the black light mass.


The golden zen stick hit the black luminous cluster, and the black luminous cluster immediately bloomed a large black awn. The zen rod seemed to hit a bomb, and was flicked with a bang.

Tang Xuanzhuang could hardly hold it, the Zen stick bounced back, and was inserted directly into the middle of the Zen character on the wall behind him. His right arm was numb, but he was injured by an internal injury. The throat was sweet, and he almost didn't spit out blood.

The whole person was almost overturned. Tang Xuanzang finally pressed down the surging blood and looked up at the black light group in front of him with horror. "What kind of evil thing is it, don't you soon show up?"

"Haha, why is the master so nervous? I just heard your call and came to help you!" The black light group smiled.

"Help me? When did I summon you? Who are you?" Tang Xuanzang looked at the black group in front of him with a breath emanating from it. Tang Xuanzang could clearly feel its power, and this thing Hiding the head and showing the tail is not a good kind.

"You don't need to know who I am, as long as you know, I can help you become stronger and achieve what you think!" That light group said.

"Huh, ridiculous, the poor monk is a monk, no desire, no desire, what do you think in your heart!" Tang Xuanzhuang said.

That light group laughed a’s a monk with a false heart. The apprentice betrayed you, and the second apprentice betrayed you. No resentment in my heart? "

Tang Xuanzhuang heard the words and frowned deeply, "Amitabha, the poor monk will not be fooled by you!"

At this time, Tang Xuanzang was a little bit doubtful whether he really entered the mind-magic realm. After all, he is now in an extraordinary period of breaking through the heavenly realm. Let the heart demons take advantage of the loopholes, and do not know that they are involved in the heart demons.

"You ask your own heart, don't you have no resentful person?" The black light group continued, "The Buddha demolished you in the lower realm, did you have no resentment? The two apprentices left you, did you have no resentment? You take away your two apprentices, do you have no resentment?"

"Enough is enough, you shut up for me!" Tang Xuanzhuang burst into a roar, a face became abnormally terrible, this black light group, it can be said that all sentences are stuck in his heart, that is called a It hurts.

Each word seems to have a powerful power of bewitching, so that a variety of negative emotions surge in Tang Xuanzang's mind.

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