Super Study God

Chapter 1961: Dig your own grave!

More than a year ago, Suhang had already understood the skill of the guy, and was scammed by him for more than 200 billion. This guy did not tell lies. As long as it is Suhang’s money, he can always use it. Without any restrictions, the Suhang could not be stopped.

Therefore, it seems that the Suhang took away the wealth of greed and wanted to use it to make it impossible.

Su Hang listened, but only smiled, extended his left hand, and said, "What about now?"

The words fell, and I saw the ten storage rings and storage bags, etc., slowly melted into the hands of Su Hang, and suddenly disappeared.

Greedy face changed greatly, looking at Suhang in horror. "what have you done?"

It was only a moment that Greed felt that his full power was shrinking madly, that is to say, his wealth was being lost, or intuitively, it should have disappeared.

Su Hang smiled, "I didn't do anything? But some things are there, don't be so nervous, I just destroyed them!"

"Destroyed?" Greedy eyes widened, totally unbelievable, but for more than a year, he spent a lot of effort to collect the wealth, but was actually ruined by this mate?

It must be ruined, otherwise, the wealth is in the hands of Su Hang, he can sense it, and he can use it easily, but now, greed is not felt at all.

As if from a fairy to a mortal, Greed felt an unprecedented weakness, and was frightened and angry, pointing at Su Hang and screaming, "You guy who is a prodigal, you actually..."

So much wealth, that's it...

Su Hang just smiled, "Aren't you desperate? See if you have no money now, can you still stand up?"

Wealth is nothing but what is outside. It is directly destroyed. The greed ability is very special and very powerful, but there are still many flaws behind the power.

"You're so cruel!" Greedy was annoyed and angry. "Do you think that this will cure me? Ridiculously, you ruined my money, could you ruin your own? Over the past year, you I’m afraid the account on earth has risen a lot, right?"

After that, he grinned sneerly, waved his big sleeves, and grabbed the volley. A vortex appeared in the space in front of him, and his right hand reached into the vortex and grabbed something.

From beginning to end, greedy eyes never left Su Hang, his face was mocking.

However, in the next second, the smug smile on Greed's face froze, and looked down at his right hand, the things in his palm, but a bill, a bill of ten denominations.

"How can it be?"

Greedy as if the world view has been refreshed. I can't believe this fact. I reached out and grabbed and grabbed in the vortex, but only grabbed some banknotes.

"How could this be? Your money?" Unbelievably looked up at Su Hang. In his hand, all the paper money added up to only two hundred and fifty dollars.

"It's really a two hundred and five!" Su Hang shook his head and smiled. "Eat a bit, grow a wise one, I've been pitted by you a year ago, am I still so stupid, let you pit it a second time?"

After experiencing that bankruptcy a year ago, Su Hang had already prepared for the rain and transferred all of his assets on the earth to his parents and Xue Xuan and others, even the large credit cards that some banks had given him. After they were all stopped, there was only a small amount of change left in the bank card, just to prevent being trapped again.

Unexpectedly, this guy really wanted to reapply, but this time it was not as easy as last time. It can be said that Suhang is now a penniless egg with no money.


Gnawing his teeth, he could even feel that Su Hang didn't have the slightest breath of wealth. That is to say, in order to catch himself, this guy even destroyed his own wealth, and became a poor egg.

This guy is really ruthless! Greed can't help but scold in his heart, his strength comes from wealth, and now that wealth is gone, power is gone, how can he fight Su Hang?

Now, he even bribes the rules, allowing the rules to open a back door for him, and unable to get the money to help him escape.

"Come on, you can't escape!" Su Hang looked at greed with all his time. Since he had firmly grasped his weakness, how could he let him escape again?

The current corruption, in the eyes of Su Hang, no longer has any threats. Unless there is any local tyrant now showing up to give the wealth of Darby, otherwise, he has no possibility of turning over.

"Do you think that you can catch me this way?" The greedy face was as dark as Li Kui, holding Suhang's 250 yuan in his hand. "Today, I will use this 250 yuan. Let’s see what it means to be born in despair!"

Sure enough, still talking, Su Hang couldn't help laughing, "OK, then let me see, and now, what else can you do!"

Greedy picked up his golden trembling copper plate, "I’m not afraid to let you know that with my greedy treasure, you can amplify the power of greed, as long as there is enough greed to support it, 250 yuan is in my hand. Here, it can also exert a hundred trillion power!"

Speaking of which, the greedy expression became a little crazy, and directly threw the copper plate in his hand into the air.

Su Hang’s gaze fell on the copper plate. I saw that the copper plate flew into the air, and the light was immediately vigorous, and a golden light wave burst out. It even penetrated the space blocked by Su Hang and spread out toward the outside. The whole sky The city was covered in an instant, and even the entire Shige Star was affected by the golden light.

"Let you see the true power of greed!" Greedy and madness were revealed on the greedy face, and the whole person was bathed in the golden light of the copper plate.

Su Hang warned that trillions are trillions, trillions are trillions, and 100 trillions are This guy wants to absorb the power of greed to amplify his money and make his only two One hundred and fifty dollars, exerting the power of one hundred trillion, but it is magnified a trillion times. Is this copper plate so strong?

Su Hang can not underestimate the one-level treasure of the sky axe. With the power of one hundred trillion, he is not afraid. Su Hang is only afraid that this man will use his strength to escape.


However, at this moment, the copper plate in the air suddenly dimmed and fell from the sky.


Greed was obviously ignorant, reaching for the copper plate in his hand, "How? Is it possible?"

In that scene, it was as if the engine had stalled as soon as the engine was started. Greed was completely stupid. There was no unfavorable greed to pass the treasure. It actually lost its function and failed to absorb the slightest greed force.

Su Hang shrugged his shoulders and said innocently, "This is not my business. It is your own death, and you don't look at this place. The innocent people are born with no heart, no desire, no desire, and how come the power of greed Isn’t it the equivalent of touching fish in the desert when you absorb the power of greed here? It’s simply digging your own grave!"

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