Super Study God

Chapter 1963: Encounter 8 rings!

The monk looked embarrassed, "The second ancestor forgive me. It's really not the time for your old man to come. The old man of merit and deed has been closed for many days. The disciples don't dare to bother!"

"Grass egg!" The young man scolded immediately after hearing the words, "This will not work, nor will it work, will it not be possible for me to come far away, and you have to be driven away by you?"

The monk didn't speak, but just smiled bitterly. Obviously, that's what we meant.

The young man was a little embarrassed. It seemed that there was no way to take these monks, and he was embarrassed to break in. He immediately waved his hand and said, "OK, it seems that Master also wants to sever ties with my old pig. , I came here today for nothing else, just looking for the crazy monkey..."

"The second ancestor means master ancestor?" The old monk asked back, and did not wait for the young man to answer, so he spread his hand. "The disciples have never seen it!"

"I haven't seen any farts!" The young man stared at the old monk, "I watched him come from Tan Tanxing, can't it disappear out of thin air?"

The old monk laughed, "Second Master Zu, the disciples have never seen Master Zu!"

"The monk does not swear!" The young man stared, "You haven't seen it again?"

The old monk heard the words, for a while, he was speechless for a moment, and the expression on his face was awkward.

"What? It's speechless?" The young man burst into flames, pointing at the old monk. "Hurry up and say, where did that crazy monkey die? Otherwise, don't blame my old pig!"

"This..." The old monk opened his mouth, but was speechless for a long time.

I couldn't get a fart for a long time, the youth became more and more flaming, and I rolled up my sleeves and wanted to teach these monks.

"Eight Commandments!"

At this time, a voice came from behind the young man. The young man froze for a moment and looked back, only to see a man stepping out of midair.

Seeing the coming person, the young man was stupid, then excited and inexplicable, quickly greeted him, and bowed down, "Master!"

The person coming is Su Hang, and this young man is Ba Jie.

Su Hang did not expect that he would accidentally encounter Bajie here, and immediately raised his hand and lifted it up.

"Master, why are you here?" Ba Jie was excited with a bit of tremolo. He hadn't seen Su Hang for more than a year. At this moment, when he saw it at first glance, it was somewhat difficult to restrain his emotions. He was only emotional. Pig, his eyes were wet on the spot.

"Handle some private affairs!" Su Hang smiled faintly, and glanced at her, "You are not staying on earth, what are you doing here?"

The monks next to me, watching this scene, couldn't help but be amazed. The second ancestor actually called the coming person to be the master, could it be that the person in front of him was the legendary one?

None of the monks knew Su Hang, but they were all wise generations, and no one can guess the identity of the person in front of them.

Ba Jie looked back and quickly explained the reason. It turned out that Ba Jie and Wu Kong had been on the earth for a long time, and they even missed Tang Xuanzang. Although they were unhappy with the Buddha, Tang Xuanzang never treated them badly. , Descendants and lay monsters, the relationship between the master and the apprentice is quite deep.

Recalling the decay of the day, both of them felt a bit sorry for Tang Xuanzang. After all, where did they rebel from Buddhism and place Tang Xuanzang? When the two discussed, they thought to come back and look at Tang Xuanzang secretly.

The two have only the Venerable Realm, and it will take some time from the Eastern Star Zone to the Western Star Zone. Boring on the road, compared to the trip, it is necessary to see who can go to Kung Tak Temple first.

Bajie is also looking for abuse. Compared with speed, where can he compare to Goku, he is thrown away by Goku as soon as he walks the smoke, and when he rushed outside the Gongde Temple, this scene happened just now, merit The monk of the temple actually said that he had never seen Wukong.

From Bajie's point of view, Goku must lead him to Kung Tak Temple for at least one day. Unless the monkey ran halfway to play elsewhere, otherwise these monks could not have not seen him.

Bajie believes that these monks are blaming him, how can he not get angry? If it wasn't for Su Hang that happened to come, I'm afraid I had learned the lessons from these monks.

After the Eight Commandments were finished, Su Hang nodded slightly, "Wukong is alive and active, and may go to other places. You must not disturb this clean place!"

Su Hang said, Ba Jie could only nod, but his heart was a little uncomfortable. Da Lao Yuan’s running came to Tan Xing Xing because he remembered Tang Xuan Zang, Tang Xuan Zang was good. It's so sad!

"I waited to see the deity, but I didn't see the gift!" Ba Jie sighed all the monks' body and immediately yelled.

The monks were taken aback by the Eight Rings. Only then did they wake up and immediately fell to their knees on the ground, incoherently, and they didn't know what to say.

After all, this legendary existence, but sitting on an equal footing with the Taoist ancestor, the Buddha saw people who have to be courteous. When have they seen such great people in their lifetime?

Su Hang raised his head and raised his hands, "You are all Buddhist monks, don't be so restrained!"

The monks were trembling with fear, wherever they dared not be rude, or even dared to raise their heads.

Su Hang was helpless and only asked, "Can Master Xuanzhuang be in the temple?"

Monk Bai Mei heard the words and quickly bowed down to answer, "If you look back to God, the merit Buddha is in the temple, but it has been closed for many days, it seems to want to impact the realm of the Buddha!"

Su Hang nodded, but it was so unlucky, others closed their doors and broke through the realm, but they were not easy to disturb, when even if, "No matter, then there is no need to disturb, when I have not been here!"

Turning to the Eight Commandments after saying, said, "I haven't seen you in a long time, let me go!"

Ba Jie listened to That dare not, but thought of Goku, and said immediately, "That crazy monkey doesn't know where to go, I agreed with him to meet here, I'm afraid he won't find me when he arrives !"

Su Hang listened and turned to the white-bearded monk to look over, "Well, have you ever seen Wukong!"

The white-bearded monk heard the words, paused, and quickly said, "I was here yesterday at noon, and I couldn't stop it. He broke in!"

After listening to the eight precepts, his face was green, and he scolded at the monk.

That looks like it's going to rush up and squash this meal.

The old monk smiled bitterly and said, "The second master ancestor Ming Jian, the master ancestor did come, but after I chased in, there was no shadow. I waited to think that he must have left one more thing than one..."

What a special! Bajie's face turned into pig liver, and he wanted to rub the old monk on the ground. What a special thing is not as good as a little thing. I deceived me that I had never seen the crazy monkey, thinking that I would leave in a funny way. ?

Why don’t I see you now? Bajie felt unprecedentedly hit.

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