Super Study God

Chapter 1976: Enclose the Dadian!

All of a sudden, in addition to the cry of two people in the temple, the needles were so quiet that the hundreds of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas did not make the slightest sound, just like a statue.

When the two cried for a while, they suddenly seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. You must know that they were very appetizing in Lingshan. In the past, if they encountered similar things, surely many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would stand up and agree.

But now, looking up, there were hundreds of people in the temple, none of them stood up and even looked at them with a strange look.

That kind of look really made him a little bit unreadable!

Why is the atmosphere so strange? There was a whisper in both of them, and there was even a bit of anxiety.

At this time, everyone's eyes looked at the entrance of the hall. Ananda and Kaye looked back and saw that the two slowly stepped outside the hall. It was Guanyin Venerable and Tang Xuanzang.

Come so fast?

Both Ananda and Kaye were startled, but then breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were rushed back by the two of them and took the lead.

Right now, before Tang Xuanzang visits the Buddha, Kaye points at Tang Xuanzang and scolds, "Well, Xuanzang, dare to come here?"

Tang Xuanzang glanced at the two men with swollen noses and blue faces, and they couldn't help but smile together, "Don't Xuanzang dare not come when the Buddha calls?"

Kaye was said, his face rose like a pig liver, and he turned directly to the Buddha to say, "Buddha, Xuan Zang has no self-buddha, and even beat the two of me seriously, begging me to be the master!"

"Please be my Buddha!" ​​Ananda said.

After talking, there was a bang!

"Wait for extravagance!" At this time, if he hadn't spoken yet, he listened to the ancient Buddha of Lantern lightly.

Ok? Ananda leaves all looked at the burning lamp. Does this mean that we are arrogant or Xuanzang?

At the moment, the two asked the ancient Buddha of Lantern to take charge, but he listened to the lantern and said, "Before waiting, the Venerable Guanyin has already clarified the matter. Will waiting to reverse the right and wrong here?"

"Ah?" Ananda Jiaye heard the words and looked to the Venerable Guanyin next to him.

The relationship between Guanyin and Xuan Zang is naturally to help Xuan Zang to speak. The two thought they took the lead, but they didn't want to have been reached by Xuan Zang and Guan Yin.

You know, Xuan Zang now breaks through the realm of Buddha, and one by one comes and goes naturally faster than them.

"Buddha, don't listen to the nonsense of these two people. Xuan Zang's self-esteem is big and humiliating my Buddha. The disciple is so angry. Instead of his theory, he was beaten by the merit temple, and the wicked people first complained, and asked the Buddha to learn!" Ananda quickly knelt down. Road.

"Pray for Master Ming Jian!" Kaye also prodded quickly!

Looking at this scene, the Buddhas in the temple shook their heads one after another. Although they didn't know exactly what happened, everyone was very clear about Tang Xuanzhuang's character and character. The Buddha and the former celebrities are used to being domineering.

What's more, the two of them are too lack of eyesight, and don't look at the timing. It is too irrational to send Tang Xuanzhuang now. Instead, they will only ignite the body. Even if the Buddha intends to favoritism, they may not be spared.

Rulai closed his eyes and couldn't understand what he was thinking. At this time, Mi Tuo opened his mouth and said to Tang Xuanzang, "Xuanzang, what do you say?"

Before Xuan Zang spoke, he saw Venerable Guanyin folded his hands together, performed a salute, turned to look at Ananda and Kaye, and then said, "The two Venerables, a nonsense!"

Venerable Guanyin was rushing to speak at this time, but she was afraid of Xuan Zang’s bad things. She could clearly feel that Xuan Zang had changed a lot. If Xuan Zang opened his mouth, he might say something, but here is before the Lingshan Buddha, No worse than Tan Tanxing Temple of Merit!

It’s simple, just one nonsense, there is not much explanation at all, and she seems too lazy to explain, because she is very clear that the situation is here, this Ananda and Kaye are already cold!

"Guru Guanyin, you..."

Both Ananda and Kaye opened their mouths and looked at Venerable Guanyin in a daze. This was still in their memory, and Venerable Guanyin faced them up for the first time.

Looking at the Buddhas in the temple, none of them stood up to speak for them. Both of them had realized something, and they suddenly felt like they were blown up by Wulei.

At this time, Rulai finally spoke, "Since you both hold the same word, then let it be put on hold for a while. After the seal is sealed, the deity will find out the cause and effect, and wait for a fair!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at the past.

After enclosing the ceremony? Isn't that Xuanzang becoming a Buddha? How can the two of them turn over? Ananda and Kaye both had a tight heart, and had something to say.

But Rulai apparently didn't give them a chance to make a statement, and directly said, "Ananda Kaye, don't go down to tidy up the ritual, the seal is coming soon. What kind of system do you wait for like this?"

When Ananda Jiaye heard it, even though it was so uncomfortable, she could only bear it.

"Disciple Honors!"

With great unwillingness, the two retreated, and when they turned around, they did not forget to give Tang Xuanzhuang a cannibalistic look, but they had to come to Tang Xuanzang's disregard.

Ananda's teeth were itchy, but she didn't dare to attack at this time. Prepare to plan and make it difficult when you choose!

"The Fengfeng General Assembly is coming, all the ten saints have come to observe the ceremony, and can't wait for a long time, all the Buddhas and their deities, go to the Buddhist altar!" At this time, as a saying came, a thick voice spread throughout the Great Hall.

"Legal Purpose!"

The buddhas responded in unison, and immediately swarmed away from the nest as swarms of swallows, and each flew out of the hall, showing their respective phases.

At the foot of Lingshan ~ ~ countless Buddhist believers, seeing this grand scene, they bowed down and bowed, the scene was a bit out of control.


The Buddhist altar, three hundred miles away from Lingshan Mountain, is in a canyon. Because the canyon is still surrounded by mountains, it was selected by the Buddhist gate long ago, making it the most sacred place besides Lingshan Mountain.

On the day of the sermon, the Buddha will come here to give lectures for the disciples of Buddhism, and there will be other ceremonies, such as the grand ceremony of sealing the ceremony, which will also be held here.

The entire Buddhist altar covers a wide area and is built like an ancient Roman colosseum. Below is a square. A high platform is built on the square. Around the canyon walls, there are circle after circle platforms above the platform. , Covered with futons.

The entire space of the Buddhist altar is large enough to accommodate 100,000 people. At this time, the Buddhist altar was already crowded with people. The Buddhist monks invited the monks to observe the ceremony this time.

It can be said that the reputation and face of the Three Saints of Buddhism in Xuan Huangyu is large enough. I am afraid that few invitations have come out. From Tang Xuanzhuang's breakthrough to the present, so many masters have gathered in just three days. Looking at the whole Xuanhuang Realm, I'm afraid that few companies can do it.

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