Super Study God

Chapter 1979: The deep meaning of Buddha!

Xuan Zang said, "Isn't the God Venerable invited by the Buddha to come to observe the ceremony? Today is the day when the poor monk is sealed and can receive the God Venerable. Xuan Zang is really grateful."

Pretending to be stupid, Kung Fu is first-rate, Su Hangdao, "Whether you can understand what I am saying or not, I will only tell you, if today’s ceremony can be successfully completed, if there is something wrong in the middle, I don’t Will sit and watch..."

Having said that, Su Hang turned to Xuan Zang for the next year, "You should know what I mean, this is not the same as the year, you should know the consequences of playing with fire."

Xuan Zang paused for a moment, then smiled without a word.

The Venerable Guanyin next to him was puzzled, completely confused. What is Venerable God saying to Xuan Zang? How do you feel in the clouds? What kind of dumb mystery?

I want to inquire, but I dare not. After all, in front of this god, who is the same as Taoist ancestor, unless he takes the initiative to ask himself, why would he dare to intervene?

Looking at Xuan Zang with puzzled eyes, the doubts of Venerable Guanyin are even worse. The change of Xuan Zang is too great, unlike the previous Xuan Zang, what makes him so calm in front of God Venerable?

Su Hang did not speak anymore. He believed that the person next to him had already received his warning.


Time has slowly passed, for example, the Buddha’s Zen Buddhism has come to an end, and it has been spoken for three or five hours. Many people present have been sleepy. After all, most of them are seniors, and many are Those who don’t have a cold for the Dharma, simply don’t get used to the Buddhism.

However, there are also some monks who have benefited greatly from Buddha’s meditation. After all, Buddhism and Taoism all belong to one family, and the Dharma and Taoism have lessons for each other. The Buddha personally taught the scriptures. For many monks who are not high-level, It is also very empirical.

Some people are fascinated, while others are sitting on the needle felt, until the afternoon, as if the Buddha came to realize the key points, he stopped the conversation, and officially began the ceremony of the fourth Buddha's seal.

"Than Tan merit merit Buddha, Tang Xuanzhuang stepped forward to listen to the letter!" Rulai said.

Some monks who were dozing off suddenly came to their spirits. All eyes turned to Tang Xuanzang, who was sitting with Shenzun in this corner.

"Xuan Zang, the Buddha summoned." Venerable Guanyin reminded quickly.

Xuan Zang smiled slightly when he heard the words, slowly stood up, and walked abruptly toward the high platform of the square.

The sound of Buddha music around, the monks sang the Buddha, transformed into a lot of Dharma lotus, blooming in the air, slowly falling, the scene is beautiful.

Tang Xuanzhuang was wearing a Jinlan cassock, holding a zen stick, and slowly stepped up on the beat. That temperament, that kind of appearance, became the focus of the moment.

If it wasn’t for a sudden breakthrough in the realm of Heavenly Venerable, how many people still know that there is such a Buddha in Buddhism? At this moment, he stood at the focal point. Those who used to look down upon him can only look up to him now.

Pride, glory, all this is brought by power.

Su Hang was watching from afar, but just shook his head. This battle was really extravagant. The Buddhists pursued the four major emptiness. How should they pursue such a situation? Of course, Su Hang also understands that the Buddhists want to carry forward. To make a fuss about things, so as to spread the faith, some situations have to do so, but it is a matter of stubbornness, which is contrary to the original intention of the Buddhist cultivator.

In the eyes of Su Hang, only those ascetic monks can be regarded as true Buddhists.

"Xuan Zang visits me Buddha."

Xuan Zang calmly walked up to the high platform slowly, stopped his steps, held a stick with his hand, and gently pushed a pestle to the ground, the other hand stood upright in front of his chest, and bowed slightly towards the three sages of Buddha.

If the Buddha came to see Xuan Zang, his brow was slightly wrinkled, and he has always been sensitive, feeling that Xuan Zang seemed to be missing something at this time!

That's right, there is indeed something missing and a little respect for the Buddha. At this time, Rulai Buddha seems to have no sense of Xuan Zang's respect for himself.

Rulai's brows spread quickly, and if he wasn't a person with a heart, he wouldn't see anything wrong with his face.

"Xuan Zang." If he came, his voice was like thunder, as if there were thousands of echoes, and his ears were buzzing, "You were originally a disciple Jin Chanzi, who was a disciple of this seat, and reincarnated in the lower realm to spread the Dharma. The practice of the world, the final virtue is complete, and today it is my luck to break through the realm of the Buddha. I am today to seal you as a Buddha of merit, and to give Jinlian with nine merits, and enjoy the incense of the ten domains of the Buddha..."

At the moment, I saw the right hand of Buddha Rulai spread out, a golden lotus flew out of his palm, and slowly flew to Xuan Zang.

Merit Jinlian, this is the highest sacred object in the Buddhist temple. Among the entire Buddhist monastery, not many have received this sacred object from the Buddha, but there are also many. Many Buddhas and Bodhisattva King Kong Luohan, who have great merit, have been once The Buddha gave Golden Lotus merit.

But the merit of Jinlian is also superior. This lotus is only differentiated from the twelve-grade golden lotus sitting down by the Buddha. Naturally, there are three, six, nine, etc., but at this moment, the Buddha gave a nine-grade lotus platform to Xuan Zang, It was a little embarrassing.

The ninth-grade golden lotus is a rare thing in the Buddhist temple, but it is not so rare. At least 20 or 30 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have received the ninth-grade golden lotus, including Guanyin Puxian and others.

The Buddha gave a nine-grade golden lotus to Xuan Zang. Doesn't that mean that in the heart of the Buddha, Xuan Zang's status is equivalent to those of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas?

You know, after Xuanzang was sealed, how could the fourth Buddha of Buddhism be juxtaposed with other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? In this way, what kind of Buddha can be called

Outsiders don't understand the doorway, but many Buddhist disciples are present, but their hearts are very clear. Everyone's eyes are looking at the Jiupin Lotus Terrace, and the scene seems a bit embarrassing.

Among them, Guanyin was also stunned. The Buddha gave these nine grades of lotus platform. The connotation is too deep, even if it is her, at this time there are some unfairness in Xuan Zang's heart.

The two venerables, Anan and Kaye, who stood behind the Buddha, were sneering at this time. The meaning of the Buddha giving these nine-grade lotus stands is obvious. Even if Xuanzang became the fourth Buddha, the status is only the same as that of the ordinary Buddha. No difference.

There is only the name of a Buddha in the sky, a newly-increased Buddha realm, also want to sit on par with Buddha?

The eyes of the two people are clearly watching Xuan Zang's joke at the moment. I was still worried that Xuan Zang would become a Buddha, which would be detrimental to the two of them, but now it seems that worry is completely unnecessary. In the eyes of the Buddha, Xuan Zang is nothing more than a tool to boost the momentum of Buddhism. What other value is there?

Xuan Zang looked at the nine-pink lotus platform in front of him, and wondered if he understood the deep meaning contained in it. He reached out directly and held it in his hand.

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