Super Study God

Chapter 1981: Buddha, save me!

The demon has not been eliminated? What is the reason? Post-breakthrough depression?

If the three people heard the words, their brows stretched slightly, but Venerable Guanyin's words gave the two parties a step.

At this moment, in the face of the gods of the four sides, it is indeed not easy to attack. For example, the Buddha is preparing to let Xuan Zang retreat, and he does not care about it. At this time, where is Ananda Kaye willing to let go of this deadly mystery easily Zang, the opportunity to avenge Xuefen.

"Hum, Venerable Guanyin, I know you have a great relationship with Xuan Zang, but before this is the case, you still have to defend it? But don't go astray and fall into the abyss." Kaye was cold. Facing the Goddess of Mercy said.

Venerable Guanyin glanced at the two of them, and immediately pointed to Rulai Buddha, "Buddha Mingjian, if the two Venerables of Ananda Kaye instigated, Xuanzang would not be here..."

what? Ananda and Kaye were shocked? How do I instigate? It's clear that Xuanzang himself admits disrespect to the Buddha. What's the matter with me? I can't wait for a while?

"Buddha..." Kaye was anxious and turned to Rulai for help.

"shut up!"

Rulai was still sitting like an old monk, but the ancient Buddha burning next to him drank, a face black as if to drip ink, a pair of bright and dignified eyes, looked very harshly at Xuan Zang, "Xuan Zang, What do you say?"

Everyone looked at Xuanzang, and the atmosphere on the high stage was extremely tight, as if it had solidified, and the breathing was still.

Xuan Zang smiled faintly, like Mu Chunfeng, "I can't say anything."


The ancient Buddha burning the lamp felt that he was taken aback, extremely depressed, and immediately said, "Is it because of your two apprentices? Feeling resentful?"

Xuanzang said nothing.

Mi Tuo said, "Xuan Zang, you are in a pose. Your two apprentices are traitors from the Buddha. It has nothing to do with my Buddhism. My Buddhism treats these two men not too thin. You are now a Buddha, and you have a great future. Don’t mistake yourself."

Between words, with a great warning, Mita is also helpless, but a ninth-grade golden lotus only, as for this? Is Tang Xuan Zang too axious?

Is it true that when honest people start a fire, they really don't care about anything?

I am also an apprentice. Even if you want to discriminate, you don’t need to be at this time. Now that you blow up Xuanzang, how can you get off stage today?

A good deck of cards, played so stinky, was originally a plan, but it seems to be developing in an unfavorable direction.

At this moment, my heart is also bitter. Xuan Zang has always been honest. He wanted to remind him that even if he became the fourth Buddha, he would not be able to sit on par with the Three Saints. But who can think of such a honest person, how can it be so real. ?

First of all, the two disciples under Xuanzang's seat betrayed the Buddha, and then there was the matter of the good priests not long ago. It can be said that the Buddha is now in constant scandal. I wanted to take this opportunity to play a turn card. Too.

"No, no." Xuan Zang shook his head and said, "It's not Xuan Zang's appearance, Xuan Zang just wants to sit in another seat, Xuan Zang is a meritorious ancestor, then on this high platform, there should naturally be Xuan Zang A seat."

With that said, Xuanzang walked next to Mi Tuo and sat down on the futon next to Mi Tuo.

Everyone was shocked. That seat was originally prepared for Su Hang. Su Hang did not go to sit, but was instead taken by Xuanzang?

Venerable Guanyin and Ananda Jiaye were so shocked to say that this Xuanzang was absolutely crazy. He was definitely forcing the Buddha to rule him.

A monk who has just entered the Buddha's realm is undeniably strong in front of them, but in front of the veteran Buddha realm like the Three Saints of Buddha, that is simply a dish.

Inflated so much? How dare you equal the Buddha? who do you think You Are?

Many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were unable to sit still, and even wondered whether Xuanzang had a life without love because his disciple betrayed the Buddha.

"Xuan Zang..." Venerable Guanyin murmured. She was already very clear that she could not save Xuan Zang.

"evil creature."

Sure enough, Xuan Zang's act of sitting on the futon completely angered the Buddha, who came directly to Xuan Zang's finger in the air, transformed into dozens of golden auras, and put it on Xuan Zang's body from top to bottom.

Originally, in order to take care of the overall situation and the face of the Buddhism gate, such as coming and going to endure the anger in his heart, but in the face of Xuan Zang's repeated provocations, he could not bear it. If he did not try to suppress at this time, the face of the Buddhism gate could not help being dull. I'm afraid that his authority in Buddhism will be lost.

Xuan Zang can provoke today, does it mean that others can also provoke tomorrow?

Buddha finally shot, long-awaited.

Xuan Zang was cold, and everyone clearly understood this. Venerable Guanyin closed his eyes helplessly, and silently mourned for Xuan Zang in his heart. You can never save a person who is determined to die.

The golden aura instantly wrapped Xuan Zang and tightened it quickly, seeming to bind Xuan Zang. Everyone looked at Xuan Zang, with a trace of pity in their eyes. Why bother, and be against the Buddha, is this not a shivering tree?


Xuan Zang did not panic, but was shocked, and everyone was shocked to find that those apertures collapsed instantly.

Just like the smoke rings, they disappeared instantly.


Even now, he was stunned at this time. Although this trick circle was only made by him, it was definitely not a place where a Buddhist cultivator who had just entered the Buddha's realm could resist.

Xuanzang actually has the ability to resolve it?

While everyone was amazed, Rulai had already realized that Xuanzang might not be determined to die, but he had some skills...

what's going on? Rulai Buddha missed it? How can it be? Was it because it didn’t take a long time, so the hand was born? Or is it to open up Xuanzang?

Anyway, missed a hit, and for Rulai Buddha, it was already dull.

Xuan Zang looked like this, "What does the Buddha mean? Does it mean that the fourth Buddha, Xuan Zang, is not qualified to sit here?"

"Xuan Zang, you are bold." Kaye immediately came out and snorted. The Buddha shot and grabbed you. How dare you resist?

Xuan Zang looked at Kaye with cold eyes, "You two have repeatedly provoked the deity, and if you commit a crime, you should be annihilated."

At that moment, a palm was gently shot, and the two of Kaye were creepy, only to hear a thunderbolt above the head, and the black clouds gathered, and they immediately condensed into a giant palm and pressed down against the two.

The huge coercion directly caused Ananda and Kaye to kneel on the ground, and before the giant palm fell, they were already forced to lift their heads.

"Buddha, save me."

The two were so terrified that they never imagined that Xuanzang dared to kill the two of them in front of the Buddha, and was still so powerful. After exhausting all his energy, he gave a hysterical cry.

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