Super Study God

Chapter 2032: Huai Shui Old Turtle!

sweat! Su Hang couldn't hear it anymore beside him. Was this Fuxi **** special for fun?

"Brother, how can you do this?" Nu Wa is also a little speechless. "So many people are robbing for it, it must be a great thing. How can you not ask, always so old and good, knowing that there are I should go and see this!"

Fu Xi scratched his head and his face was full of embarrassment. It seemed that he was not missed by this younger sister.

Su Hang, who was listening next to him, was curious and interjected, "Brother Fu Xi can calm down a war with his own strength, and his ability is not small!"

Everyone loves to listen to good words, and Fu Xi is of course no exception. He used to be a bit wary about Su Hang, but now when Su Hang touted it, he immediately put down a lot.

"Brother Su Hang, you are right. I went there. At that time, the scene was really overwhelming. When I saw it, I started to fight. I said it was good. Everyone finally sold me a little bit of face and stopped the battle for a while! "Fuxi said."

Su Hang heard that the forehead was covered with black lines. Didn't the primitive people know modesty?

"So, just a temporary strike? What if it fights again?" Su Hang asked.

Fu Xi paused for a moment, and he didn't think about the problem. "Then there is no way. If they fight again, I will go to persuade the war. I believe my face is still useful!"

Su Hang heard it and couldn't help but smile, "Brother Fu Xi, you can persuade once or twice, but not three times or four times, but the number of persuasion times is too much, but the other side gets bored, maybe even you fight together. Treating the cause, and drinking thirst to quench thirst, will only make the contradiction grow bigger and bigger. When the day cannot be suppressed, it will break out. I am afraid that it cannot be resisted!

Fu Xi froze for a moment. Obviously Su Hang said something very reasonable. He has never analyzed the seriousness of this one. After all, this world is still barren, and there are not so many intrigues. They calculate each other. What they do every day It's all daily life, even the practice is aimless, but it is much simpler than the monks in later generations.

"Then, in the opinion of Brother Su, what is the solution to the symptoms and the root cause?" Fu Xi asked.

Nu Wa also looked to Suhang. At this time, the thoughts of the two siblings were quite simple.

Su Hangdao, "Of course, the root cause must be found. The reason why they will fight is, as you said, just to grab a thing, first figure out what they are robbing, this matter can really be solved!"

"That's right!" Nu Wa nodded and agreed with Su Hang's words.

Fu Xi also nodded slightly, "It's really the truth, then I will go again now and ask what they are robbing and trying to deal with!"

After talking about it, Fuxi got up and left, it was really hot.

But she was stopped by Nu Wa, "Brother does not have to be anxious. At this time, it is too late. Since they were dissuaded by their brother, they will not fight again so quickly. Tomorrow morning, I will go with my brother so that my brother will not be caught again. They bully!"

"Why have I ever been bullied?" This remark made Fu Xi feel uncomfortable.

Su Hang looked next to him, but no longer intervened. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he could follow the brother and sister together and see the strange world together.



One night passed quickly, woke up in the morning, Fu Xi was no longer stubborn, thinking that his cave would be more comfortable to sleep on than Su Air’s big mattress. The brothers and sisters had a lot of goodwill towards Su Air. People who might surprise them.

Only because of its mysterious origin, the brother and sister haven't let go of their final vigilance.

Huai Shui!

A huge and huge river, lying across the continent, can't see the side at a glance, but I don't know where the opposite bank is. The river is rolling, caught in countless yellow sand, and heading eastward all the way.

Such a momentum, ordinary beasts dare not approach this river, accidentally swept down by the water waves, it is absolutely dead.

In this Huai River, there is an old turtle living, and I don’t know how many years old I am alive. Even the brothers and sisters of Fuxi can’t say it, regardless of their strength, the age of this old turtle is already the old predecessor of brothers and sisters of Fuxi. .

The old turtle claimed to be the ancestor of Huai Shui, but it was a great demon god. He dived in this Huai water all the year round, and rarely came out of the river to walk around.

And this time, in order to grab something, the old turtle also shot, the thing enough to see is absolutely extraordinary.

The two brothers and sisters of Fu Xi came to visit this old turtle essence, because in Fu Xi's opinion, among the many parties, this old turtle essence should speak a little better.

And Su Hang, naturally came with a cheeky face!


As soon as the three men arrived by the river, they saw a tremor on the ground, and the water surface also followed the waves. Suddenly, a huge wave blew up a huge wave. I saw a waterway cut off the entire river, and then, from the bottom of the river , A huge head stretched out.

Like a mountain, the head was covered with terrifying corners, two huge eyes, like two huge lakes, just a head is too big to end.

Immediately, a larger body moved out of the river. The green-green turtle's back, with the camel covered with thick silt, was washed by the river and the silt quickly spread.

Suhang can't help but look at it. This is a big turtle. How big is this pot to stew?

Such a terrifying beast does not know how many years it will take to grow to such a look.

The momentum was oppressed and thick like a mountain. Su Hang felt that the momentum of this turtle was almost the same as that of Fu Xi's brothers and sisters.

"Old turtle, why did you come out?" Fu Xi shouted far When he came before, he always went directly into the water, but he has never seen this old turtle make such a big movement.

Old Turtle's body, which was bigger than the mountain, was lying on the shore, directly covering half of the sky. An old voice came from the clouds in the sky, "Fu Xi, who is this next to you?"

"My sister Nuwa, old turtle you should have seen!" Fu Xi shouted.

Nu Wa raised her head and said, "Tao Lao, it's very hard for you to put us on our neck like this!"

"It's harder for me to bury my head like this!" Lao turtle said, and his body shrank quickly. After a while, an old turtle with a height of several meters appeared in front of the three people, and the old turtle shook his mouth. Beard, said to Fu Xi, "Can I still not know your sister, I mean, this kid next to you!"

Fu Xi seemed to have recovered, turned to look at Su Hang, and said to the old turtle, "His name is Su Hang, count as half of my friends!"

"Friend?" Old turtle heard the words, and looked at Su Hang up and down with a kind of scrutiny. "Oh, Fu Xi, old man, I advise you, but don't believe that some exist too easily, don't just see someone as a friend... "

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