Super Study God

Chapter 205: 1 surprise!

Ye Xueyi said, but also a look of indignation, but with a bit of worry in his anger, "Grandpa is now worried not only how to explain to the top, but also that Qian Feng has gone astray after stealing this technology."

Su Hang understands very well that such a technology is simply a big killer for ordinary people. It is good for good and evil for good.

"Should your grandfather be at home? I'll visit him." After hesitating, Su Hang felt that he still had to visit Deng Wentao.

Ye Xueyi hurriedly stopped, "Are you going now? Grandpa has been in a bad mood these days, and no one has seen him."

"You help me take time off."

Su Hang didn't say anything. He left directly. He felt that it was necessary to meet Deng Wentao at this time.

Ye Xueyi stomped vigorously, and asked for any leave to catch up.


When Su Hang came to Deng Wentao's house to find Deng Wentao, the dean comrade was taking a nap on the desk in the study. He was a little surprised at the arrival of Su Hang. What is similar in nature.

"Have you heard?" Deng Wentao asked Su Hang before he could speak.

Su Hang nodded, "I heard a little, Dean, please be sad."

When Deng Wentao heard it, he could not help crying and laughing.

It's just that Qian Feng's betrayal really made him very distressed. After so many years, he carefully tuned it out and placed his hopes on the students, stealing his own technology. This made him completely unacceptable.

In academia, this behavior is absolutely disgusting. Not even a thief, until today, Deng Wentao still does not want to believe that all this is true.

"Sit down, Xueyi, and make two cups of tea." Deng Wentao smiled bitterly and motioned to Su Hang to sit down and talk. Xuan was about to give Ye Xueyi out later.

Ye Xueyi thought that Deng Wentao would expel Suhang. Looking at the situation now, it didn't seem to be what she imagined, so she warned Su Hang not to talk nonsense and left the study immediately.

Speaking of this, Qian Feng has this, and it has something to do with Su Hang. Qian Feng is extremely conceited, losing in the hands of Su Hang, and still losing so thoroughly. I will certainly not be convinced in my heart. Jealousy is the most terrible original sin of mankind. The appearance of Su Hang is an introduction that leads to the darkest thing hidden in Qian Feng's heart. Only then will this kind of bullying of the ancestor be done.

"I didn't think I would leave for a few days, something like this would happen." Su Hang sighed first, and then said, "I heard Xueyi's students say something about it, but, Mr. Deng, how are you going to deal with this?"

"What else can we do." Deng Wentao smiled bitterly again. "If I was blind, I would have raised such a white-eyed wolf, so the advanced safe can pry me open. I wanted to give him a chance to let him return, but phone, SMS, all available contacts He couldn’t be reached in any way. This matter is too big to report. It’s ruined in his life.”

"Perhaps he was just confused for a while, and he figured it out a few days later, and he came back in his own right." Su Hang said he was comforting, but he didn't even believe it when he said that.

Deng Wentao shook his head indifferently and sighed, "This is a very bad thing. It is highly valued above, and he can't escape even if he wants to escape, alas..."

"Listen to Xueyi students, it is a mechanical prosthetic technology, I do not know how advanced it can be?" Su Hang asked curiously.

Deng Wentao listened, and did not hide it. After all, Su Hang's talent in mechanics was something he had never seen in his life. Saying it could only be regarded as a discussion among peers.

"Leaded by me and three other academicians, the elite team of thousands of people, after ten years of hard work, where can they go?" Deng Wentao replied in a regretful tone, "Although the name is intelligent mechanical prosthesis In fact, it is a high degree of fusion of muscle neurology, bioelectronics, mechanics and artificial intelligence. If he only takes that batch of samples, he will also take away the key technology. With his ability, I am afraid that it will not be used. How long can the essence of it be fully understood, this technology is not only limited to amputated limbs, but also used in the replacement of bones, eyes, ears, nose and nose, and even the human body parts such as the spinal cord. Moreover, he took away the products made by the Academy of Sciences The first batch is currently the only batch of samples."

"Is the technology in our country so good?" Su Hang asked.

Although he had been to Beijing, he had never been to the Academy of Sciences. Xue Xuan wanted to give him the title of Honorary Academician, but he had already refused him. Therefore, he did not have a deep understanding of the National Academy of Sciences.

According to Deng Wentao, it is possible to make robots, and they are humanoid robots in the true sense. After all, other parts of the body can be replaced by machines. That is also half a robot.

Deng Wentao smiled bitterly, "Don't underestimate the wisdom of 1.3 billion people. There are many people doing this kind of research in the world. Many things can't be seen on the surface. They can be seen by the public, perhaps just icebergs. In the corner, our country started late, but after several generations of efforts, we have been able to stand in the world's leading ranks in this regard."

It makes sense to say that there are 1.3 billion people in China alone, how can the wisdom of 1.3 billion people be underestimated? The world is so big, who dares to say that he can see every corner clearly?

"Is there a flaw?" Su Hang asked.

Deng Wentao shook his head, "It is still unknown for the time being, the first generation of samples, originally wanted me to go to the Academy of Sciences for verification, and then conduct the final experiment, but because of the anti-gravity engine, I really don't want to split, so they sent them , This incident happened unexpectedly."

"I haven't sent a few people to guard such an important thing, is it too hasty?" Su Hang was speechless for a while. If he was replaced by him, he would have to find a few soldiers to guard if he was taken lightly. Is too big.

"Who can expect to be hit by a house thief." Deng Wentao shook his head and sighed.

"Can I ask, what are the samples?" Su Hang hesitated and asked.

"One pair of legs, one pair of hands. Fortunately, it's just at the verification stage. They didn't agree to install lethal weapons on it, otherwise, it would be more troublesome." Deng Wentao didn't shy away. The new type of nanofiber material is indestructible as a muscle. In theory, it can amplify the human body's strength many times. I am afraid that the boy has extreme thoughts and does not want to put his intact body. I am cruel to equip myself.

At this time, Deng Wentao was still thinking about Qian Feng, which shows how much hope Deng Wentao had for Qian Feng before. However, the greater the hope and the greater the disappointment, Suhang could understand his current mood.

Deng Wentao’s worries are not non-existent. Qian Feng’s extreme thinking is very likely to be done, but it is not necessary to succeed or not. If he is alone, it will definitely not be completed. The grafting of machinery and human body is not Ordinary people just need to have an operation, and it must be done by professionals.

Thinking of this, Su Hang had another layer of worry, "Lao Deng, you said, wouldn't he be fooled by someone or any organization to do this kind of thing?"

Deng Wentao nodded slightly, "I thought about it that way, that **** is not stupid, knowing the consequences of doing so, if no one instructs it, it will definitely not work out, but this matter is top secret, people who know this technology Very few..."

"I can't see it, if it is top secret, it will not be the case that the school is all about Qian Feng stealing technology." Su Hangdao.

Deng Wentao had nothing to say and fell silent. This matter is indeed top secret. The reason why it will spread is mainly because his weather was dizzy. When a teacher came to visit him in the school, he mentioned it casually, but did not mention it. The technology is only a few words, so people outside only know that Deng Wentao has a technology stolen, but the specific content is not known.

"Okay, it's useless to talk about it. Someone will deal with it." Deng Wentao started the conversation and talked to Su Hang about the experience of Su Hang going to Beijing these days.



"My grandfather was depressed for the past few days, and it's better to see you. Come and talk with him when you have time." Ye Xueyi followed Su Hang. Since the incident of Qian Feng, Deng Wentao has been depressed. Today As soon as Su Hang came, she saw a long-lost smile from Deng Wentao's face, and she also added a little more to Su Hang.

Su Hang just smiled, and if it was him, he must be depressed, or, not only depressed, but if he was, he had to grab the white-eyed wolf back and slap it.

"I blame Qian Feng. I had misunderstood him before. This time I will definitely affect my grandfather. Most of the honorary academician's title can't be guaranteed." Ye Xueyi said with a small face.

"Why, wasn't Qian Feng brother Qian's cry very happy?" Su Hang asked quipped.

In the end, I got a glance from Ye I'm not in that mood to joke with you, don't let me see him again, or I will beat him hard. "

With a small pink fist, a docile bunny seemed to turn into a tigress. It is conceivable that this incident must have caused quite a blow to the girl.


The two classes in the afternoon were painless and itchy. After Deng Wentao came out, Su Hang did not go to school. He went directly to Xue Xuan and brought her the matter of Deng Wentao.

Xue Xuan listened, but there was no accident, apparently already knew.

"Look at this..." Without talking about Deng Wentao, Xue Xuan put a document in front of Su Hang. "You just got a fax from the Beijing City Military Association this morning. You will be surprised."

That looks like something really big! (To be continued. (.)) () "Super God of Learning" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing Healthy green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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