Super Study God

Chapter 2055: Passionate prodigal son!

The tens of thousands of swords made the terrified Yin Wucheng close his eyes.

"Hey, even if you are afraid of death, you don't need to call your father." At this time, a voice rang in his ears.

Yin Wu hurt immediately, the first feeling was that his dad appeared, but soon felt something was wrong. The sound sounded familiar, but it was not that familiar.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the countless sword rain had just synthesized another handle, hovering in front of him, and the tip of the sword was pointing at his eyebrow.

And Su Hang was standing not far from the valley mouth, looking at him with a smile, there was no figure of his dad nearby. Obviously, that voice was Su Hang just now.

"It's so tangled, do you say I should agree or not?" Su Hang looked a bit mean.


Yin Wucheng was furious, and this man dared to take advantage of himself, even when he had to fist desperately with Su Hang.

However, the radiating light of the chasing sword immediately forced him back, and the sword stood in front of him, and Yin Wucheng didn't dare to do too much.

"You can kill me if you have the ability." Yin Wu hurt said directly.

"It's a tough guy." Su Hang came over and looked at Yin Wu hurt up and down. "I know what you are thinking, you are thinking, I would not dare to kill you, because your parents will definitely show up to save you, As your parents, my end will be miserable..."

Yin Wucheng heard the words and frowned lightly. Obviously, he was told by Su Hang that he really thought so.

Who the **** is this guy, why do he always feel that he has been eaten by him? With unlimited doubts in Yin Wushang's heart, will this really be just an untouchable in the lower realm?

"What's the matter?" Although this kind of parent-dependent thing is not glorious, and even a little embarrassed, at this moment, Yin Wushang admitted quite frankly, "If you dare to kill me, all the worlds There is no place for you."

Su Hang heard the words and nodded. "This is very true, so I hesitated. Although you are a little mentally retarded, I still decided not to kill you."

"Humph." Yin Wushen snorted coldly, but his neck was cocked high, and he was just a loser. He immediately recovered his arrogance, as if the person who had just been chased by the life-seeking sword was not He looked like Su Hang, squinting, "Since I know I'm afraid, then return the sword to me..."

Su Hang heard that, but waved his hand and interrupted his words, "I don't kill you, not because I'm afraid, but because I think it's worthless."

"Not worth it?" Yin Wuxin froze for a moment. Does this guy mean that he is not worth killing?

Su Hangdao, "After all, in this matter, you and I are both victims, and they are all used by others."

"Huh?" Yin Wuzhen heard the words, frowning, "You said Lin Xuan?"

"It seems that you are not stupid." Su Hang smiled and said, "Knowing that you are not my opponent, but still let you come to me, nothing more than want to borrow my hand to get rid of you, here is Xuanhuang Realm, he It's the Xuanhuang Realm Master again, just shield the heavenly machine, even just for a while, it's enough for me to kill you..."

Yin Wushang's face suddenly changed when he heard this, although Su Hang had already said something similar before, but he didn't believe it very much, but when he thought about it now, he just called his father to save his life. There was no response this time.

What does this mean? It only shows that Dad didn't notice his call, that is to say, someone closed this world, and only the person who is the master of the world can do it.

"Obviously you can shoot by yourself, but it is not obvious that you have a strength far below him." Su Hang said again.

Yin Wuxin looked up at Su Hang, and from his eyes he could already see that he seemed shaken by Su Hang.

Su Hang showed off his ability and said, "Although he promised me a lot of benefits, I still think it's worthless, because I know very well that if I kill you, your parents will definitely investigate and find the Xuanhuang Realm It’s not difficult, and at that time, um, maybe he won’t wait until then, he will definitely hand me over, so I changed my mind, this single business, I don’t want to take...”

Yin Wusheng fell into deep thought. At this time, he had been drawn into complicated deep thought by what Su Hang said.

Su Hang was standing next to him, looking at Yin Wushang with all his time. He believed that he was so powerful that he could not resist this stunned youth.

Pulling his fists tightly, you can see the anger in Yin Wu's heart. After a while, Yin Wushan's hand slowly released and looked up at Su Hang. "Who are you? Why did I Never heard of it?"

From the perspective of Yin Wushang, the strength of Su Hang should not be a native of the Xuanhuang Realm. It should have been a famous master of the world. In his identity as Yin Yin, he is a master of all parties in the world. There are people with names and surnames. Although he is not like a family treasure, he can know most of them, but he has never heard of the name of Su Hang.

Su Hang smiled slightly, "It's polite, and below is Su Hang, the first killer of the world, known as the passionate prodigal son."

Randomly list a name, blushing and heartbeat, making Yin Wushang slightly open his mouth, unable to close for a long time.

Passionate prodigal son? just you? Yin Wuxing looked up and down Su Hang up and down, and he couldn't see which face could be related to the four words of passionate prodigal son.

But the first killer of Wanjie, this name is a bit bluffing, Yin Wushang secretly remembered in his heart, ready to go back and study it carefully, heaven also has underground forces, the existence of these dark worlds, Yin Wucheng didn't understand, so he couldn't tell the truth from Su Hang.

The Chasing Sword flew back to Su Hang's hands, and the light dimmed. Su Hang threw the Chasing Sword to Yin without injury.

Yin Wushang smoothly took the sword into his hand, and finally got the feeling that the blood was connected.

"Take your sword, go where you come back, the rivers and lakes are dangerous. Be careful when making friends in the future, don't be sold, and help the number of people." Su Hangdao, completely advised.

Yin Wucheng frowned slightly, and wondered if he had taken Su Hang's words in his heart, "How come you have the sword control technique passed down by my family?"

This is the biggest doubt in Yin Wuxin's heart. This guy not only knows his own sword control technique, but also seems to be above himself.

In the face of doubt, Su Hang just waved his hand, "I have no obligation to answer your question. I want to know the answer. Go back to your father. Before I change my mind, hurry up!"

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