Super Study God

Chapter 2081: Make it happen!

When the two brothers and sisters listened, their faces changed slightly, and Fu Xi pointed to Su Hangdao, "You seem to know that person well?"

Su Hang took a deep breath, "Old rival!"

"Huh?" The two looked at Suhang suspiciously.

Su Hang didn’t seem to want to explain too much, but just said, “Xuanhuang Realm has been in the third era so far, he has destroyed this world twice, and this third time will be in the near future. This time on the Snow Dragon Mountain, I have completely removed all the beings on the monument, in order to give this world a lifeline, a chance to revolt, but I don’t want to make progress, which is a waste of my pain!"

After Su Hang finished, he was about to leave.

"Brother Su Hang stays!" Fu Xi shouted quickly, "Brother Su Hang means, there are famous people on the tablet, are they all detached?"

"Be detached?" Su Hang smiled bitterly, "I can't escape his palm until he reaches Dadao Realm, even the Xuanhuang Realm can't get out, what a detachment?"

The two heard, and there was silence for a while.

Nu Wa said, "You are so powerful, why not stop him?"

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "If I can stop it, can I still wait until now, I have my helplessness..."

The two remained silent for a while, and Fu Xi said, "Then tell us, what should we do?"

Su Hang took a deep breath and said, "Now, the existence of all Heavenly Dao Realms is the same as yours, and it has been freed from the control of Feng Yaobei. This is a huge threat to him. Enlightenment, Fuxi, you are a natural king. You have to learn to unite with the other saints. Unity is strength. You can only threaten him with unity. He will also try to eliminate you, and want to be truly detached, only let yourself be Become stronger..."

Fu Xi heard the words and seemed to understand what he was thinking about.

Su Hang went on to say, "I can't do much, I don't have much time left, I just don't know, if you are alive, do you want to fight for it? If you don't want to, I can change your name Written on the Feng Monster Tablet, in this way, you may be able to live peacefully for a long time, and finally end with the destruction of this Tertiary!"

"Brother Su Hang, please!"

Fu Xi was a straightforward person. After listening to Su Hang's words, he immediately faced Su Hang.

Su Hang turned to look at Nu Wa, Nu Wa also said, "Brother Su please give pointers!"

At this time, it was all called the eldest brother, and it can be seen that at this moment, Nu Wa has completely changed her view of Su Hang.

Su Hang didn't talk much nonsense. He waved his big sleeves and took the brothers and sisters into the air and went straight to the east.



Wilderness, Lonely Peak.

This is the place where Su Hang and Nu Wa first met. At that time, Nu Wa understood Nu Wa on the top of the mountain to make people.

Nearby is a Horror clan tribe with more than a dozen dinosaur clans gathered, of which the titan dragon is the most powerful. The huge body acts like a mountain, which is larger than the long-necked dragon. Times.

Looking around, between the forests and grasslands, you can see the figure of the horror beast everywhere. This world is indeed the world of the horror beast. Compared with other races, the horror beast has an absolute advantage, just like the future generations. In the same way, the prosperity is even worse than that of future generations.

It is a pity that most of the horror beast family's IQ is not high, so this also limits the future of the horror beast family to a certain extent, everything will be destroyed when there is life, and there will be decline when there is prosperity. Can the human race in the Xuanhuang Realm continue to flourish, let alone the current Horror Beasts?

Before long, the Horror Beast family will decline until the end of this era. At the beginning of the next age, the Horror Beast family will no longer be the protagonist of this world, and will only become a supporting role, and slowly become a dragon. Finally Exit the stage of history.

It can be said that this is a kind of sorrow, but history is like this. No one, no ethnic group can guarantee that it will last forever.

Even the Emperor Qin Shihuang, with his ambitions and ambitions, would not die of the Second World?

The human race must be out, at least, Su Hang feels that the time is ripe.

On the top of the mountain, the pile of mud that Nu Wa played before was still there, but after a few days of sun exposure, it had already dried up.

"What should I do?" Nu Wa turned to look at Su Hang.

There was no unnecessary nonsense in Su Hang. With a wave of the right hand, a storage bag flew into Nu Wa's hand. Su Hangdao said, "This is the rest, enough for you to make people."

If you want to create human beings, Xiyang is a must. However, Xiyang is a thing of the earth. This world did not have Xiyang before the arrival of the realm of the realm, and according to the realm of the realm, his body came to this The world is after Nu Wa made man.

Therefore, in this Xuanhuang Realm, except for Suhang, I am afraid that it will be difficult to find the rest of the world. This is the opportunity for Nüwa to become enlightened and indispensable.

Nu Wa didn't say much, just opened the bag and dumped some light yellow mud from the bag.

Suddenly, a powerful air of life and nature burst into burst, and Nuwa, who was a mother of nature, showed a little surprise on her face.

A handful of dirt, such a powerful biological and chemical power?

Suddenly, the soil quickly changed into ten and ten...

Nu Wa was startled, and she could obviously feel that the biological, biological, and biological power of the breathing area was rapidly weakening.

Nu Wa is the mother of creation, and she can naturally understand why this is. Immediately after she swung her sleeves and set up an enchantment, the rapidly-dividing Xiyang immediately stopped.

"What a magical earth~ next to, Fu Xi said.

Nu Wa nodded slightly, "It really is a good soil, such a powerful force of life, used to create people, it can't be better."

Previously, she created people using earth, which has no vitality, and no support for luck like other races, so the people she created quickly aging and died after a while.

"Although this soil is strong, but it can't see the acquired things, otherwise it will be congenitally returned to the acquired, and quickly transformed into the ordinary earth..." Su Hang reminded.

Nu Wa nodded slightly, and as the mother of nature, she was very clear about how to solve this problem.

An enchantment between nature and nature makes things in it mutually trapped and trapped the atmosphere of nature, and the natural continent can no longer evolve.

At the moment, Nu Wa poured out a lot of living soil, a big move, a clear spring flew out of the Luo River not far away, just like the same race, traversed a beautiful arc in the sky, blooming A colorful rainbow fell into the hands of Nu Wa.

With a flick of the right hand, the river water merged into the pile of resting soil, and it quickly rubbed into a pile.

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