Super Study God

Chapter 2228: Micro chaos!

"But because there is no previous method to learn from, so the three of me have been experimenting and spent a lot of energy before creating a prototype of this chaotic world with a trace of chaos. I hid it here for more than 20 billion years In order to let it evolve to perfect itself, I wish I come to Japan to break through a better realm, but I don’t want to be robbed by you kid, I shouldn’t believe you, hateful, really hateful!"

Speaking of which, Huang Tian began to thump his chest and foot, infinitely annoyed.

Su Hang's face was dark, "But I don't think I got any benefit!"

Huang Tian turned to look up at Su Hang. As soon as you break the barrier, the source of chaos will come to you and assimilate with your body. Although you have no consciousness now, it will grow in your body in a subtle way. It won't take long for you to feel its existence!

"Aren't you kidding me?" Su Hang frowned slightly.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Huang Tian stared at Su Hang, hoping to swallow Su Hang.

Su Hang was suspicious, and then he couldn’t help crying, and patted Huang Tian’s shoulder, “If that’s the case, then I can only say sorry, but if you want to rely on me, then I advise you to save heart!"

At this time, Su Hang was walking on the street, but was caught by someone and felt like a thief.

Huang Tian’s words, Su Hang didn’t believe it. Since this thing is precious, why did you pick it up at the end? Shouldn’t the most precious one be taken first? It is simply illogical.

"You guy..." Huang Weather shivered.

Su Hangdao, "I didn't get it. The three of you created a chaotic world together. In addition to wanting to spy on the mystery of chaos and break through the higher realm, a reduced version of the chaotic world, for you, there is What meaning?"

"Meaning?" Huang Tian chuckled softly, and said, "That meaning is great. Although it is a microscopic version of the chaotic world, it is a reflection of the chaotic world we are in, and there are many territories in it. , Many worlds, with it, they may become the master of chaos, borrow the luck of countless worlds..."

Su Hang was said to feel a little confused by him, "Well, I won't argue with you anymore. Since you say I'm good, then when I really feel the good, you can come and talk to me again. !"

After finishing talking, Su Hang patted Huang Tian on the shoulder, "I just saved your life. Compared with the grace of saving life, a baby that is nothing to be expected is totally nothing!"

Su Hang didn't want to talk nonsense with this man any more, and turned to leave.

"Want to go?" Huang Tian sighed.

"Why, I still want to leave me unsuccessful?" Su Hang was displeased, and he didn't want to bother about this mess.

Huang Tian looked at Su Hang's expression, and it seemed that he only discovered the gap between him and Su Hang at this time. If Su Hang was annoyed, it would not do him any good.

Huang Tiandao, "Return my 20 billion years of repair to me!"

Su Hang was shocked, "I think you old guy is really itchy, even shameless at this point, what you send out, and what you want back? You are trying to empty the white wolf, but really I don't have it temper?"

Huang Tian heard the words, his face shivered slightly, "Okay, don't do it for me, but you have to find a safe place for me to cultivate..."

"Huh?" Su Hang frowned gently, "I can promise you this request, but what do you think is safe?"

"You send me back to earth!" Huang Tian said directly.

Su Hang froze for three seconds, "You took so much effort to let me take you out, and then let me take you back? Didn't you say the earth is dangerous?"

"The most dangerous place is the safest, don't you understand such a simple truth?" Huang Tianbai glanced at Su Hang. "I have already got what I want. Although there are some regrets, I still find a place to hide and recover. Cultivation is the only way, there are not so many masters on the earth.

"I see, you are reluctant to give your Huang Sanye a happy life!" Su Hang took a sip, his heart was full of contempt.

"You don't have to worry about this!" Huang Tian snorted.

"It's okay to send you back, but if you let me know that you are doing something wrong on the earth, you will definitely not be able to spare you!" Su Hangdao.

With a sneer on Huang Tian's face, "I am Huang Tian's glorious person, what a noble existence, the creatures on earth are in my eyes, but the ants are only..."

"You are still one of the ants now!" Su Hang said unkindly.

Huang Tianwen said, his face twitched slightly, "You are not much better, you can rest assured, I will definitely go to the Wanjie Conference, I hope you don't lose it, it's hard to see, and don't let the kid named Lin teach You are a man!"

"Your mouth is too stinky!" Su Hang scolded, and waved it casually, "Go away, I hope you can make progress next time you meet."

After the wind swept, Huang Tian's figure suddenly disappeared, and he was sent back to the earth by the rules of the Soviet Air!

Su Hang was left alone in the entire space at the bottom of the lake. Su Hang looked at the empty platform around him, and the whole person didn't recover for a long time.


In the end, Su Hang took a sip and was somehow ridiculed. It was really ridiculous.

"Special, what's this called!"

Depressedly shook his head, Su Hang also broke away, and he made up his mind. He would never do business with Huang Tian again in the future. He was so headless and brainless. Filled with paste like.



Tiandu Mountain, Dragon Palace.

The first thing for Su Hang was to ask Su Jin if her mother had returned.

Su Jin first heard this, and there was a bit of thought Su Hang had found his mother. It was a happy scene, but in the end it was a burst of joy.

History has not changed in the slightest. 65 million years later, Ao Xue did not show up. Su Hang searched Zhou Tian with his consciousness, and did not see any trace of Ao Xue, even the soul, the mark of the true spirit. .

This gave Su Hang a faint premonition, and she couldn't help worrying about whether she had an accident or not, and whether she used the door of time and space left by herself.

At that time, the gate of emptiness was when Suhang broke through the avenue, and the gift given to him by the Xueshen system, if used by Ao Xue, would be able to shuttle to the future.

Now Suhang only prefers Ao Xue to go to the future. In this way, he just waits for some time and will always wait until she appears.


At night, after Su Hang explained something to Su Jin, he temporarily closed in the dorm.

The retreat was not for cultivation, but also to treat Xue Qi with poison, and Hongyun and Xiaokun were staying outside the palace gate at the moment, which was regarded as the gate for Su Hang.

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