Super Study God

Chapter 2307: The power of 5 digits!

Tuliugong heard the words and couldn't help but smile, "I really don't know that the sky is thick and thick, let me show you first, what skills do you have?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, and thought that this tugong had blown hair, and wanted to dry with him, but he saw this guy take something out of his sleeve and put it on the table.

"What is this?"

When Su Hang looked at it, it was a crystal clear square, just like jade, half a floor tile, but there was a deep palm print in the middle of the stone, which looked like he was slapped.

Tu Liugong said, "This is Jielibao, the Taoist instrument used to measure the strength of the monk. There are only eight pairs in the entire heaven. This is one of them. Put your hand up and let me see if you deserve my investment. !"

Jie Libao? This name is really amazing!

"What's the use?" Su Hang looked at it, but he didn't hurry up and put it up. It wouldn't be good if he was overcast!

"The kid's precautions are not small!" Tu Liugong gave Su Hang a glance.

Su Hang shrugged. "No way, I was bitten by a snake. I was afraid of a well rope for ten years. It was too shady. The first time you and I met, we had to guard against it!"

"Humph!" Tu Liu said, "This thing has no other use, it is purely a measure of power, you look at it!"

Tu Liugong said that he saw the brick placed on his right hand, just printed on the handprint.


In an instant, the masonry light exploded, and a beam of light shot from the masonry, and at the same time, a series of golden text jumped in that light!

"One, nine, six, eight!"

Several ancient characters finally settled, and the quiet 6 was in the light.

Tu Liugong was very proud, and slowly retracted his right hand, the light on the stone quickly converged and disappeared, returning to its original appearance.

"Did you see it?" Tu Liugong smiled. "For Daojing Monk, the power of a thousand realms is already the limit, and the limit of the Da Jiu realm. Some of the more veteran Da Jiu masters can't even beat one. The power of the Thousand Realms, and my existence like this, has already surpassed the limit. The extraordinary Nine monks can compare. These are accumulated by time. The deeper the accumulation, the deeper the skill, it can be said, At this level, every additional level of power is extremely difficult..."

When Tsiu Liu said justly, he saw that Su Hang had put his right hand on the handprint of the Jieli gem.

In an instant, the light exploded, and a string of ancient characters quickly rolled and jumped among the light.


The first word stabilized first, it was "one".

Tu Liugong squeezed his beard, "Yes, at your age, it can be more than a thousand worlds of strength. It is already very good. At your age, I may be inferior to you!" "

To be taken for granted, Tu Liugong took this one as more than a thousand, which was also his expectation. After all, Suhang has already reached the ninth grade. Although the power of the thousand realms is the limit, if you want to break through, you only need to know how to accumulate. .

The Great Nine Realm has capped the monk, and then it will only grow over time and slowly increase its strength. From the perspective of the Great Nine Realm, the Realm of King Realm is a thing that is invisible and untouchable, and can only be approached towards it indefinitely. But it seems that he will never be caught.

At the age of Su Hang, it is already commendable to be able to break through the limit of the power of thousands of worlds, and it is definitely a genius-level figure among geniuses.

It is no wonder that this kid would be so arrogant. Such talents are indeed arrogant.

"One, zero, nine, one, nine"

Several figures in the light stopped jumping. Tu Liugong squeezed his beard and glanced. "One thousand and ninety-one, yes, yes..."

Between words, I mostly bring a little bit of complacency, I am almost two thousand, you are only a thousand, and in front of me, you are always a junior.

"Hey, why is there one more? What is the five-digit number?" Tu Liugong froze for a moment, his eyes suddenly fixed on those words!

There are no decimals for this kind of thing. The five digits are the five digits. Tu Liugong almost thinks that he is wrong. How can there be five digits?

"This is, ten thousand nine hundred and nineteen?" Su Hang received it and turned to Tuliu to look over it.

Tu Liugong's face has completely changed, swallowing hard, and his eyes are filled with unbelievable, the whole person seems to collapse, "How is this possible?"

"Yeah, I don't think it's possible either. Is your Jieli gem broken?" Tu Liugong's expression made Su Hang feel a little funny, but he also had some surprises in his heart. Before that, he treated himself There is no concept of the power, and it is completely unknown how strong it is.

It has surpassed Wanjie, which Su Hang did not expect. Just like the score of the college entrance examination, he thinks that he is still close to Wanjie. If he is blessed by Daxian stick, he has the confidence to exceed Wanjie. force.

I don’t know if this Boundary Power gem counts the blessing power of the Great Immortal Cudgel, but it should not be. Since it is the Boundary Power measurement, it should only measure the strength of the body. The blessing of the Daoqi will not be included in it, otherwise If it is, the actual strength is not measured!

In other words, the current strength of Su Hang should have exceeded the world. If you count the blessing of the big fairy stick, it may be stronger.

The power of all realms is absolutely unimaginable for the Great Nine Realm, and it is no wonder that the Tu Liu Guild will be shocked. For the master of the Great Nine Realm that has exceeded the limit of the Thousand Realms, for every additional realm Force, it is extremely difficult.

"You are you still a human being?" Frightened for a long time, Tu Liugong turned to look at Su Hang, holding out a word, he didn't think his gem of the power of the world would go wrong. But it is specially used to detect power tracker.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "Now, do you still think I'm bragging? I still need your help at a world conference."

Tu Liugong paused for a long time before saying, "It is indeed arrogant capital, Brother Su, Liu Mou apologized to you for the words just now!"

Quickly took out another glass, filled with wine and saluted a glass towards Su Hang.

Strength is the most basic condition for people to respect. It is just a number. Tu Liugong's name for Su Hang has changed from a kid to a brother Chen.

The power of the world, such a power, is absolutely enough to kill him in seconds. His power of less than two thousand worlds is completely a joke in front of Su Hang, just like a three-year-old child and an adult strong man. The gap between them, this gap is definitely not a magical or powerful Taoqi can make up for.

Su Hang took a sip from his glass and said, "In my opinion, how can I rank in the realm of heaven?"

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