Super Study God

Chapter 2313: Calm and calm!

However, seeing that Ping'er's clothes were messy, Lin Shouye didn't care too much. At this time, he was very worried, and no matter how he felt, he went straight into the inner hall.

In the dormitory, Chen Yan'er supported his stomach and walked back and forth. It seemed obvious that he had something to worry about.

"Ma'am!" Lin Shouye yelled, and quickly walked over to stretch out his hand to hold on, "You are pregnant, how can you not rest well?"

Chen Yaner turned back to see Lin Shouye, the dignity on his face was slightly relaxed, and said, "How can I go to Chuangjie Mountain for so long?"

"There is something to discuss with Elder Sanxu and forget the hour!" Lin Shouye called haha ​​and turned back, "When I came in, I saw Ping'er kneeling at the gate of the palace and said, Madam, are you going to chase her out of the house?" what happened?"

Chen Yan'er shook her head. "Ping'er is too pampering and makes a big mistake. I can't keep her beside me..."

"Big mistake? What a big mistake?" Lin Shouye was a little surprised.

Chen Yaner hesitated for a moment and shook his head, "Don't worry about this matter, husband, you just come back, I will go back to Langhuan Mountain immediately!"

"Back to Lang Huan Mountain?" Lin Shouye froze for a moment. "What is the good way to return to Lang Huan Mountain?"

Chen Yan'er paused and said, "There is an urgent matter, you have to report it to the clan, you can't delay!"

"What's the urgent matter?" Lin Shouye asked immediately, and could be said by Chen Yan'er as an urgent matter, it must be a big deal.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, he hesitated to see Chen Yaner, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Ma'am, you and I are husband and wife. There is no secret between husband and wife!" Lin Shouye grabbed Chen Yan'er's hand and filled his eyes with affection.

Chen Yaner froze for a moment, hesitated, looked up at Lin Shouye, and said, "I'm afraid I know the whereabouts of my father. This matter must be immediately known to all the mothers in the family!"

"Well? Father-in-law?" Lin Shouye froze for a moment, and he couldn't help but see a figure of great stature, standing above him, absolutely invincible.

"Madam, did you find the whereabouts of your father-in-law?" For a long time, Lin Shouye recovered, and looked at Chen Yan'er in disbelief.

Cangtian has been missing for many years, and no one knows his whereabouts. It is for this reason that this World Assembly will decide the inheritance of Sect Master of Cangtian. Is this stall, Cangtian coming back?

Chen Yaner nodded slightly, "It should be, the specifics have not been verified, I have to tell the tribe first!"

Lin Shouye quickly grabbed Chen Yan'er, "Ma'am, I'm afraid to think long about this matter!"

"Oh?" Chen Yan'er looked at Lin Shouye.

Lin Shouye said, "My father-in-law has been missing for many years. Naturally, he didn't want people to find him. If his wife hastily leaked his old man's whereabouts, I'm afraid it would annoy him."

Chen Yaner frowned, "This is also where I am struggling, but this matter is of great importance. If I do not report it, the mothers of the family, I am afraid I will blame me!"

Lin Shouye said, "The newspaper is definitely going to be reported, so ma'am, I'll accompany you back to Langhuan Mountain!"

"You?" Chen Yaner paused and shook his head. "No, unless there is a big event in the family, the grandson is not allowed to go to Langhuan Mountain!"

Lin Shouye held Chen Yan'er closer. "Ma'am, you are pregnant now. You can go back alone. I'm really not at ease. And, now that I know the whereabouts of my father-in-law, is it not a big deal? Madam, You can let me accompany you, so I can feel at ease!"

Chen Yaner heard the words, pondered for a long time, and nodded slightly, "Well, let's go right away without delay!"

"Thank you Mrs. for your understanding!" Lin Shouye rejoiced and took a step back to Chen Yan'er's respectful gift.

Immediately, the two joined hands out of the dormitory, and that maid Ping'er was already thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun by Lin Shouye, a little maid, even if she had something with him, but since she has been abandoned by her master, even An ordinary servant slave is not as good as she still misses her?

Yi Linshouye’s cleverness is naturally unwilling to offend Chen Yan'er because of a slave-servant, no matter what mistake Ping'er made, or she is right!



After that night, the Cangyue City was calm and the election of the conference was still in full swing. No accidents were happening, but what happened that night still caused Chen Sen to be puzzled. During the period, he asked Su Air for many times. It was cover-up, which made him very unhappy.

In fact, Su Hang was helpless. People with a clear eye could see what was going on that night. But Chen Sen, who was too simple in mind and was a fan of the authorities, asked Su Hang to explain to him afterwards, how to explain?

Could you tell him directly that woman was your sister that night? Your father has other women besides your mother? Are you your illegitimate child outside?

If this is said, I'm afraid that Chen Sen's entire three views will collapse. His dad hides from him. Naturally, he has his own. Su Hang, as an outsider, poke through this matter, in case something happened It’s not good to find him responsible.

Therefore, Su Hang never thought of piercing him with this layer of window paper. Whoever loves to poke who is going to poke. As for Chen Sen, it's okay to be confused. This kid has a big heart and is bored for two days, so he will naturally forget it.

Those who were present that day, Xiao Yang, Ye Tiannan and Tu Liugong, could guess Chen Sen's identity, but this kid didn't understand, what can Su Hang say?

"This real person in the sky can really play!"

Early in the morning, standing on the window sill of the inn, Su Hang took a breath of fresh air and could not help but sigh with emotion.

"Don't you say that the Chen family will not attend the Wanjie Conference? Why?" Behind him, Yin Yuer came over.

Obviously, the Chen family has a family rule. The Chen family’s children can’t interfere with the Daozong and they can’t even participate in the Wanjie Conference. Now, arrange a son to participate in the sea election. What happened?

Su Hang smiled and said, "Who is he, but he is the sky, the rule maker, the whole world is the biggest in all worlds, whatever he wants, what rules will he control you, what family rules? ?Don't let his son come to practice, who would dare to say anything even if he played in person?"

Yin Yuer smiled bitterly, I am afraid that not only no one would dare to say anything, but also a lot of compliments!

This is power, this is prestige!

Yin Yu'er said, "As a result, there are many variables in the Wanjie Conference. Chen Sen's appearance, I am afraid that few people are willing to go to crime, you want to win this conference, I am afraid..."

Yin Yu'er was a little worried. Cangtian had sent his son to the contest stage of the Wanjie Conference. The intention seemed to be very clear. He wanted to be the one who wanted to fight for the lordship. So, would anyone dare to fight him?

Su Hang laughed, "Others are scrupulous, but I have no scruples. If I am met, I will definitely teach him to be a good man. Compared with others, some people may be really worried..."

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