Super Study God

Chapter 2342: Call the queen bee!

A buzzing sound came from the front. Su Hang looked up and saw huge black shadows shuttled between the mountains and forests. The fates of Destiny Bees are not as large as normal ones. It's as big as a rabbit.


The two beesmen flew over Suhang's head, and the sound was like a bomber, which made people's scalp numb. Suhang tried his best to converge the breath and try to integrate with the surrounding environment to ensure that it would not be found.

I had the experience of stabbing horse honeycomb when I was a kid. Even if you just alarmed one of these things, the wasps in the whole honeycomb can fly out to find you to dry.

What's more, this is a powerful destiny bee, no matter the strength or wisdom, it is definitely not comparable to ordinary wasps.

To fetch honey, you must first break its nest. Su Hang’s strategy is a bit savage, but he doesn’t want to alarm these destiny bees prematurely.

After all, it's not enough to say if this thing is irritating!

The bees swarmed back and forth, some were repairing the hive, and some were patrolling. Just a few beesmen blew themselves up. Although they repelled the strong enemy, they also caused damage to the hive, and in order to prevent the two When an intruder returns and returns, the bee colony must strengthen its vigilance.

The territorial awareness of the bee colony is very strong, but if there is any suspicious living body close to it, it will definitely be attacked by crazy!

These guys have just been irritated and blown up!


Su Hang was hiding behind an inconspicuous tree, and was less than half a mile away from the giant mountain-like beehive. With his eyesight, even in the dark night, he could clearly see the huge mountain ahead, dense and dense A row of black holes, countless destiny bees, are in and out of those black holes.

The horror was so buzzing that it made people scalp numb, and Suhang was a little afraid to move on!

I wanted to use the technique of change to change into a destiny bee and mix it in, but this is also too simple to see the destiny bee. The bee colony has its own method of communication. If he uses the technique of change to break in Go, I'm afraid it's easier to be found.


The buzzing sound on the top of the head has not subsided. Su Hang suddenly felt a little bad, and his back was a little cold. Looking back, he couldn't help but a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

I saw that there were about twenty or thirty soldier bees. I didn't know when he had come behind him. He was in a semicircle formation, and surrounded him in the middle.

Made, said why he was buzzing all the time. His attention was always in front, and he didn't pay attention to him.

It was discovered that Su Hang's heart shook, just like being a thief, he was caught by the host.


Almost at the same time, the fate of bees suddenly exploded their nests, rushing towards Su Hang like bullets, and the nearby bees quickly surrounded them, overwhelming and terrifying!

"Oops, was it found?"

Tens of miles away, what happened in front, Tugiu Gong can be said to have a panoramic view. As soon as he saw the bee colony exploded, he immediately knew that Su Hang had been found. He grabbed a person in one hand, and flew back, deeply afraid. Also found by the bee colony.

"Tu, Santu, let's go, let's go!" Jinxin Erxian was already pale, his eyes full of fear, and the old blonde's voice was trembling, almost begging.

Tu Liugong frowned, "I'm in a hurry, just look at it!"

In his opinion, the strength of Su Hang is strong enough, even if it is found by the swarm, it should not be a problem to escape.

Looking very far, I only heard the buzzing sound in the distance. Under the night, there was a faint darkness together, like a powerful whirlwind, the sound of the sound alone made people shudder!

After waiting for a while, I didn’t see Su Hang coming back, and Tu Liugong’s heart was also upset. He had only heard of Destiny Bee. This thing is an ancient species. How powerful is it? He hasn’t learned it. Su Hangneng Can it resist?

It wouldn't really be for a little honey, so I ended up putting my life in it, it would be too wrong!

On the one hand, Tsiu Liugong was worried, on the other hand, he did not dare to come close to check it, and even dare not dive into the past.

"Those Destiny Bees are not strong individually, but the number of wins is enough, so many come together, no one can bear it!" Yin Xiandao.

When they came earlier, only dozens of bee soldiers blew themselves up, and they already scared them to **** off!

"After a while, the bee swarm catches up and wants to run again, I'm afraid it's too late!" Jin Xiandao said.

"Noisy again, I threw all of you over!" Tu Liugong snorted.

The gold and silver two cents suddenly silenced!



Nearby, the dark bee colonies piled up, and there were beesmen flying out of the hive, as if to alarm a powerful army.


Su Hang took a breath of breath. The fate of the fate was really powerful. Just under his care, he dodged before he was caught. He was drilled by several bee soldiers and stung three times on his left and right arms.

The bee needle is as big as a toothpick, and one should have an explosion property. After stinging into Suhang's arm, it explodes directly, forming a large pit on Suhang's right arm, bloody!

Another fire attribute, the wound is like a fire, and the eyes are so painful that people roll their eyes, and finally there is one, which should be a seal. After being stung, Su Hang can feel that his physical strength has dropped slightly, but It's not serious, perhaps because the realm of the bee soldier is too low.

Fortunately, Su Hang used Xuanhuang Bell to protect his body in time. Otherwise, the group of destiny bees swarmed up, only to fear that he would have to find a way to slip away.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

The swarm of bees kept hitting the clock body, and the buzzing of the wings really made Su Hang's scalp numb.

Promoting the power of engulfing the sky, all the bee venom was resolved, and the injured arm was quickly repaired. Su Hang sighed and thought of a countermeasure.

As the saying goes, the horizontal is afraid of being The hard is not afraid of life, there are a group of lifeless outside, mainly because the number is too much, one by one will explode, who can afford it?

Su Hang is now riding a tiger, he has to go out and fight, or he can escape for a while. After thinking about the countermeasures, this time he is too hasty.

Surrounded by the fate of bees, with the strength of Suhang, it is not difficult to escape.

"Your Majesty the Queen, and anger in the first place, in the Tutu of the Tujia family, no intention to harass, just want to visit the Queen!

Just as Suhang was preparing to kill a Tulliu male for a thousand years and escaped temporarily using the rules, Tulliu's voice suddenly came from outside.

"How did he come?" Su Hang froze for a moment. This old boy, don't die!

Outside the bell, Tu Liugong held a crystal clear bead in his hand, followed by two gold and silver immortals, approaching carefully, the bee swarm around him swarmed towards him, but only whirling around Tu Liugong , Not close.

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