Super Study God

Chapter 2353: Lin Xuan is out!

However, Su Hang's reasons made her unable to refute.

"You are very confident!" Yuan Ling said in a real way, "So sure, can you take the position of the Sect Master?"

Su Hang shook his head, "No matter who becomes the suzerain, the chemical furnace should let the suzerain go to repay it!"

Yuan Ling real person took a deep breath, "Lin Xuan already came out of the realm of illusion yesterday!"

"Huh?" Su Hang frowned slightly and looked up at Yuanling Real Man. "Is it finally out of the barrier? How is the state?"

Yuan Ling is really humane, "Although I leave the customs early, Lin Xuan's talent is extremely high. This time it is too unreal world practice, and the results are better than expected. I heard several elders say that they have already reached the ninth level, and the power test is 1,000. Two hundred worlds!"

"One thousand two hundred?" Su Hang froze for a moment, a little surprised.

Although Lin Xuan entered the ninth year, he was expected, but the power of 1,200 world was only just after entering the ninth year. Now, it seems that even his fractions are not even, It is impossible for such a force to become his opponent, and, as far as Suhang knows, to participate in this conference can exceed the strength of 1,200 worlds, definitely more than those three or five!

If Lin Xuan only used this power to enter the decisive battle at the Wanjie Conference, it is certain that without the slightest competitiveness, it may eventually become a joke.

At this time, Yuan Ling seemed to guess what Su Hang was thinking, "The power of one thousand two hundred realms was put in the past, it was definitely a young master at the peak level, but now, in order to fight for the position of the suzerain, all circles at all costs Cultivating younger generations, the strong come out in large numbers, Lin Xuan's strength is no longer competitive, but you should not underestimate him because of you...

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Yuan Ling with a deaf eared expression.

Yuan Ling said with humanity, "The fact that Lin Xuan went out yesterday was not publicly announced. The seven elders gathered at Zhongxufeng. Presumably it was another arrangement..."

"What arrangement?" Su Hang asked. "It is impossible that they still feel they can rescue it now?"

Yuan Ling real person smiled indifferently, "You must not underestimate those elders. The seven elders can get together to mobilize all the resources of Daozong Zong, and cultivate a super strong man with Daozong Zong's heritage, it's nothing. It’s difficult, there is still more than one month at the Wanjie Conference. One month is enough to do a lot!"

Su Hang heard that he nodded secretly in his heart. He had broken the power of the Ten Thousand Realms within two or three months in the dirty world. Among these Ten Thousand Realms, there were not 10,000 but 8,000 ways to forcibly increase strength in a short time. Daozong Zong's strength, can't you afford a Lin Xuan?

Yuan Ling real man continued, "Unfortunately, Hongmeng and Taoist friends were excluded from them. Zhongxufeng has completely closed the news to the outside world. I don’t know what they are going to do. This morning, Lin Shouye, the head of the Lin family, also came, and , Not only him, but also the ancestor of the Lin family. At this conference, the Lin family is determined to win. You must not doubt the capabilities of the Seven Elders and the Lin family!"

Yuan Ling's words, the meaning is looming, as if to warn Su Hang, you are so confident that you can become the lord of the avenue, and lead the heavens and the world, I am afraid that it is not as easy as you think.

"Lin's ancestors are here too?" Su Hang was surprised. He was not very interested in what the elders were doing. Instead, the legendary Lin's ancestor made Su Hang a little curious.

Yuan Ling nodded his head and said, "It is said that it has recently broken through the power of the universal realm and reached the quasi-real world. The Lin family is just when they are satisfied, and it should be on the Zhongxu Peak at this moment. Lin Xuan is the only one of his Lin family. Hopefully, for more than a month, he is afraid to stay in Chuangjie Mountain."

"It's getting more and more interesting!" Su Hang smiled. "However, this has nothing to do with me. I came to Chuangjie Mountain today just to pick up my sister..."

Yuan Ling heard the words, turned his head and looked at Su Xi who was standing next to him, and then turned back to Su Hangdao, "Do you really want to take her away?"

Su Hang nodded, "Otherwise?"

Yuan Ling is really humane, "Have you ever thought about it, you are now in a lot of trouble, and the Qiu family is everywhere, just the elders of the three empties, seeing you as a nail in the eyes, a thorn in the flesh, I wish to kill you and then quickly, you let Xi'er follow Are you threatened by that? Or, can you stay with her for a while?"

Su Hang heard the words and paused, "Since I took her away, I will naturally guarantee her safety!"

Yuan Ling real person shook his head, "Do you think you can believe this? You are only in the realm of Jindan now. Elder Sanxu can send a disciple who has just started to kill her and kill her. How do you become a strong man if you care about it? If you want to be the first in the conference, if you do something unscrupulous, and capture Xi'er as a threat, do you dare to win at the conference?"

Su Hang's words were stagnant, and the words spoken by the real people of Yuanling were indeed very reasonable. It is indeed a very stupid choice to take Su Xi back to earth now.

Not only can’t he take Su Xi back, his relatives on the earth must also be absolutely protected. The Universal Realm Assembly is coming, it’s hard to guarantee what bad means someone will make. If someone really captures their parents and relatives as a threat, then How should he respond?

After all, there are always some unruly people in this world!

At this time, Yuanling was really humane, "Xi'er is my apprentice. I naturally have the duty to teach and protect her. She is now leaving with you. There is nothing wrong with it. You will not understand this truth!"

Su Hang took a deep breath, and if Yuan Ling was a real person, it can be said to give him a wake-up call. You can be a gentleman, but you can’t treat your opponent as a gentleman. UU reading Nothing happened. If something happened, it would be too late to talk about guarding the family.

Thinking of this, Su Hang looked at Su Xi.

Su Xi smiled bitterly, "Brother, I think, I will stay in Chuangjie Mountain for the time being, the World Assembly is about to start, I also want to stay open to open my eyes..."

I could hear that she couldn’t help it. She had been out for so long. She wanted to go back to earth more than ever, but she also knew that she was too weak. After leaving Chuangjie Mountain, it was impossible for Su Hang to stay. Caring for her momentarily, in this way, it became the burden of her brother, she did not want to be a burden.

After listening to Su Xi’s speech, Yuanling live grabbed her hand and turned to Su Hangdao, “What do you think?”

Su Hang took a deep breath and hesitated to struggle for a long time before he said, "Well, let's talk after the Wanjie Conference, but real people, I have something to tell my sister!"

Yuan Ling heard the words and nodded slightly, "Go!"


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