Super Study God

Chapter 2362: Sell ​​a face!

Lin Lang said, "If you listened to me before and gave up the competition, everyone would be happy, how good it is now, and the old man is a little bit unbearable, alas, don't struggle, feel it, what is despair..."

Some hypocritical words fell, and another piece of sword rain appeared out of thin air, killing Suhang.

"Although it traps you, you can't let you idle. This Xuanhuang sword qi is the most popular. Enjoy the love from your elders!"

This sound is really annoying, as if he is holding the turtle in the urn, and he has completely settled on Su Hang. Lin Langtian can’t believe that with these two treasures, plus the powerful strength of his quasi-king realm, he won’t be able to trap this Kid!

Unless this kid reaches the realm of realm king, otherwise, to break through the formation is undoubtedly a fool's dream!

After a little urging, as the Xuanhuang sword suppressed by the ten-square array, it instantly released countless sword qi and killed Su Hang in the formation from all directions.

Su Hang was troubled and sacrificed Xuan Huangzhong to resist, but he was thinking hard about the countermeasures in his heart. These ten square flag isolation laws did not come in handy at all, and even the Tiandian Baodian did not come in handy.

In this way, the situation is even more unfavorable to him. To break this formation, you have to destroy the formation, but the strength of this formation is beyond imagination. The situation at the moment is that Lin Langtian can’t help him, and he can’t help it. Lin Langtian, the two are so deadlocked.

If this continues, I am afraid that Lin Langtian's abacus will really succeed, and Su Hang is unwilling.

The sword light fell, and Su Hang felt the vitality in his body beating actively, faintly, as if something was coming out.

How is this going? Before the battle, Su Hang didn't think much. At this time, he set his mind, and then he felt that something was not right. When Lin Langtian used his sword technique, he always felt that the vitality of the body was abnormally active, just like boiling.

Could it be that this is so-called predatory luck? Su Hang feels weird!


Outside, Lin Langtian sat cross-legged, suspended in chaos, and kept sending power to the array.

The ten squares formed by these ten square flags are powerful enough, but they consume a lot of power. However, as long as they can trap this kid, he will not be able to participate in the Wanjie Conference a month later. is worth it.

Lin Langtian had that self-confidence. The ten square flags and the Xuanhuang Realm were enough to trap this kid, let alone a month, even if he was trapped for thousands of years, it would definitely not be a problem.

When you let him out depends on your mood, do not believe that he can withstand the consumption of the Xuanhuang sword in the formation, when his luck is exhausted, this is the death of this kid!

I heard that this kid did this kind of cultivation after he came back from the dirty world. Ha ha, that kind of thing dare to contaminate. When the dirty gas is swallowed back, it is your death!

Lin Lang’s eyes burst into light. For a monk like him, the most important thing is time. Even if Su Hang is an iron rod, he believes that he can slowly wear it into needles with this array. Until the skin is gone, shaky!


Just when Lin Langtian was proud, and when the winning ticket was held, suddenly there was a slight shock.

Although it was only a small fluctuation, Lin Langtian still felt very sensitive. He was connected with the big breath, feeling like his body was dragged by something.

"This fellow is attacking a large array?" Lin Langtian frowned, his right hand flicked gently, and the situation in the array appeared clearly in front of him.

I saw that Su Hang was sitting cross-legged, Xuan Huang Zhong was suspended above his head, the big fairy stick was on his knees, and he was meditating with his eyes closed, and there was no slight movement.

Ridiculous, with your strength, how could it be shaken? It's almost the same as the old guys over there.

Looking at this kid, did he give up treatment? It's so good, the province's own effort is too much.

Lin Langtian's mouth showed a satisfied smile, even if he changed his position, he would also choose to save his strength, so that he can live longer.

"Lin Daoyou!"

At this moment, a voice sounded, Lin Langtian looked back and saw an old man stepping forward.

Lin Langtian frowned, "I know you, a little sophomore monk, come here to show a sense of existence, can't you find death? Get out!"

Paralyzed, he was fighting, and suddenly an inexplicably ran an old man called him Daoist, making him feel a little funny! The key to this is the sophomore state, which belongs to the variety that he can pinch to death.

The old man came near, but did not panic. "Lin Daoyou retreats all the year round. Maybe he doesn't know old age. Let me introduce myself first. The old dead Hu does not return. He comes from Promise. But my master wins the spirit beast..."

Promise sky? Lin Langtian heard the words, his face changed slightly, and with his realm, he naturally knew what Wuji represented, and what the word Pansheng represented.

Slightly correct, Lin Lang said, "The old man is dealing with some grudges, what advice do Tao friends have?"

The comer is Hu Bugui, this old guy is really annoying enough, people are doing things, what are you doing here? to chat with?

Hu Bugui laughed aloud, "It's really shocking to see Daoyou's magical powers only after seeing it..."

"If Daoyou just want to tout me, then it's not necessary anymore. Daoyou is busy. Daoyou should just wait and see!" Lin Langtian frowned slightly.

Hu Bugui smiled, but didn't mean to hide. "Daoyou, can you sell me a face and withdraw the formation to let the boy out?"

"Huh?" Lin Langtian frowned, and his face was terribly black. "Is Daoyou kidding me?"

Hu Bugui laughed aloud, "The kid in the array owed me a lot of You trap him here, my debts are nowhere to be collected, so, can you let him out first, I will put The debt will be discussed first..."

What kind of best is this? Lin Langtian narrowed his eyes like he was going to kill, "Daoist can't succeed when I am someone Lin is a fool? So coaxing?"

"Uh... this..." Hu did not stay together, and seemed to feel that his reason was too far-fetched. "It's not very realistic. Then I change the reason. My young master wants to fight this Soviet Air Force at the Wanjie Conference. , You trap him here, how can my young master compare with him, so..."

"Oh!" Lin Langtian sneered. "Want to suppress me in the name of Realm King Pansheng? This fight against my younger generation in the battle is a private enmity. Even if Realm King Pansheng arrives, it doesn't matter. If your young master wants to be with him The World War I, despite coming here, when I entered the battle, the old man was still happy to do this kind of thing!"

Hu Bugui's face twitched slightly, "Why don't you understand people like you, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold the battle!"


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