Super Study God

Chapter 2434: 1 kick kick to fly!

"Beautiful you!" Yin Yuer reached out and scratched on the nose of Su Hang. "You can think clearly. If you want to form a team, go to Xiao Yang now. In your relationship, this young son Xiao should be happy to help you. Correct!"

Su Hang listened and shook his head. "No need!"

Yin Yu'er grabbed Su Hang's hand, "I know, you are confident and don't want to ask for someone, it doesn't matter, I can help you to ask..."

Su Hang reached out and blocked Yin Yu'er's mouth, "I will not ask anyone, nor will my woman ask anyone for me!"

Yin Yu'er was stunned for a moment and looked at Su Hang helplessly, "You're just too stupid!"

Su Hang shrugged. "Put your heart in your stomach, don't worry about me. They love team formation, they're the ones who do it. It's a big deal. I'll be arrogant at the time, and finally go to the stage to steal the tower. "

Yin Yuer listened and smiled bitterly, "You always think things are perfect..."

Su Hang laughed and said nothing, reaching out to take Yin Yuer into his arms.


At this time, a cough came from the door, "I don't seem to have come!"

Su Hang looked up, there was an old man standing at the door, but he was not returning!

Yin Yuer quickly ran away.

Su Hang frowned slightly, "Know that it's not time, you still come?"

Hu Bugui did not regard himself as an outsider. He walked in directly and shoved his face in front of Su Hang. "Dude, you are a little inflated now. It's really hard to see you!"

"What are you looking for?" Su Hang asked directly.

Last time he fought Lin Langtian in the chaos, and thanks to Hu Bugui's reminder, he could break through. He still had to thank Hu Bugui, and when he reached for the teapot, Su Hang did not stop him.

The servant did not check the point, and did not use a tea cup. He took a teapot and blew into his mouth, which made Su Hang feel sick.

Next to Yin Yu'er, he shook his head straightly. He had just brewed a pot of tea, and he was spoiled by this guy before he even had a sip!

The teapot was thrown on the table, and Hu Bugui went to sit next to Suhang. "Brother Su, you should be able to guess what I'm going to do with you!"

"I can't guess!" Su Hang shook his head directly, straightforwardly.

Regarding the attitude of Su Hang, Hu Bugui was not surprised and was not angry. He just said, "My young master only wants to enter the semi-finals. After entering the semi-finals, no matter how she compares, she doesn't care, so..."

Su Hang heard the words and couldn't help laughing. "What's the use of asking me? I'm not the contest organizer. You should talk to the nine super elders!"

Hu Bugui stared at Su Hang and looked at it, "Do you really understand it, or do you not understand it? The meaning of my young master, the next game, you can join forces. In this way, the chances of you two entering the semi-finals will be great. Increase, and, in return, after the quarterfinals, my young master can help you continue the next competition..."

Su Hang looked at Hu Bugui strangely, "Lao Hu, I am a little confused. What does your young master mean? Could it be that she can't make it to the semifinals?"

Hu Bugui listened to this and was unhappy, "How is it possible? With the strength of my young master, it is not difficult to enter the semi-finals, but the next game is the defensive competition, which means that the people on the platform, what they want The face may not be just one opponent. If I play alone, my young master will naturally not be afraid of anyone, but I can’t beat four hands with two fists..."

Su Hang smiled and said, "In the final analysis, I am still not confident enough. Just look at me, no matter who or how many people are on the opposite side, I am enough!"

"You have a bad life. Of course you don't feel anything. If you die, you will die. How can you compare with your young master and identity? If something goes wrong, I can't explain to my master!" Hu Buhui said.

Su Hang heard the words and stared, "Who do you mean to die?"

Hu Buhui paused for a moment, then smiled quickly, "Mistaken, mumble!"

Su Hang glared at him, "If it weren't for having some friendship with you, I would have sent you out earlier, Hu Bugui, I found you, really annoying!"

Hu Bugui waved his hand, "There are more than one or two people who hate me, but what can I do? I'm not living well. Brother Su, we don't need those polite words between us either. Go ahead, give me a word!"

Su Hang heard the words and paused, "Lao Hu, you can go back and tell Pan Yu, you can do it on your own. On that day, you helped me out of the ten squares. I owe you a favor. If your master will suffer tomorrow, It’s dangerous, I don’t mind helping out!"

These words are completely haha, ambiguous, do you agree? Still disagree? Hu Bugui is a bit confused.

"You guys, confuse me!" Hu Bugui patted his head. "No matter, anyway, I will act as you promised. There will be a date. Bye bye!"

After finishing the speech, Hu Bugui was a little impatient and didn’t wait for Su Hang to say anything. He got up and walked away, making Su Hang look embarrassed.

After two steps, Hu Bugui stopped and pointed back to Su Hang. "My eldest husband promises a lot of money. Don't regret the promised thing. If my master misses tomorrow, we can't even make friends... You... What are you doing?"


Before Hu Bugui finished speaking, he saw Su Hang approaching him, and there was a little fear on his old face.

Su Hang spit out a word, he saw a big foot opened, Su Hang kicked on Hu Wugui's waist.

Where Hu Bugui could resist, the whole person rose into the air and was kicked out by Suhang.

A scream came from mid-air, and Su Hangshou set up a pergola, and Hu Bugui passed a beautiful loneliness in the air and disappeared into the sky.

"Why are you so rude, people are the guests anyway!" Yin Yu'er looked at Su Hang, crying and laughing.

Although she also hated Hu Bugui, she never thought that Su Hang would go straight up and leave Hu Bugui in this way.

Su Hang This old guy makes people look angry and can't help but want to flatten him! "

Yin Yu'er smiled and then looked straight, "It doesn't matter if you offended him, but the Panyu behind him!"

Su Hang waved his hands indifferently, "That old guy is so embarrassed to be angry? At my place, the average person has not been treated like this. If he can be treated like me, he should feel honored!"

Yin Yuer gave Su Hang a glance, and this guy liked to say this false truth.

"Come in, what do you do hiding outside?" Su Hang suddenly said at this moment.

Yin Yu'er was stunned for a moment and turned to look out of the courtyard. A figure was sneaking, wondering if he wanted to come in or leave.

"Uncle Tu?" Yin Yu'er obviously knew it, and it was Tu Liugong who was standing outside.


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