Super Study God

Chapter 2436: The sky appeared!

Earth Spirit Peak!

One of the five main worlds of Tianwaitian, the dojo of the earth-boundary and the landlord, and a beautiful figure in a pavilion among the bamboo forests, gently playing the piano.

Elegant posture, beautiful notes flowing between fingers, permeating the entire bamboo forest, everything between heaven and earth seems to stop, listening carefully to this beautiful tune.

Not far away, in the courtyard, a few old men gathered together to discuss the Taoist, accompanied by the sound of the piano, and enjoyed it very much.

"Daoyou has a good apprentice!"

The piano sound was gone, Yang Mei said a word.

Di Zun heard the words, but shook his head again and again, "I can't teach her about music, it's all due to Le Zun, but I dare not take credit!"

Several other people hurriedly politely said that they were modest and respectful, and cast their gaze in the pavilion. The girl had to be taught by the two great kings, or it would be the biggest competitor of the Wanjie conference.

"This World Conference is not as good as it was in previous years. It is indeed a bit more impressive. The blue is better than the blue. The Yangtze River waves push forward. The younger generations, but we must compare our old bones!" Touching, bemoaning.

"Yes, this meeting opened my eyes to the waiting!" Chaos smiled. "Your Dao friends, Yi Er and other views, tomorrow's battle of the semi-finals, which four can be promoted?"

Several people heard the words and shook their heads repeatedly. Hong Jun waved his hand. "It's hard to say, it's hard to say. Among the top 16, the top masters, except for a few monks from outside the sky, all come from outside the domain. I have watched the top of the circle. There is only one quasi-real world king below. The battle of tomorrow is bound to be a hard battle. The outcome is unpredictable, and the result is unpredictable!"

Several people nodded, obviously agreeing with Hong Jun's statement, but Yang Mei next to him smiled and said, "But in any case, Di Zun Gao Tu, there should be a seat!"

When several people heard the words, they all smiled at Yang Mei, and said respectfully, "Yang Mei Dao, you praise yourself in person, be careful that my apprentice listens to pride!"

Yang Mei laughed, and the bamboo forest was full of laughter!

"It's a pity that such a grand event, the heaven, Le Zun, and Pan Zun will not come. It's a pity. Otherwise, I would wait and discuss, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing?" Yang Mei said.

Everyone nodded their heads. According to the truth, the ones Yang Mei said should not be absent!

Chaos said, "Brother Cangtian Dao is born with a sense of demeanor, and may not be somewhere to hunt for beauty..."

"Chaos Daoist, are you talking about me?"

The chaotic words were not finished yet. A voice came from the sky above the bamboo forest. Everyone looked at it, and two figures of a man and a woman flew off, and they had arrived in the courtyard in an instant.

Several people were stunned for a moment, and they all got up and saw the ceremony quickly. The coming person was no one else. It was the heaven that Chaos had just said!

Behind Cangtian stood a woman, Queen of Destiny!

Chaos laughed dryly, "I really can't say bad things behind my back, but I was arrested right now, Dao brother forgive sins!"

Cang Tian glanced at Chaos, and did not know whether it was joy or anger. "Chaos, your sin, is more than just saying bad things behind your back. You ran to the wilderness on that day and broke the good things of my Laner, but my Laner was Quite angry, asking me to settle your accounts with you!"

Chaos listened, looked at the Queen of Destiny, but smiled bitterly, "The punishment, the punishment, but the brother should ask for a lesson, I do that, but there is no selfishness, just for the sake of the girl, so as not to brew It will be a big disaster and will not end in the future. This point, Dao Brother should be clearer than the old one!"

Cang Tian heard the words, angerlessly white chaotic glance, "If you say so, you have to lead you old man to a favor?"

With that, he came with the Queen of Destiny. The topic just now was laughed away. Of course, he would not cure Chaos or any crimes. It was just a joke between old friends.

"Hong Jun, have you been okay these years?" Sit cross-legged, Cang Tian asked Hong Jun at the first sentence.

Among these, those who can directly call Hongjun’s name, I am afraid that there is only the unruly sky!

Hong Jun heard the words and smiled bitterly, "Although I almost lost my old life, I lived out of Xuanhuang Realm anyway!"

Cang Tian smiled, "I said you were stupid, but you didn't believe it. You had to give up your innate body and reincarnate to suffer that crime.

Hongjun shook his head. "Some things have to be done. If the brother is Hongjun, he will generally choose!"

Cang Tian sighed, "After this robbery, the cause and effect you owed that year are also paid off..."

Hongjun smiled bitterly, "Hongjun's cause and effect, what about the brother's cause and effect?"

The sky paused, shrugging, "I owe good cause and good result, it's different from you..."

Hong Jun shook his head, "Due to the words of Brother Dao, how many fellow practitioners have been reincarnated in the Xuanhuang Realm, and they have not been able to get rid of it. Some even fell into reincarnation and fell forever. Dao Brother, is this also a good cause and a good result? "

Cang Tian said, "Human nature is corrupt, it is a word of corruption that harms them. If they are not greedy, how can I enter the Xuanhuang reincarnation because of my words? I can't accept the cause and effect. Moreover, they will enter the Xuanhuang reincarnation, Hong Jun, you have to take some responsibility!"

"Me?" Hong Jun puzzled.

Cang Tiandao, "What I said at that time was of course tempting for them, but it was not enough to make them so desperate. If you and Nuwa took the lead to make them think that there was such a thing, how could there be a successor or a successor? ?"

Hong Jun heard that, his face twitched slightly, "So, blame me?"

This face is too naughty, obviously you deceived people, but put the blame on me!

Cang Tian waved his hands in an indifferent way, "This matter has nothing to do with anyone. Whoever loves to pick up the cause and effect, who will pick it up, anyway, I won’t pick it up, the saints are sinking, it’s their own self-acceptance, if I blame them, Have the ability to beat me!"

Everyone said that they pointed to the There is nothing to say, you have a big fist, you should be arrogant.

"Brother Dao is really the time to come. Later, the World Assembly will be over!" Di Zun said.

Cang Tiandao, "How can I miss such a big event, anyway, there is still the name of the suzerain, or do I show up, what do others think of me?"

Hong Jun smiled, "Brother Dao still cares what other people think, I can't believe it!"

Cang Tian shook his head, "I have waited for many days, I don't know what you think about this meeting?"

Several people took a deep breath, apparently all with a little lip service, Di Zun pondered a bit, and said, "This conference is full of talents. It is the first event since the establishment of Daozong Zong. It’s dazzling, but there are also people who are not ashamed and sullen..."

Several people looked at Cangtian, believing that Cangtian should know who Di Zun was talking about.

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