Super Study God

Chapter 2450: Lin Xuan asked!


Su Hang couldn't help but almost spit out the old blood. Di Zun is making fun, and he is opening the market, which is not like what you can do.

Right? Suhang asked back.

Di Zun waved his hand, "I haven't said that, as long as you can win, I will lose nothing, and I can afford it."

Su Hang smiled bitterly, really confused, these big guys are thinking about all day, do you have nothing to do when you are full?

At this time, Cangtian faced Suhangdao, "I will ask you one more time at the end. Are you really going to get something from me?"

Su Hang shook his head, "I rely on my own ability to win, and I also want to win a bright and upright, so thank you for your kindness!"

Cang Tian waved his hand, "Yes, you gave up the opportunity yourself, then tomorrow will be your performance!"

Su Hang arched his hands to the sky, "Since that, the juniors say goodbye!"

"I have to say something!"

At this time, Di Zun said, "There is no need to kill your opponents in the competition, no matter whether there is hatred between you or how much hatred, they are raised by the father and parents.

"Remember the juniors!"

Su Hang bowed to the ground, and he still respected the seniors!

"In addition, Lin Xuan asked Brother Chen Dao for something, God's sin!"

At this time, Di Zun suddenly spoke out.


Su Hang was stunned, just asked Cang Tian, ​​Cang Tian did not say, before he left, but was exploded by Di Zun, what is this operation!

Cang Tian also turned sharply and looked at Di Zun. Obviously, Di Zun would suddenly break the news. This operation, how did it feel like he met a pig teammate.

"Heavenly sin?"

Su Hang looked at the sky and looked a little uncomfortable. "No wonder he refused to say, Senior, did you give Lin Xuan the sin of heaven?"

Cang Tian's face shook slightly, but then returned to normal, "Why, can't it? I still have to report to you not successful?"

Su Hang had a dark face, and her mood was not so beautiful. "God sin, but you took it from me. As a result, you turned your face and gave it to my opponent. Senior, don't you think this is not so good?" "

Cang Tian shrugged, "Heavenly sin was made by me. After your hand, would it be your thing? Besides, Xuan'er opened my mouth to me, can't you give it? The same, I also gave you a chance. If you just told me that you also want to sin, I will immediately find Xuan'er to get it back to you. Do you either?"

Su Hang was speechless for a moment, staring at the sky for a long time, and sighed for a long time, "Well, give it, give it, an iron rod, I don't care..."

"I also want to see how much sin can benefit him!"

Su Hang said, turned around and left!

Both Cangtian and Dizun watched Su Hang leave, Cangtian shook his head, "Too young, rushing!"

Di Zun said, "You're doing this, it's a little bit out of place!"

Cangtian turned to look at Di Zun, "Dude, you were just unreal!"

Di Zun shook his head, "I don't tell him, and he will know tomorrow, so I can talk about it now, so as to avoid misunderstanding! In general, it's a bit different from you!

Cang Tian waved his hand, "This kid is growing too fast, Xuan'er, the three of them will not be his opponent, who am I? Cang Tian, ​​the master of the heavenly plane, the master of this avenue, although I don't want to Yes, but to pass the position, it would have to be vigorous. Let him poke it with a stick. It is too simple, too easy?"

"It's reasonable to say what you said!" Di Zun paused. "But I want to ask you, do you really care about my apprentice?"

The sky paused. "Sheng'er, this girl is very good. She came to pick me up. I'm very relieved. After all, you are still watching..."

Di Zun said, "Ke Shenger has some background in Tianyin, can you rest assured?"

Cang Tian smiled, "You didn't understand what I meant, no matter what background she had, the important thing is that she is now your disciple, and you are my celestial elder! I also met Le Zun, he I agree with my choice!"

Di Zun smiled bitterly, "Aren't you afraid of her not doing well?"

Cang Tian laughed, "It's just a Daozong, it's not as important as imagined. If she does well, of course, it doesn't matter if it's done well. It's not difficult to push down the stall and rebuild!"

"It's reasonable to say you!"

Di Zun sighed, "Everything depends on tomorrow's results!"

Cang Tian smiled and got up and said, "Dude, are you interested, go with me to Xuanhuang Realm?"

Di Zun puzzled the sky, "What are you going to Xuanhuang Realm for?"

"Le Zun went to Xuanhuang Realm, looking for his sister Nuwa, I also have some old friends, want to see!" Cang Tian's face became a little serious!

Di Zun heard the words and frowned gently.

At this time, Cangtian turned to look at Di Zun, "Also be your old friend!"

Di Zun took a deep breath and didn't know what he thought of, "Some years, some things should also pass, just go and see..."

After finishing speaking, Di Zhan stood up, and together with Cang Tian, ​​disappeared from the hall without warning.



Su Hang returned to Mingzhufeng, Yin Yuer saw him come back, relieved, but saw Su Hang's complexion, quickly stepped forward to ask.

Su Hang didn't say much, only comforted a few words, the night was already deep, lying in bed, Su Hang thought in his mind.

"What are you thinking?"

It turned out that Yin Yu'er didn't fall asleep. Tomorrow is the final. I don't know what Cang Tian said to Su Hang tonight, so she followed her heart.

Su Hang hugged Yin Yu'er's shoulder and said, "I'm thinking, should I win or lose tomorrow's battle!"

Yin Yuer paused and leaned on the Suhang, "Is it so important to win or lose?"

Su Hang shook his head, "For me, winning or losing is not However, their approach makes me a little difficult to accept!"

Silently, Yin Yu'er said, "Did Grandpa Shizu tell you something? He wants you to lose?"

"He didn't say it clearly!" Su Hang sighed and said, "But I can hear it, he should have this meaning in his words!"

Yin Yu'er looked up and looked at Su Hang, "So, what do you choose?"

"I haven't thought about it yet!" Su Hang touched Yin Yuer's cheek with his right hand. "What do you think I should do?"

Yin Yuer put her face on Su Hang’s chest, listening to Su Hang’s powerful heartbeat, "No matter how you choose, I will support you!"

Su Hang was very touched. "You must give me some advice?"

Yin Yu'er thought for a while and said, "I dare not sway your thoughts, but I think that Grandpa Shizu must have his considerations. With his old man's status and identity, he should not be involved in this matter. Let you give in, if he really makes you retreat, it should not be out of selfishness!"

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