Super Study God

Chapter 2470: Qintai Stone on Qintai Mountain!

? "It's over!" Pan Yu looked anxious, "It seems that Sister Sheng was hit, my father wouldn't really want to marry me to Su Hang?"

Hu Buhui paused and said, "Miss, if you should say something you shouldn't say, the old slave feels that this is actually not bad. Isn't Miss always looking for a strong husband-in-law? , You saw that day, definitely the top figure in the young generation, placed in our Promise, and can not find a young man who can match him..."

"Old Hu!" Pan Yu glared at Hu Bugui, "I know you know Su Hang, but you have to figure out which side you are from first!"

"Miss is angry!" Hu Bugui said quickly. "The old slave didn't help Su Hang. This person, Su Hang's character and force are reliable. If the old man loves the lady so much, will it hurt you? Su Hang must be There is something else, otherwise the lord would personally intervene in the marriage of the young lady, and, just now in the Cangtian Temple, I listened to the aunt and the real man talking to the heaven. The aunt said that only by combining with the strong can the strongest descendants be born, the old slave I think this is the truth!"

Pan Yu heard the words, a face flushed red, "I am not a sow, I brought it here to wear..."

Hu didn't confess, he didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Nan Yusheng next to him said, "Sister's anxiety is useless. I don't think it's better to ask your aunt to talk about it. The big lifelong event is not a trivial matter. They will definitely consult you!"

Pan Yu smiled bitterly, "reasoning with my aunt, undoubtedly playing the piano with cattle, I think, I still have to find a place to hide!"

"Hiding?" Nan Yusheng shook his head. "Hiding can hide there again? Cangtian Master Bofa eye candlelight, where can it escape?"

Pan Yu heard that some bitterness!

Hu Bugui thought for a while and said, "Miss, if you really want to hide, I can't be as good as..."

Pan Yu turned to Hu Bugui and looked at it.

Hu Bugui caressed the long beard under his jaw and said, "Why not go to Xuanhuang Realm? The old slaves also have some old friends there. After so many years, I don't know if anyone is still alive.

"Xuanhuang Realm?" Pan Yu heard the words, frowning gently.



Since Cang Tian knew that he wanted to escape, it didn't matter. Su Hang simply swaggered and went to Xuan Huangfeng first. Su Xi didn't return last night. Su Hang was worried.

Originally stayed to take care of Lin Xuan, but Su Hang went directly this time, Lin family did not even see his shadow,

Su Hang originally wanted to take Su Xi away. After all, Su Xi said that he wanted to go back to the earth, but Lin Xuan was seriously injured at this time, but Su Xi didn't want to leave again!

Helpless, Su Hang threatened the Lin family again, and then left Chuangjie Mountain.


Xuanhuang Realm!

Earthland, Qintai Mountain!

In those days, the five races used to ally here, and the Soviet Union is here to turn the tide and leave its name.

Today, after years, Qintai Mountain has already lived up to the majesty of the past, and the weather has turned cooler.

Two men stood on the top of Qintai Mountain, one in white and one in black, just like a pair of imperial messengers!

The black-faced man knocked on the piano stone, and the stone made a clear sound.

"How many years have you been here, no one knows this Xuanhuang Realm!" The black-faced man turned back and looked at the white man!

The man in white shook his head. "Thousands of dollars are easy to get, and it is hard to find a confidant. If you follow our path and want to find a friend, it is not easy!"

The black-faced man smiled and said, "It is said that there are 18,000 high-level war songs of Tianyin Realm in the Qintai Stone. If it is true, this treasure is placed here, it is really a violent disaster!"

The man in white chuckled, "Thinking about that, I waited for a few people to take a huge treasure into the Xuanhuang Realm for the sake of fate. Now, the big immortal stick and the heavenly sin of the victory are all taken, but I am the Qintai stone. The pearl is dusty, hey, it’s a shame to think about it!"

The black-faced man heard the words and laughed. "It's better than Hongjun. He almost got himself in..."

The man in white sighed again, "It seems that it's time to take back this treasure. Instead of leaving it here and suffering from wind and frost, it's better to make a plaything for my sister!"

After a pause, the white man said again, "It seems that the Lexiu Avenue of my Tianyin world still has the sword on the slant, and it can't be compared to the world of the outer plane of the heaven and the sky!"

"Le Zun laughed!" The black-faced man next to him smiled, "Le Zun played with elegance. I wait for a layman. Compared with Le Zun, I am ashamed!"

The man in white shook his head and smiled, "Something that is useless. Sometimes, I really want to be a vulgar..."

"Someone is here, Le Zun, it seems there are people who know the goods!" At this time, the black-faced man suddenly said.

The man in white heard the words, frowned slightly, and looked down the mountain. The two disappeared without warning!

The wind blew through, and there was no trace at all. Only the Qintai stone vaguely made a clear sound!

Not long after, this figure appeared on the top of the mountain.


A long breath of turbid breath, the turbid breath gathered into a white smoke on the top of the cold mountain.

This man looks like he is in his thirties, burly and lean, with dark skin, wearing a leather vest, very strong!

The man glanced at the top of the mountain, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and immediately walked over to the Qintai stone.

Stretched his hand and touched it on the Qintai stone, his eyes shined, "Still here, haha, good, great..."

"Amitabha, what's good, just a broken stone, are you really a baby?" Just when the man was excited, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Suddenly the man's hand was fixed, and when he looked back, he saw a bald-headed monk at the cliffside mountain road somehow.

Jin Lanjie ~ ~ holding a zen stick, with one hand on his chest, his face white and pure, just like a young handsome monk.

"Monk?" The man in the vest frowned, and his face was instantly full of precautions. He looked up and down at the monk. "Where is the bald man?"

"Amitabha!" The monk sang a Buddha number, "Xuan Zang, the poor monk, who is the Buddha of the Buddha's door, and Tan Tan..."

"Chan Tan merit Buddha? Master Sun Wukong?" The expression on the man's face on the vest changed slightly, and he walked slowly towards the young monk. "What's the matter, wouldn't I just want to spend my time at the Buddhist gate?"

"The donor knows the poor monk, very good, very good!" The monk looks like a holy monk. "However, the donor has no relationship with my Buddha, and the poor monk does not have the heart to spend. It is this stone that has a relationship with the poor monk. Please also Donor grants..."

The man heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly, walked in front of the monk, turned around, suddenly his face changed greatly, "Styx, how about you pretending to be Nima?"


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