Super Study God

Chapter 2474: Le Zun, Fu Xi?

"Oh, it's really back!" Di Zun smiled!

All three looked at Su Hang at the door. When the white man turned his head, Su Hang was completely settled!

This face, so familiar!

At this moment, Su Hang was standing a bit silly, and the face in front of him seemed to have traveled through time and space, and it coincided with the honest face long and long ago.

"Second brother?"

It took a long time for Su Hang to spit out two words. This face is his brother Yi Xi's worship.

Although the face in front of him is whiter and more temperamental, it is vaguely different from Fu Xi's memory, but after all, so many years have passed, can there be no change in the nearly one billion years?

Su Hang didn't expect that Fu Xi could be simply here. Fu Xi disappeared earlier and did not know where to go. Su Hang was still worried about his accidents, but now it seems that he is still alive, and it is in front of him. An accident is a surprise!

"Not unreasonable!"

At this time, Di Zun said aloud.

Su Hang was a little stunned and looked at Di Zun.

Di Zun said, "This is the master of the plane of Tianyin, Le Zun Xiao Yun, Xiao Dao You!"

The second brother is called as soon as he comes up. Who can bear it?

"Le Zun?"

Su Hang was even more embarrassed and turned to look at the white man. It was clearly the same face. Could it be that the lord of the planes and planes could bump into his face with his second brother Fu Xi?

The man in white has a slight smile on his face, "Di Zun is right, my surname is Xiao, and the single name is a cloud word, which is a musical instrument. All the friends gave me a face and called me Zun Zun, presumably You have also heard of me, as far as you say Fuxi..."

A deep thought, the man in white said, "He is just one of my avatars!"

"Doppelganger?" Su Hang was startled. His honest and honest brother-in-law was Le Zun's doppelganger?

The white man smiled, waved at Su Hang, and motioned to Su Hang to come and sit down and speak.

Some of the six gods of Suhang had no masters, so they walked past inexplicably and sat down at the stone table.

Di Zun lifted the teapot on the table and served Su Hang with a cup of hot tea. Su Hang quickly thanked him and took both hands.

"Looking like this, I suppose I have already won the top prize at the Wanjie Conference?" Di Zun asked casually. With such power, what happened in the heavenly world must be well-known.

Su Hang waved his hand, "What's the use, it's not just being played!"

Di Zun looked at Su Hang with surprise, "It seems that listening to you is not in the realm of heaven? First in the world, how many people want to win the glory. Since you got it, what else is not content? I'm not afraid to tell you that I have already received the message from the Heavenly Daoist Friends, and within a few days, I will go back to the Jieshan Mountain to witness the ceremony!"

"Heritage ceremony, huh!" Su Hang drank the tea in the cup and put the cup on the table with a pestle. "I'm not that rare in that seat. There are pits on the left and right. I think about it. I think I still left Chuangjie Mountain. , It’s good to hide!"

Di Zun shook his head, "Other people have broken their heads for power. You young people, but they are afraid to avoid them. I really don't know what happened to you young people!"

Su Hang smiled, "It's not that I'm not obsessed with power, I still want to be happy in my life, I'm in a bad mood, everything else is nothing!"

Suddenly, Suhang looked at Di Zun, "And, if I wait for you to come to your level and have the power to create power, what power is there for me to be obsessed with?"

Di Zun heard the words and smiled, "This is a good saying. Power equals responsibility. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. Instead of asking yourself trouble, it is better to ask for freedom!"

Speaking of this, Di Zun said again, "However, I guess, you come back to Xuanhuang Realm at this time, should there be another reason?"

Su Hang heard a stagnation, as if it was a bit unspeakable, just laughed, and turned to Le Zun next to him.

"Le Zun said just now, that my second brother Fu Xi is your avatar?" Su Hang suffocated for a long time, only to hold a word.

This face is very familiar, but it is a stranger, which makes Suhang feel at a loss.

Le Zun smiled and was about to speak, next to Huang Tiandao, "Le Zun is the reincarnation of the ancient chaos **** Xizu, and he proves that he is a brother and sister with the Emperor Wa. In the early years, the Emperor Wa was reincarnated to the Xuanhuang Realm, and Le Zun was not at ease. Then, he accompanied the descendant guardian as a one-piece avatar, aliasing Fu Xi. After the emperor Wa Wa’s robbery, the avatar has been taken back by Le Zun. Are you really Le Zun as your second brother?"

Su Hang sweats, but I don't know if this is the case. There is such a long list of causes and effects?

My second brother, who is so confused, is gone? For a while, Su Hang was really hard to accept.

A few people did not speak, only looked at Su Hang, apparently had to slow down Su Hang.

After a while, Le Zun said, "No one in the world can understand the cause and effect of the cause and effect. Waer is indeed my sister. These years, I really miss it, and now she is in you. Under your door, I will ask you to take care of me in the future!"

Su Hang looked at Le Zun with surprise, "You are Le Zun, ten million times stronger than me, why don't you teach it yourself? In your realm, she follows you, it should be ten thousand times stronger than following me!"

Le Zun shook his head has everyone's way, she entered the Xuanhuang Realm, seeking truth, seeking luck, if I take her away, she has been in this billion years Isn't all what I asked for become empty? "

Su Hang listened and thought it seemed reasonable!

"My way is different from hers and not suitable for her. She has to look for her own way!" Le Zun said slowly, and his eyes fell on Su Hang again. "In fact, we do have some cause and effect. , If you are willing, think of me as your second Fuxi brother!"

Su Hang smiled and shook his head bitterly, knowing that Le Zun was just a joke. What is his identity, and what is Le Zun's identity, and he is the brother of the realm Wang Jie? You have to say that being a little brother is fine, but why do you want to be a big brother?

Although the cause and effect of the avatar should be inherited, the avatar should always be an avatar, and it is not comparable to the ancestor.

Su Hang knows only one thing, Fu Xi is gone, and in such a confused way.

In addition to a short sigh, Suhang could not find any other words.

"Ling'er that music box, but Le Zun gave it?" Su Hang asked.

Le Zun smiled, and next to Di Zun's interface, said, "Which music box is Le Zun transformed with Qintai stone? The grade of that thing is not under your big fairy stick!"


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