Super Study God

Chapter 2486: fake!

Seeing that Su Hang was indifferent, Hao Tian said at this time, "Some people in the Buddhist gates are really arrogant and arrogant. If they find out that the Buddhist gates are in trouble, please ask Master Uncle to punish them severely!"

This Haotian, thinking that Su Hang could suppress the Buddha for him, was also drunk.

Su Hang nodded slightly and said, "Wait until you find out!"

Hao Tiandao said, "It is almost unnecessary to check this matter. The Buddhas are bold and arrogant. They must want to take advantage of this opportunity to touch the position of the Emperor, and extend his palm to the Underworld completely. It can be said that it is really bold and does not look at the origin of the Underworld. , What is behind it."

Su Hang did not say much. He did not have a good impression of Buddhism, but he did not have a bad impression.



But a few moments later, the Ten Temple Yan Luo returned, King Qin Guang hurried into the room to report, Su Hang saw him look like a little panic.

"Emperor Master!"

King Qin Guang entered the door and bowed down directly. Without waiting for Su Hang to ask more, he looked up at Su Hang nervously and solemnly, and said, "Emperor Master, great things are not good.

Su Hang frowned gently, "sit?"

King Qin Guang said, "It's been a while since the Six Desire Venerables were sitting. Xiao Wang was oversight and failed to know. Ask the Emperor Master to come down!"

Having said that, I bowed down again, and I was terrified.

Su Hang's face was not very good-looking, and Hao Tiancha next to him looked at him, and immediately said, "Sit down? Uncle asked for him, and he just sat down, which is too coincidental? What's the difference?"

King Qin Guang buried his head and dared not speak.

Hao Tiandao said, "Even if it sits, the spirit will die, but the true spirit should still be..."

King Qin Guang said, "The Venerable Six Desire sits in the Six Desire Hell, and the true spirit is no longer saved by the evil spirits of the Six Desire Hell..."

"So miserable?" Hao Tian heard the words, frowning, and turned to Su Hang to look over.

Are the real spirits divided? Su Hang also felt strange in his mind, "Don't you say that he recommended Duan Lin to you before? How could it be a few days ago?"

King Qin Guang said, "Xiao Wang also feels surprised. He only saw the Six Desires this morning, but the life and death book shows that he really died a few days ago. I want to come. Someone who has seen the Six Desires this morning must be fake. The Venerable Six Desires passed away, maybe it was related to this counterfeit person, but unfortunately Xiao Wang's eyes were so clumsy that he couldn't tell!"


The expression on Su Hang's face was a little cautious. Could it be that someone dared to enter the mansion, kill the lord, and return to the emperor's coveted position of the emperor?

This is too arrogant, right?

"The possibility is high!" Qin Guangwang said.

"Bring Duan Lin in!" Su Hang asked with a sullen face.

King Qin Guang responded and quickly retreated. Although he did not find the Six Desire Venerables, Duan Lin was unable to run. The other nine Yan Juns were guarding outside to make sure he would not escape Off.

Soon, including Qin Guangwang, ten Yan Jun escorted a young man together.

The young man was dressed in gray and of medium build. When he entered the door, he looked left and right. His face was full of fear. At first glance, he was scared!

"Kneel down!" King Chu Jiang scolded.

The young man shuddered all over, and no matter what else, almost kneel down subconsciously.

King Qin Guang said, "Emperor Master, Duan Lin has been brought, please ask Emperor Master to deal with it!"

Su Hang nodded and motioned to the Ten Temples to retreat to the side. His eyes fell on Duan Lin.

A congenital soul was so bold that he ran to the Underworld and tried to fight for the position of the Emperor. I really don't know who gave him the guts.

"Look up!" Su Hangdao said.

At this time, Duan Lin raised his head. When he saw Su Hang, he was obviously a little dumbfounded. Obviously, he also thought Su Hang was familiar, and perhaps he had not recognized Su Hang for a while.

"Why? Don't you know me?" Su Hang asked lightly.

Suddenly, Duan Lin thought of something, and his face immediately changed, "You... why are you here?"

At the moment, Duan Lin was about to get up, apparently remembering Su Hang. After all, it was only more than a year. At the beginning, under the Phoenix Mountain, Su Hang gave him a deep impression.

"Careless, dare to be impolite to the emperor's teacher?" King Qin Guang next sighed, and immediately frightened Duan Lin!

"You, you, you can't treat me like this!" Duan Lin was anxious and frightened, bracing a little courage, and said, "I'm a heir to the emperor, I have a relic of the emperor, so wait for me to treat me like this. Don’t you fear that Emperor Ming took your head?"

This may be his last reliance. He could hear his emptiness and even his fear.


At this time, Hao Tian snorted coldly, "The kid doesn't know that the sky is thick and thick, don't say it's you, even if the emperor is here, he has to kneel three times, know who is the person in front of you? This is the master of the emperor, Venerable Pangu!"

Duan Lin listened, and his face was terrified, and he might not have heard what Haotian was saying at all, but he could understand the meaning of the words. The person in front of him was so powerful that he could completely ignore him. The point of succession.

"Duan Lin, we've already seen it before. Don't be afraid. I'll ask you to come. I just want to ask you a few questions!" Su Hang's tone was faint, and I couldn't hear a bit of anger. "I'll ask you. Come and answer, I’m fine, I’m not embarrassing you, but if you don’t answer well, or make me unsatisfied, then I can’t guarantee how the Ten Palaces will deal with you!”

In the words, with a little threat, Duan Lin listened, shuddered, and even the soul was a little unstable, "Please, please!"

Su Hang nodded slightly and said, "How did you come to the underworld? Why did you come to the underworld?"

Duan Lin listened, snorted, and said, "I, I used ghost teeth to open the door of the underworld, and came to the underworld. As for the reason, the reason is to respect the aunt, that is, the order of the emperor, to take over. Emperor's place!"

"Nonsense!" At this time, Haotian snorted Where this word will be true, it is nonsense.

In a word, Duan Linna's soul almost collapsed.

Su Hang waved his hand, stopped the fiery Haotian, and gave Duan Lin a look, "You continue to say!"

In the ten halls, Yan Luo was watching, the emperor's prestige was overwhelming, and a small soul in Duan Lin was so scared that his soul was flying away!

After listening to Su Hang’s words, he strengthened his mind and stabilized his mind. Duan Lin continued to say, “I really respected my aunt’s order and came to the Underworld to take over the position of the Emperor, but I didn’t expect that the Underworld has begun to elect a new Emperor. Can go to the exam..."

Su Hang shook his head and was disappointed. This Duan Lin was really not honest. The words he said were full of loopholes. I am afraid that no one would believe him.

"Did you say that Emperor Hao let you take over, but what evidence do you have?" Su Hang asked again.


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