Super Study God

Chapter 2588: The lights are now!

The most painful thing is to wait, originally filled with joy, thinking that it has been sealed by fate, but at this moment, it was only shocked, perhaps from the beginning, their design has been wrong.

How could it be so easy to break through the realm of the realm of kings? It would be naive to take advantage of the fate of reincarnation.

"He should have left already?" Chen Xiaoli asked.

Chen Dasheng nodded slightly, "This kid can't hold back, he has long gone..."

Chen Xiaoli said, "You too, let people say that we will take care of delivery, Wuji and Tiantian are so far apart, he doesn't know the way, I'm afraid he will get lost in chaos!"

Chen Dasheng smiled bitterly, "Who can blame him, who let him run, but sister, you don't need to worry about him, if he is really a lifesaver, he is not afraid that he will have an accident, if not, he will die. If you are dead, it’s none of our business to rush to death!"


Looking at Chen Dasheng, Chen Xiaoli shook his head helplessly, "Soviet Airlines has great potential and has a good chance of becoming a king of the world. We have to find a way to strengthen our strength in order to fight Hong Zhen!"

Chen Dasheng took a deep breath and heard a deep sigh on his face. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Brother Jin Yuan, Brother Qin, they should all be here, just like Lingguo Yan, sister, let's talk to them and have a chat!" Chen Dasheng sighed and gently patted Chen Xiaoli's shoulder.

Chen Xiaoli nodded. Although he was hit hard, he couldn't sink because of it. The road must continue.



Abandoned ancient world, little black raven city, drums and music, heaven and earth, Yingge Yanyan, magpie flying all over the streets, joy everywhere, joy everywhere!

Today is not only the big day of the Black Crow City, but also the big day of the entire ancient world. The birth of the bird **** Fuyao can be said that every place in the ancient world is celebrating. This is already a traditional festival in the ancient world!

Especially as the Yu clan, this festival is more important. After all, Fuyaozi is not only the teacher of the arrogant Chu Tianfeng, but also the ancestor of the Yu clan.

The ancient world is full of sacrifices, and Black Crow City is no exception. Moreover, in addition to the sacrifices, Black Crow City has to choose today who will be the crow lamp tribe of Black Crow City in the next ten years.

The three major tribes and eighteen tribes of Black Raven City, who won the Sparrow God Competition, which tribe should be enshrined in the next ten years, and the meaning of enshrining the Sparrow Lamp, that is, in this decade Who is the final choice for the Black Raven City!

Prior to this, almost all the crow lights were enshrined by the Black Raven family, and it was rarely changed. Because of this, the Black Raven City was called the Black Raven City, and the Black Raven family could control the entire Black Raven City. Today, the other tribes won, but the result is different. If the white goose tribe gets the bird magic lamp, the black raven city will have to change its name to white goose city. If the gray duck triumphs, it will be called gray duck. The city is gone.

Not to mention the other tribes, all of them are fighting today, and they are waiting hard to compete!

Early in the morning, after offering sacrifices to the goddess Fuyaozi, the head of the clan gathered in the Black Raven House. From the ancestral hall of the Black Ravens, they knelt down and invited the Sparrow Lamps out of their hands. Altar in the south of the city.

The ring has been set up in front of the altar, the vast square is already crowded with people, such a grand event, from the elderly to the three-year-old naughty, no one wants to miss it.

Many people have been occupying seats since yesterday, and even the heavy rain of last night has even been drowned. Even the clothes are reluctant to go back and change, fearing that the good seats will be occupied.

The bird lantern was sent to the highest part of the altar, and everyone bowed down, a lot of ceremonies, and it can be seen that the bird lantern is really high in the hearts of the citizens of the black raven city. It is simply worshipped as an ancestral holy thing .

It was also at this time that Su Hang was the first time to see the true face of the legendary bird magic lamp!

It was a glazed jade lamp, very large, two or three meters high. It looked like a holy grail, with a lamp holder at the bottom and a winged flying **** above!

Shenpeng's claw is the lampshade, the wick inside is burning, I don't know how long it has been burning!

Su Hang looked at the lamp from afar, and there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart. In the midst of life, it felt a little bit unpleasant, and his heart was a bit sour, and his thoughts seemed to be pulled back to the scene where he met Fuyaozi in Xuanhuang Realm!

"Ping Shui meets and don't ask who, a drink of Jianghu children's wine!

The finches also have ambitions, Jiuxiao shakes the thunder and thunder! "

Can't help it, Su Hang sighed, this poem, I don't know if he wrote it to Fuyao or Fuyao left him!

"What are you talking about?"

Yangliu was sitting next to Su Hang. He heard a whisper in Su Hang's mouth and couldn't help asking a curious question.

Su Hang regained his consciousness and shook his head gently. "It's a pity, a pity..."


Yang Liu looked at Su Hang strangely, "Dare to ask the old man but Fuyao Taoist friend?"

Su Hang smiled indifferently and didn't answer. He didn't know why the real person of Yangliu asked so. Maybe he really regarded himself as the reincarnation of destiny. Didn't Fuyao reincarnate Xuanhuang Realm go to follow his destiny?

"Fate meets fate Fate comes from fate, but no one can say that people will win the sky. In the end, everything is still destiny!" Yang Liuzhen smiled bitterly and said something inexplicable. .

Su Hang didn't say much, only looked at the altar in front. For Black Raven City, the three of them were outsiders and would not participate in the sacrifice, but out of respect for the elders, the black Crow House specially arranged seats for them to observe the ceremony.

"Brother Su, look at that lamp!" At this time, the sacrifice was still going on, and Yang Liuzheng pointed to the lamp on the altar, and said to Su Hangdao.

Su Hang had seen it before and asked, "Is this light your destiny?"

As early as when I saw this lamp, Su Hang had already used the Xueshen system to identify it. Although there is not much information, the information obtained shows that it is indeed just a common lamp!

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