Super Study God

Chapter 2611: Thank you, ma'am!

?????????????? "So, Brother Su, you no longer care about the old faults?" Yang Liu heard the words, his eyes lit up.

?????????????? Su Hang gave him a blank look, "Isn't that what you want? I can let you go this time, but only if you really want to come in Under Xiaoman's door, protect her well for me. If she misses a bit, she will be punished for both crimes and don't think about living alive!"

???????? Yang Liu was overjoyed, nodded again and again, got up and greeted Su Hang, "Thank you, Madam..."


???????????? Su Hang almost sat on the ground without a butt, an old blood almost spit out, staring dumbly at the old thing in front of him, "What do you call me?"

?????????? Yang Liu said, "I have worshipped Xiaoman as a teacher, shouldn't I just call you a teacher?"

???????? "Fuck you sister, get off!" Su Hang kicked directly.

???????? Yang Liu laughed, and quickly slipped away with his cane, "Brother Su, rest assured, Yang Liu will do it for you!"

???????? Seeing Yang Liu leave, Su Hang was speechless and headache, this old thing really slippery, unexpectedly came unexpectedly, walked under the door of She Xiaoman, do not follow the usual routine, so, with She Xiaoman This relationship, on the contrary, has become close to Su Hang. I have to say that Yang Liu's tricks of roundabout operations are really brilliant, so that Su Hang has to admire it!


Unsurprisingly, the people in Yilong Mountain handed over to Yangliu for disposal. None of the dozen or so people who were directly related to the death of Ning Zhizheng survived, and they were all sent off.

???????? This is considered revenge, She Xiaoman may feel better in her heart, but Su Hang knows that this matter must have offended Xiao Jingchen.

???????? After all, on other people’s sites, using this method to deal with the disciples of others’ doors, it is really not very authentic, think about it differently, if someone goes to Chuangjie Mountain, What kind of mood will Su Hang be when he kills Dao Zong's doormen and is still in front of Su Hang?

???????? Originally, Su Hang was still thinking about talking with Xiao Jingchen, but it was still a matter of thinking. Anyway, he left in two days, and he still cares about who he is. If you offend, you will offend. How many people have offended yourself? If you all apologize, then you don’t need to be confused.

???????? Since he was shown as overbearing at the beginning, **** was simply overbearing in the end.

However, what Su Hang did not expect was that Su Hang did not want to go to Xiao Jingchen. On the same night, Xiao Jingchen sent someone to invite Su Hang to narrate.


???????? "Yangliu, this is not authentic!" This was the first sentence Xiao Jingchen said when he saw Su Hang.

?????????? In the bamboo building, Xiao Jingchen prepared a table of dishes, and only Chu Nan was serving wine next to it!

?????????? Su Hang did not treat himself as an outsider, and sat down directly with a smile on his face, "Xiao Lao said well, this old guy Yangliu is really out of place, even in Xiao Lao Play this trick in front of you..."

?????????? However, following the words of Xiao Jingchen, he pushed the fault to Yangliu in three words. If Yangliu heard this kind of operation, I was afraid that he would vomit blood!

?????????? Xiao Jingchen tasted a glass of wine, "Don't be a joke when you are an old man, this willow, there is a ghost in my heart!"

???????? "Oh? I would like to know the details!" Su Hang chewed his meat and looked up at Xiao Jingchen. The old man called himself in the middle of the night, just want to complain about Yangliu in front of himself and talk about it. Willow bad talk?

?????????? Xiao Jingchen took a deep breath and stared at Su Hang with bright eyes, "Are you a destiny?"

?????? "What the hell?"

???????? After Su Hang asked, he was stunned for a moment.

???????? Xiao Jingchen said, "Fate, the so-called Fate, is the apostle of fate, you should know the reincarnation of fate?"

???????? Su Hang nodded, "Legend fate reincarnation Xuanhuang Realm, this is no longer an open secret, I previously guessed that I was reincarnation of fate, but unfortunately, it seems that this is not the case."

??????"Ha ha!"

?????? Xiao Jingchen smiled indifferently, "Fate reincarnated, I don’t know how many people are in the face, even Fu Yaozi, Chu Tiankuo and the like, can’t stand the temptation, willing to give up everything and take the risk, just It’s a pity to touch the chance, but now it seems that they are all empty with bamboo baskets, but they are not as good as your native Xuanhuang Realm..."

?????? Su Hang heard this, frowning slightly, "How do you know that I am a native of Xuanhuang Realm? Do you know my past life?"

???????? Su Hang came out of Xuanhuang Realm. From the perspective of Xiao Jingchen, if Su Hang is a native of Xuanhuang Realm, does it mean that Su Hangsheng lives in Xuanhuang Realm? Otherwise, Fuyaozi and their people, reincarnated in Xuanhuang Realm, can't they be regarded as the natives of Xuanhuang Realm?

?????????? Xiao Jingchen heard the words and leaned forward slightly, "Although I don't know who you were in your past life, but the breath of your body, I was unheard of, the ancient **** in the chaos of that year, big and big Everyone knows you basically, you are not like any of them, so, I guess you should be a native of Xuanhuang Realm!"

???????? What is this explanation? Su Hang frowned, and said immediately, "Xiao Lao, you said you basically know the ancient gods in chaos?"

???????? Xiao Jingchen nodded slightly, "I was very fond of making friends, I don't know, there should be very few!"

???????? "Then, I want to ask you to do me a favor!" Su Hangdao.

?????????? "What's busy?" Xiao Jingchen looked at Su Hang strangely, an expression that said nothing but borrow money!

"Look at me, who was my past life, exactly!" Su Hang said directly.

Xiao Jingchen couldn't help crying and You can't treat me like a god, can you see who was your past life?

When I was about to say something, I saw Su Hang without saying a word, and took out the Yuan Zu mirror directly, "This is the Yuan Zu mirror, which can reflect the exhausted things in the mirror. I once shot a person in the mirror, but I don’t know my identity. Xiao Lao has a lot of friends. Please help me to recognize Xiao Lao over there!"

"Good baby!" Xiao Jingchen looked at the mirror and sighed. With his eyesight, he listened to Su Hang's description again. Where can he not know that this is a good baby!

???????? At the moment, Su Hang didn't say anything, and directly urged Yuan Zujing, looking a bit impatient.

The mirror surface was instantly grayed out, and a chaotic scene appeared at once, and the chaos of the chaos quickly saw a giant axe breaking through the sky!

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