Super Study God

Chapter 2617: Just treat me as a fate!

With that said, She Xiaoman approached Suhang, "How can Brother Su get drunk?"

Su Hang heard that he could not help being embarrassed. The master of the realm of King Realm would be drunk? It's a shame to say it!

Especially to let She Xiaoman see his own embarrassment, Su Hang wanted to vomit Xiao Jingchen, didn't this intentionally embarrass me?

Although the wine was awake for a while, she walked a little bit awkwardly. She Xiaoman supported, and the two went out together. Suhangdao said, "Xiaoman, what did you think about what you told you last night?"

She Xiaoman paused for a moment, "Brother Su, I'm flustered now, I don't know what to do!"

"Oh?" Su Hang turned to look at She Xiaoman, under the moonlight, this face was extremely hazy, "What are you panicking about? Is it because of Yangliu's apprenticeship?"

She Xiaoman nodded, “It’s only my seniors who are joking, but it seems that he is serious, but I’m just a little monk who just ascended. He Dehe can take senior Yangliu as a disciple, even if I’m an apprentice to his old man. Not worthy!"

"Don't be pretentious!" Su Hang smiled and interrupted She Xiaoman's words. "No one dared to underestimate you, and you don't underestimate yourself. There is no cause and effect in this world, for he can put down the ancient **** of chaos. Venerable, come under your door, then prove that you have this qualification!"

"But, I don't understand. Why did Senior Yang do this?" She Xiaoman is still confused!

Su Hangdao, "Yangliu, the old guy, I used to be honest, but later I found out that this guy is better than anyone else, you don't have to feel that you have lost him, this old thing will not be sold at a loss!"

She Xiaoman heard the words and tilted her head to look at Su Hang, "Brother Su, do you seem to have little respect for Senior Yang? You..."

Until now, She Xiaoman was confused about the relationship between Su Hang and Yang Liu.

Su Hang smiled and did not hide. He pressed Yangliu and the landing to block their way in chaos. She was educated to She Xiaoman about what she had educated.


She Xiaoman finished listening, opened her mouth slightly, and was filled with surprise on her face, which was a bit different from the image of her predecessor senior!

So, this senior Yang, is just an old villain who was not robbed halfway and was killed?

Some people collapsed! She Xiaoman's reaction was overwhelming for a while, so it seems that in a strict sense, Yangliu is not a good person!

Su Hangdao, "Yangliu people are actually not bad in nature. If you think this apprentice can take it, you can take it. If you don't want to take this apprentice, you can tell me that I will help you deal with it!"


She Xiaoman said, "I want to reject him, but Senior Yangliu is sincere, and I can't bear to refuse. It hurts the face of the senior, it's really a dilemma!"

"I don't know how to do it, then let it take its course!" Su Hang smiled. If he was changed, she was Xiao Xiaoman, I'm afraid it would be entangled!

This Yangliu believed that Su Hang was a fatalist, so he used this method to visit She Xiaoman's door, so as to have a relationship with Su Hang.

She Xiaoman was not making a sound, and did not answer Suhang’s previous questions. Suhang hesitated and didn’t ask any more. He wanted to ask whether she thought she would go with him. Tangle, don't mess up!

Fate? fate?

Walking out of the forest, Su Hang took a deep breath and looked up at the bright moon in the sky. Will he really be the fate of Xiao Jingchen?

Destiny is associated with destiny. If you are a destiny, what is destiny?

Theology system? An idea came to mind in Su Hang's mind. Could it be the fate of the legendary system of learning the gods in his body?

Isn't this incredible? Although the system of learning God is almost omnipotent, but it is only a system, a tool, to say that it is a super-level magic weapon, Su Hang believes, but to say that it is destiny, Su Hang's intuition should not be like this !

Either way, you treat me as destiny, I am destiny, you treat me as a destiny, I am a destiny, Suhang is eager that everyone thinks so, so that you can get a lot of benefits!


One night without words, the next day, She Xiaoman took Yangliu to Yilong Mountain and said that she would give her master Ningzhi a real person tomb to worship!

On this occasion, Su Hang was inconvenient to go. When Yang Liu was there, Su Hang asked not to worry about her safety. He rested alone in the residence, woke up and sobered, meditated for a while, then went out of the room and went to the mountain. It is difficult to come to the ancient world once and for all, it is natural to see how this Ziyang Mountain is different!

The Ziyang Mountain is the ancestral vein of the ancient world. The ancestral court of the Ziyang School is located. In front of the Patriarch’s Hall, a huge statue is erected.

The worship of the gods and beasts in the ancient world is beyond the imagination of other major planes. In this world where the avenue is a demon, if a monk wants to survive, he must take the fetal eggs of the beasts, seize the creation of the beasts, and practice the soul into the Tao. The ancient world worships the gods and beasts naturally.

The plane of this word is almost exactly the same as the ancient times of the Xuanhuang Realm. There are also three demon lists of the heaven and earth spirits. There are hundreds of powerful demon beasts and demon souls, and these nine heaven is beyond the demon. The list, the existence of the gods list.

The master of the barren ancient plane, Chu Tianfeng, the king of the realm, inherited the Fuyao inheritance and entered the Tao with a weak life soul, and achieved the Nine Heavens God's body. Later, the Nine Heavens God's body was mutated and further advanced, beyond the blue, beyond the Fuyao. King of the world!

The ancient customs are fierce, and Ziyang Palace is no exception. On the entire Ziyang Mountain, the most buildings are training venues and comparison venues, because Ziyang Palace adheres to the purpose of teaching and classless, and the five races, and even other tribes other than the fifth race can absorb The entire Ziyang Palace is no longer a pure feather tribe, it is now lined with various factions.

The messy personnel resulted in conflicts. Fighting was everywhere on the mountain. Ziyang Palace seemed to be very happy to see such a situation. If there was a conflict, as long as it was reported to Zongmen for permission, both parties could go directly to the competition venue to resolve the conflict.

Xiao Jingchen also discussed this issue with Su Hang. However, Xiao Jingchen's attitude is that there can be progress only if there is competition. This is a world that advocates military force, and it will not change now, and certainly will not change in the future!

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