Super Study God

Chapter 2631: No match!

"This..." Yang Liu stunned!

When Su Hang saw him, he frowned immediately. "Why? What do you want to do with me?"

Yang Liu smiled bitterly, "Do not hide from you, in fact, I don't quite know how to absorb these destiny!"

"I don't know what it means?" Su Hang stared at Yangliu, and was about to push his sleeves to clean up the old goods.

Yang Liu hurriedly said, "After all, I haven't tried it, I just heard it before, I haven't tried it, and I can't say it!"

"But no matter what!" Su Hang waved his hand and said directly.

Yang Liudao said, "This destiny gas comes from the treasure of destiny. It is already the air of the master, but it is always contaminated with the breath of the original master. The original master of these treasures is okay if it is never superborn, but if it is only reincarnated, Although a new aura of destiny will be born again after reincarnation, this old destiny treasure should have nothing to do with them, but this treasure always likes to recognize the old master, the treasure has spirit, if they do not recognize you, naturally It is basically unrealistic to repel you, if it were not the original owner of the treasure, and wanted to absorb the destiny of these treasures..."

"Say the key!" Su Hang interrupted Yangliu directly.

Yang Liuqian laughed, "I just heard it, I just heard it, I haven't seen it with my own eyes..."

"What the **** are you talking about?" Su Hang was very impatient!

Yang Liu dare not talk more nonsense, his body leaned in front of Su Hang, and said, "Chaos has a pot, named Wu Xiang Ding, just put these treasures of destiny into Wu Xiang Ding and refine it. Baby goes back to the source, back to the original state, the above destiny gas has been refined and turned into the original destiny beads, then you can absorb it!"

"Oh? No phase?" Su Hang froze for a moment. "Is there such a baby?"

Yang Liu lowered his voice, "It is said that there is no match, but can the artifact left by fate be powerful?"

Su Hang heard that his body also leaned toward the willow and leaned on the table, "Where is that no phase of love now?"

Su Hangdao, "The center of chaos, the fateless mountain!"

"Oh?" Su Hang heard the words, slightly raised his eyebrows, "Old boy, don't you fooling me? These strange treasures are placed in chaos, can no one fight? Will these treasures have no master?"

For Yangliu's words, Su Hang has always believed only one point!

At this time, Yang Liudao said, "Brother Su, you have no idea. This legend of the treasure is left by fate. It is enshrined in Wuxiang Mountain as a holy thing. No matter who it is, I want to use it, but I want to take it away. , Then you have to measure whether you can survive the fire of all the powerful people in the chaos!"

"Is this so?" Su Hang heard the words and looked at Willow with her head tilted. "Since anyone can use it, what did you just say, you just heard that you haven't seen it?"

Yang Liu smiled embarrassedly, "There is an old friend near Wuliang Mountain. For some reason, I am afraid of meeting embarrassment. And, I don’t have any baby to refine, so I haven’t been there. After all, there is no Xiangding, you can only look at it, but you can't take it away, there is nothing beautiful!"

This is a good explanation. Su Hang stared at Yangliu carefully, looking at the embarrassed expression on his face, obviously there was something to hide!

"Old friend? Are you sure you are a friend, not an enemy?" Su Hang asked.

Yang Liuqian smiled a little, "Although I am not very lovable, I have always lived very cautiously. I really want to say the enemy, not many!"

Why is this so unbelievable? Su Hang looked at Yang Liu with a questioning expression, "Your old friend is a man and a woman?"

Yang Liu heard the words, and the expression on her face was a little unnatural. She said, "Brother Su, this question relates to the old privacy, let's not ask it!"

Oh, this old guy, actually has privacy?

Su Hang is a little happy, and it seems that this old guy is also a storyteller.

"Since this is the case, let's find time to go to Wuxiang Mountain. Let's practice these treasures first!" Su Hangdao.

Yang Liu heard, a little embarrassed, "Brother Su, if you want to go, go for yourself, I think I will not go!"

The expression on his face was a bit tweaked, and Su Hang looked a little bit happy, "Why don't you go, the baby on your hands is gone?"

Yang Liu smiled bitterly, "Isn't this my master's thing..."

"Your master's things must be refined, otherwise how will your master use it in the future?" Su Hangdao.

Yang Liu's face twitched slightly, "Future things, let's talk about it later, there is a relationship between you and my master. When my master wants to use it, in a word, you will definitely help!"

This old guy, really slick, Su Hang shook his head, "You are still a sinner in my hand, I want you to follow me, would you dare to go?"

Yang Liu cried and said, "Brother, don't worry about me..."

"Who is afraid of you like this?" Su Hang looked at Willow with surprise, and said playfully, "Wonderful, weird, don't you be an old lover?"

"Mo kidding, Mo kidding!" Yangliu waved his hands again and again, changing the topic, "but then, Brother Su, you are now the lord of the avenue, the celestial faction, the celestial faction in the chaos, and the Hongzhen faction. If you go to Wuxiang Mountain alone, if Hong Zhen's faction is stuck on the mountain, I'm afraid it's too fierce!"

Su Hang heard the put away the joke and frowned, Yang Liu's remarks were very reasonable. With Su Hang's current ability, it was not enough to run wild in chaos, in case it was blocked by someone, It's really fierce, especially Hong Zhen, I'm afraid that I'm waiting for the opportunity to engage him. If I am alone and go into chaos, it is basically equivalent to sending it to my door!

"So, Brother Su still has a good life to think about, and it's not too late to talk about it!" Yang Liuyu said with a serious heart, more in his heart was to persuade Su Hang not to go to Wuxiang Mountain, then he naturally didn't have to go!

Su Hang raised an eyebrow and looked up at Yangliu, "Apart from Wu Xiangding, can there be other ways?"

Yang Liu shook his head, "I've lived for so many years, and this is the method I know. Brother Su, you still have to weigh yourself!"

"Don't you dare to go to Wuxiang Mountain, then you have a feather to grab these babies?" Su Hang asked.

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