Super Study God

Chapter 2633: Innocent people!

????? In the face of this mysterious master, they really can't do it, I'm afraid that the lowest is also the existence of a quasi-king realm.

?????At this time, the old man, who was not moving, finally moved, slowly raised his head, the iron chain rattled, the wind blew, and the hair fluttered, revealing a slightly old face .

???? Deep eyes, as if engraving the endless vicissitudes, with a pair of eyes, it is like a moment of reincarnation, and has experienced countless times.

?????"Wait for Mo to ignore me, I'm just waiting for someone!" The old man spoke slowly, spit out a word, and his voice was very gentle.

????? Everyone was stunned. Hongmeng and Yuanling glanced at each other, and it was even more unbelievable. This person used to speak, but he was also dumb!

Hongmeng immediately said, "I don't know who your lord is waiting for? Tell me to wait..."

Anyway, it also makes us have a bottom in our hearts, Hongmeng and others are a little uneasy. Now there is no real master in Chuangjie Mountain. In case this person initiates a rush, I am afraid that they will add up Can't hold back!

???????"I don't need to know, I have an appointment with someone, the dating location is here, I wait to treat me as a passerby, don't care, wait for the person I want to wait, I will leave !" The man said slowly.

??????Hongmeng and others couldn’t laugh or cry, they had an appointment with someone, what’s wrong with the appointment, and it’s just here. You said you are sick, what is this place, is it where you date? ?

????Looking at the person's dress like this, he is still locked by an iron chain, making it clear that he should be a sinner. Since he is a sinner, he must have made a mistake, and I don't know who was locked. , May be a very fierce generation.

?????? Who dares to take it lightly? As a matter of common sense, who would come to such a place for dating for no reason, clearly should come to find fault!

????? "What are you doing here?"

???? Just when Hongmeng and others were at a loss, and did not know how to deal with it, a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone followed the prestige and couldn't help but overjoy.

Who should it be? It turned out that it was Suhang and his party who came back from the barren ancient world!


???? Everyone hastened to pay homage. Before that, there were still many people who used to be suspicious of Suhang as suzerain, but at this moment, when Suhang appeared, everyone knew that Daozong needed a The main skeleton is the master, and now the main skeleton is the patriarch!

Su Hang waved his hands, avoiding the gift of everyone, and approached, turned to the old man bound by the chain in the middle of the square, looked up and down, and asked Hongmeng and others, "This Who is the person and what crime is committed?"

??? Feelings Su Hang has just returned, unknown, thinking that Hongmeng and others have caught the fierce and fierce, and are preparing for public execution!

??? However, this scene is really like!

???Hongmeng quickly said, "Return to the suzerain..."

??? Attached to the ear of Su Hang, Hong Meng is so and so, and told the airline in the same way.

Su Hang listened, frowned, turned to look at the man again, and waved to the crowd, "Why should I go, don't block it here!"


The Sect Master made a speech, and the people quickly responded, and then left one after another. Soon, they left only Su Hang and Hongmeng Yuanling and others!

????"Sovereign, this person refuses to disclose his origin, it is really suspicious, and this person is of extraordinary strength, I and everyone else have no choice but to be careful! Sect Master is careful!" Yuan Ling reminded!

??? Su Hang nodded slightly and turned to look at Yangliu. Yangliu knew the meaning of Suhang, so he looked closely and shook his head again and again, saying that he did not know this person.

????? Su Hang was surprised, the Xueshen system could not scan the information of some people, that is to say, it was at least the existence of a quasi-king world, such an existence, such a unique shape, with the willow Old bones, do you have any impression?

?????? Suhang stepped closer to the man and wanted to see the faces of some people up close.

????? "Sovereign be careful!"

Yuan Ling and others could not help but remind again, after all, the other party is an enemy or a friend has not yet figured out, in case they are waiting for Su Hang, the patriarch of the avenue, waiting for a secret calculation, they have no ability to stop .

Su Hang waved his hand, indicating that it was okay, and walked straight to the man's face. He carefully looked at the fluffy face, but he didn't recognize it and didn't know the person.

????? "The deity is Su Hang, the patriarch of Tian Wai Tian Avenue, your Excellency came to my gate, but should I report the name?" Su Hangdao.

????? Since the identity of the suzerain, no matter who is on the opposite side, naturally Su Hang can not weaken the prestige.

???? "Oh!" I thought the man would continue to be silent, but he didn't want to laugh a little after listening to Su Hang's words, "I'm not old, the shelf is not small..."

???? Su Hang frowned slightly, this old man, a little punch!

"??? Your Excellency broke into my ancestral ancestry, this is a taboo in the spiritual world!" Su Hang said with one hand behind his back, and said lightly, "The name even refused to say that the deity would have to doubt you. Motivation!"

????"Ha ha!"

??? The old man heard the words, smiled gently, and raised his head. A pair of deep eyes and Su Hang were right. "I don't have a name, but people who know me call me phaseless, so you call me phaseless." !"

???? "Wonderless person?" Yangliu suddenly opened a sentence next to it.

???Su Hang looked back, "Why, do you know?"

????Yangliu laughed and shook his head awkwardly, "Don't know! Don't know!"

??? Su Hang is speechless for a while, you don't even know, then you are excited about the wool? Startled!

???? The attention returned to the old man, "It turns out to be a man without a sense, who doesn't know where the fairy palace is, where the fairy mountain lives? Who is waiting for?"

????The two men next to Hongmeng were relieved at this time. The Sect Master deserved to be the Sect Master. This person has been here for a few days. I am afraid that the sum of the words he said did not add up to Su Hang!

At this time, Wuxiang Daoren smiled, "I am Wuxiang Daoren, and I live in a mountain without phases. I have come to the same year to invite the old people of that year. Huh?"

"Huh? Wuxiang Mountain?" Su Hang froze for a moment, a little understood why Yangliu heard the name of Wuxiang just now, why did he exclaim!

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