Super Study God

Chapter 2645: Qin Jiewang's sister!

Another slap on Xiao Jiu's head, "Lao Tzu asked you, what is Blind?"

  Su Hang is swearing!

   "rude!" Xiao Jiu scolded Su Hang and jumped directly to the shoulder of the willow opposite, "I accompanied my friends to play!"

  Yangliu wanted to shoot this bird, but it seemed that Su Hang had something to do with this bird, and he dared not act lightly!

   "Friend? Do you still have friends? Where are your friends?" Su Hang heard this and felt a little ridiculous!

  Xiaojiu looked behind Suhang, "Open the curtain behind you and look!"


  Su Hang looked back. The decoration of this teahouse is simple. The so-called elegant seat is just a semi-closed space separated by a layer of curtains. The curtains have obviously not been washed for a long time, and they look dirty.

   reached out and lifted the curtain, hissed, and the curtain slipped to the side. A seat next to it was combined with the seat where Su Hang was!

   Behind Su Hang, there was a man facing his back, tasting tea leisurely, the two were almost back to back.

  Cyan gown, it should look quite young, but it's just a back view, you can't see clearly.

   The man didn't mean to look back, a little embarrassed, Su Hang Qing coughed, and the man didn't move!

   A little faceless, Su Hang made a wink at Yangliu, Yangliu couldn't help crying, got up and walked to the man, came to the man, and looked back, but Yangliu's face changed suddenly.

   "Qin, King of Qin Realm!"

  Yangliu suddenly exclaimed. The crutches in his hand almost fell to the ground. Su Hang was also surprised when he heard this, and almost fell off the chair!

  Qin Jie Wang?

Su Hang quickly got up and leaned over, stood next to Yangliu and looked at a young man, not as shaven and sloppy as he had seen before, but Su Hang still saw it at a glance. The person in front was Qin Chuanqin World king.

   Su Hang was completely surprised, how could this be possible? How is it possible to meet King Qin Jie in such a place in Rongcheng?

  Qin Chuan was slow, and looked up, "Sit!"

   The voice is soft, and I don't know if it was an accident, or I'm waiting here specially.

   Su Hang sat across from Qin Chuan, and it seemed that he hadn't recovered yet, and Yang Liu was also a bit sullen, and found a seat by himself.

  Suhangdao, "Why is King Qin Jie here?"

   encountered this presence here, Su Hang was very surprised.

   Qin Chuan took a sip of tea, "Why, I can't come here?"

   How did you start? Listening to this tone, I obviously have some opinions on Su Hang!

  Su Hang laughed dryly. He didn't know why this king of Qin Jie had always been this cold and indifferent attitude since he first saw him.

   "I don't mean that, but, at this point in time, the senior should have participated in the Lingguo feast on the Promise!" Su Hangdao.

Qin Chuan said, "It's just a fruit banquet, the fruit has been eaten, what else is necessary to stay, I don't like that kind of too busy environment, I might as well find a place where no one knows me, fishing, Drink tea, it’s so cozy!"

  Su Hang sweated, "That's really a coincidence, you can meet the seniors here!"

  Thousands of worlds, when two people meet in such a place, the probability is almost zero, so Su Hang guessed that Qin Chuan came here for the most part, and this purpose might have something to do with him!

   As for the relationship, Su Hang couldn't guess. After all, if Qin Chuan wanted to find him, he could go directly to Chuangjie Mountain. He didn't have to come here at all. Since he came here, most of them didn't come to find himself!

   At this time, Xiao Jiu flew to Suhang's shoulder, "What, do you really know?"

Only two minutes later, Su Hang was a little annoyed with Xiao Jiu. He reached out to catch him, but listened to Xiao Jiu said, "He said he was your big uncle, but coincidence, I am your little uncle, but how can I not know me? When did Dad give me such a brother!"


  Shang Hang slaps directly to Xiao Jiu, this little guy talks, it's really big and small, no margin, what big uncle little uncle, Qin Jiewang's joke, can you open it?

   "I'm sorry, King Qin Jie, my wife and brother are young and unobtrusive, and they have no offenses. Please ask Haihan!" Su Hang arched his hand at Qin Chuan!

Qin Chuan casually glanced at Su Hang, "I am here, just to find my sister, now I have found her, but unfortunately she has become a pro, married, and I am thinking about whether I should take her away, Su Hang , You help me come up with an idea!"

   Su Hang paused for a moment, "Qin Jiewang's family I'm inconvenient to talk!"

   "Let you say, you just say, there is nothing convenient or inconvenient!" Qin Chuan said directly, and seemed to hate Su Hang's tweaking.

   Su Hang hesitated for a moment and said, "Although I don't know the specific situation, the senior also said that Lingmei is already married. If you want to take her away, wouldn't you break up the couple..."

Qin Chuan shook his head, "However, my sister encountered a misfortune and married a husband. She didn't go home all day. It was rare to meet a couple of people a year, and she was very eager to get married, besides my sister. Several wives..."

   "Uh, this..." Su Hang paused. "That said, Lingmei shouldn't be very happy..."

  Tang Qin Jie Wang, who was actually troubled by such short things in the parents, is really ridiculous.

   "You also think that I should take my sister away?" Qin Chuan looked at Su Hang.

   Su Hang was about to nod, but felt a little wrong. From Qin Chuan's words, Su Hang had a feeling that he was digging a hole for himself.

  Closed his mouth at the moment, and thought carefully, as if he realized something, and then began to be careful. "I have heard that Qin Jiewang's sister was reincarnated in Xuanhuangjie, so I asked, but turned around on this earth?"

  Qinchuan nodded slightly, "If you are not on this earth, can you see me here?"

   speaks with thorns, but it can be heard that Qin Chuan's sister is indeed reincarnated on the earth, Su Hang's heart giggled, "Last time I heard Qin Jiewang said, what is the name of the sister? Qin Shiyu?"

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