Super Study God

Chapter 2656: No Xiang Tao, no Xiang Ding?

Qin Chuan obviously used this tripod. Under the guidance of Qin Chuan, Suhang was completely familiar with the car. This tripod was used to refine things. It can be said that it was a very simple matter.

Throw the few treasures of destiny directly, use your own skills to urge the god, and wait for the treasure to collect!

This is nothing, and the consumption of skill is huge. Most people can't urge it. Maybe this is why this mouth is put here, but few people use it.

For Su Hang, it is not afraid of consumption. There are a lot of panacea on him, and the consumed skills can be added back at any time!

The time passed by one minute and one second, and Su Hang did not know that a few days later, the body of the unconventional trip suddenly shook, Su Hang knew that the time had come, and several beads flew out of the mouth of Ding, turning into streamers, Scattered and fled.

Su Hang's eyes were fast, he immediately flew to block, and his body moved instantly. He caught three, and the remaining four were caught by Qin Chuan!

"Thank you King Qin Jie!" Su Hang laughed dryly, a little embarrassed to ask for something, he said such a sentence!

The corner of Qin Chuan's mouth bent a little arc, "I've also put a lot of force here, I want you two destiny beads, you should not mind?"

"This..." Su Hang shuddered, almost vomiting blood, and there were only two openings. Are you kidding me? I have worked so hard for only a few days before I made seven of them. Even if you have the credit, you don’t have such a big credit!

"Oh!" Qin Chuan chuckled slightly, shook his head, and the four beads in his hand threw at Suhang, "Fun you!"

Su Hang reached out to take the beads and laughed, "Qin Jiewang wants, don't say one or two, even if you give them all, I will not frown on someone in Su!"

Although the words were said like this, Su Hang did not stop, and quickly put away the seven beads!

"Oh? Really? It turns out you are so atmospheric, then give it to me!" Qin Chuan said directly.

Can't you hear polite words? Su Hang almost didn't draw himself a mouth, and quickly turned to Wu Xiangding, "I'll take a look first, how are my treasures!"

Flying on the tripod, looking at the tripod, the seven treasures in the tripod were still there. Su Hang took a look, and there was little change in appearance. However, Wuxiangding has refined the destiny of the treasure and condensed it. It has become a destiny bead, and now these seven treasures can only be regarded as ordinary Taoism, which is no longer a treasure of destiny!

After refining with no phase, the destiny gas in the treasure of destiny has faded the mark of the original owner, and after condensing into the destiny beads, it is already the purest destiny gas, which can be completely absorbed by Suhang.

This kind of thing is to promote luck and the protagonist's halo. Su Hang can't help but want to try it, but this is obviously not the right place.

Putting away seven pieces of Taoism, Su Hang jumped from Ding and came to Qin Chuan's side. "We have all been here for a few days. This innocent man, let's put our pigeons!"

Qin Chuan didn't say anything. Indeed, the half-month period had passed, and, after several days had passed, no one showed up for the appointment, but it was a bit weird. Is it true that the pigeons were released?

"Is it because I am with you, so he refuses to show up?" Qin Chuan asked.

Su Hang paused, but it was possible.

"If it weren't for you to follow me, where would I dare to come here alone?" Su Hang shook his head, "Forget it, he loves not seeing, maybe the person he offered is not me, even if it is me, I have already come, It's not a cool appointment, King Qin Jie, I think, let's go!"

Qin Chuan heard the words and frowned, "Just leave, don't you just run in vain!"

Su Hang shrugged. "Actually, it's not a white run. I've got a few fate beads!"

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, "You didn't run in vain, but I ran in vain!"


Su Hang paused, and Qin Chuan accompanied himself here, obviously for his purpose. He should also come for the person who invited him.

"That's impossible, still waiting here?" Su Hang was a bit troubled. This place is not safe. Although there is Qin Chuan, if there is any strong presence that wants to engage him, he can be blocked on Wuxiang Mountain. It's over.

After so many days have passed, the existence has not appeared. Su Hang believes that it did not appear before, and most of it will not appear after that. Waiting here is also waiting in vain, why not leave early!

Qin Chuan hesitated, "Think carefully, what did the man tell you when he invited you?"

Su Hang shook his head, "That person is very strange, except that I was asked by Wu Xiangshan to find him after half a month, and he didn't say anything else!"

"You said he was strange, how strange is it?" Qin Chuan asked.

Su Hang thought for a while and said, "The man's clothes are ragged, locked by a few stone pillars with iron chains, and he looks like a sinner!"

"Stone pillar, iron chain?"

Qin Chuan frowned slightly, and turned to look at the Wu Xiangding next to him.

Su Hang followed her gaze, as if realizing something, her face was a bit frozen.

Next to the phaseless tripod, there are also a few stone pillars, and there are also several iron chains that place the phaseless tripod in the middle of the stone pillar array.

This scene is very similar to the old man I saw that day!

"King Qin Jie, wouldn't you tell me that Wu Xiangding is the Wu Xiangren?" Su Hang was a bit difficult to Qin Chuan pondered for a while, "It's not impossible, this It’s amazing, it doesn’t rule out that the spirit has the ability to manifest!”

Spiritual manifestation? Su Hang frowned. After all, Qiling was only Jiling. On that day, on the mountain of creation, Su Hang didn't see that the Wuxiang person was Qiling!

Qin Chuan gave Su Hang a glance. Su Hang stepped forward and came to Wuxiang Ding. He paused, first bowed his hands to salute, "But the Wuxiang Daoren?"

It's a little weird to ask this question about Ding Ding!

Unsurprisingly, Su Ding quietly stayed in place without any response.

Su Hang looked back at Qin Chuan, who also felt inexplicable.

"Who are you looking for?"

Just when both people were puzzled, a voice suddenly came and looked back. At the edge of the platform, I don’t know when, a Tsing Yi Taoist stood.

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