Super Study God

Chapter 2666: Ancestor!

?????"A clever fart!" Su Hang was speechless for a while, "Give me that coin!"

???? But that is the life-saving resurrection coin, Xuan Huang Bell can't support it at first sight, this old man still has the heart to joke with himself!

The old man heard it, but was indifferent, and looked at the resurrection coin, "Good thing, but it's useless at this moment!"

??? "What do you mean?" Su Hang was sweating heavily, frowning at Wuxiang Daoren.

???The indifferent person simply sat cross-legged on the ground and was exposed to the fire, as if in a hot spring, and even a little comfortable. "Liu Liudao has placed two magic circles outside, you silver coins can Can’t reverse the universe, I’m afraid it’s still an unknown, not to mention..."

???? "What's more?"

Suhang took out a few Poseidon beads and wanted to use the huge amount of Poseidon beads to cool the body, but a cup of water, a Poseidon beads, was evaporated in less than two seconds and could not stand up.

????? Xuan Huang Zhong couldn't stand it anymore. Su Hang quickly buckled up the Sima cylinder and replaced Xuan Huang Zhong, for fear of ruining a treasure.

?????The Sima cylinder has been refined many times by the Soviet Air, and now it is not much more difficult than the Xuanhuang clock. The Xuanhuang clock has been supporting for so long, I think the Sima cylinder can also hold for a while and a while.

???Su Air even thought about whether to build a few more defensive treasures, which has been consumed here.

???? Wuxiang Daoren smiled, "What's more, although your resurrection coin is powerful, but its body is very fragile, it will be bad after breaking, don't believe it!"

??? After speaking, Wuxiang Taoist squeezed the coin with both hands and gently broke it. Then the coin clicked, and he broke it into two in half.

??? Su Hang was stunned, and his eyes were about to fall out, damn, this is my life-saving thing, why did you break it for me?

??If it wasn't too hot for him at this moment, Su Hang would like to rush up to dry this servant, "You, what do you mean?"

??? "Sorry, sorry!" Wuxiang Taoist laughed dryly, and the coin fragments shattered on the ground with a bang, caught fire, melted, and instantly disappeared!

??? Su Hang's face twitched, this...

???? "Don't be angry, get angry and hurt yourself!" Wuxiang Dao laughed!

???? Su Hang's eyes were red, and his teeth were gnashing his teeth. "I'm not just angry now, I'm all fire now!"

????? That look, I really want to stab the old man in front of me!

Facing the anger of Su Hang, the innocent person does not matter, "I ask you, do you want to die or live?"

???? "Nonsense, of course, want to live!" Su Hang blurted out, he wanted to live, but, the only way to live, has been destroyed by this old man!

??? Suddenly, Su Hang thought of something, and released a burst of light in his eyes, "You are an incomparable instrument? Right?"

???? Both he and Qin Chuan had previously guessed that the innocent Taoist who invited Su Hang on the same day was the invincible weapon, so now Su Hang has this question.

Facing the scorching eyes of Su Hang, Wuxiang Taoist nodded with a smile, "That's right, I am really this unsophisticated instrument. What advice?"

???When Su Hang heard this, his eyes lit up at once, as if he saw the hope of living, and immediately said, "What are you waiting for, turn off the fire for me!"

???? People who don't know what to say, crying and laughing, wave their hands!

???Su Hang had a black face, "Okay, I knew you were uneasy and kind, sent me to Wuxiang Mountain, and harmed me, the Gener Taoist. I seriously doubt that you and Gener Taoist are together. ..."

???? "Young people, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be indiscriminately talked about, that surnamed Liu is so filthy, and destiny has abandoned him. As a treasure of destiny, can I be with him?" .

???? Su Hang's face was covered with black lines, "Then you quickly put out the fire, if I die, you will do nothing good!"

???No humanity, "I can extinguish the fire in Dingzhong, but this fire is alien, and the surnamed Liu uses the essence of chaotic anode as a fuel to burn me with a deadly real fire, and I want to extinguish it. , But I’m just a mouthful, and I am helpless!"

???Su Hang stared at Wuxiang Daoren, "I think you are very proud now, where there is a little helplessness, even if you can't extinguish this fire, can't you run with me?"

???So Suhang doesn't understand. Others use fire to burn you, you don't know how to move your butt?

?? Wuxiang Taoist smiled bitterly, "Not to mention that Liu's surname banned me. There are two magic circles outside the mountain. Can I run?"

??? "The fire is burning me, I can't stand it anymore, I can only find you to vent it and put the heat on you, so I feel better!"


???? Su Hang just wanted to swear and gritted his teeth, "If it weren't for you, I would make it like this, you still broke my way of life. If I die here today, I must pull you back!"

???? The Wuxiang Taoist smiled bitterly, "You and I are in trouble, why bother with me?"

????"Since you and I are in trouble, it is better to work together. You ruined the resurrection coin and you must be responsible for me!" Suhang said it felt weird.

????? But at this moment, he can only rely on Wuxiang Daoren. Since he is a magic weapon of fate, he can see the difference of his resurrection coin at a glance. How can he not have a little skill, if there is no escape Law, why did he ruin the resurrection coin?

?????Wangxiang Daoren, if you want to get out of this trip alive, I can show you a clear way! "

"Say!" Su Hang said directly.

???? Wuxiang took a deep breath, "I have a heart formula, you keep it in your heart, and practice in this tripod, and when you are done, it is the day of tripod!"

???? "Heart Tips? What Mind Tips?" Su Hang was a little surprised. This man without a way, ruined his own resurrection coin, and broke his thoughts of leaving Wuxiang Ding, just to let himself practice what is the secret?

???? There is no way to say, "This tactic is called "Lao Zu Jing", but it was left by a strong man, and has been in Dingzhong for many years!"

"???" Ancestor Sutra?" Su Hang froze for a moment, "What a frustrating name!"

???? No worries, "Young people don’t know that the sky is thick, the history is vast, and there is no such thing as ancient and modern times, what can you look down upon, the so-called Taoist has no phase, the road is simple, a name only, whether you think it’s good or frustrating What? You said, do you still do not cultivate, if you don’t, you will die here!"

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