Super Study God

Chapter 2672: Who is that person?


However, just when Su Hang was going to fight against Gen'er Taoist, Su Hang heard two cold hums in his ear at the same time, and then Su Hang felt the strong wind coming, and the two figures appeared on the left and right. On his side, he punched each other, almost at the same time, before the fist of Su Hang and Gen'er Taoist met, those two fists had arrived first and hit the Gener Taoist's chest.


Gen'er Taoist flew upside down like a broken kite, hit the Wuxiang Ding, and crashed to the ground.

Withdrawing his fist, Su Hang could see clearly, and there were two people standing beside him. One of them was Cang Tian, ​​and the other man, Su Hang did not know.

Obviously, the ten yin and yang extinctions have been broken, and the sky has come in time. If it is not the sky and the man next to him, Suhang can't guarantee that he can take the punch that Gen'er Taoist just had!

"Humph, Liu Dao, you can make us miserable!" Cangtian ignored Su Hang, but looked at Gener Taoist lying on the ground coldly.

"Humble, mean!"

Gen'er Taoist raised his head vigorously and looked at Cangtian and others in anger, but finally couldn't hold back and spit out an old blood.

Obviously, he was seriously injured. Gen'er Taoist tried to stand up, but he still couldn't hold it. He turned over and lay on his back.

Indeed, when the Gener Taoist played against Su Hang, the two of Tiantian suddenly shot and beat him by surprise. From the perspective of Gener Taoist, the other party was indeed too mean.

However, there is no absolute fairness in this world, especially in this case, only the winner and the loser, as a loser, there is no Qu Qu, no one will sympathize!

If you lose, you are defeated. This time, people are not as good as the sky. Gen'er Taoist people can say that it is really a defeat!

At this time, all the kings of the realm flew over, and when they saw the fruit hanging on the ground, they all screamed. The female kings even scolded a few words, turned around, and couldn't bear to look directly.

At that moment, the man next to Cang Tian went straight forward, grabbed the shoulders of Gen'er Taoist, and lifted him up like a dead dog.

"Brother Cangtian Dao, this man, I will take it away!" The man said to Cangtian.

Cang Tian heard, obviously hesitantly struggling, it seems that he wanted to get this person to stay, but after a while, he still gave up, the tight body obviously loosened, "please!"

"Then we will have a time in the future!"

The man smiled and glanced across Su Hang's body, revealing a meaningful smile, and then showed no signs from the crowd, leaving a few strange faces with him.

The remaining nine people, except for two or three, looked a bit strange, and the remaining five or six were familiar to Su Hang, except that one by one, as if they had just fought a bad fight, they looked a bit embarrassed.

When those people left, Cangtian and others were relieved obviously, as if they had gone to an enemy!

"Who is that man?" Su Hang asked next to Cang Tian.

"Hong Zhen!"

Cang Tian stared at the mountain for a long time, and finally uttered two words from his mouth.

"Hong Zhen?" Su Hang heard these two words, his eyes lighted up, "He is Hong Zhen?"

Su Wen suddenly heard the enemy name, Su Hang was furious and angry, and she got up to chase, however, Cang Tian stretched out his hand and stopped him!

"Don't chase it, it has already gone far, they are nine in one, even if you catch up, there is no good fruit for you to eat!" Cang Tian shook his head, his eyes crossed from everyone, "Thank you all the friends this time Help everyone. Everyone is injured and consumed. Find a place to recover from the injury first!"

The kings of the realm nodded and nodded, and broke two terror formations in succession. Even if they were not injured, they consumed a lot. Just now, he was still hesitating whether to take the opportunity to leave Hong Zhen, but their current The state is obviously not allowed.

Su Hang expressed his gratitude to the kings of all realms. These difficult breakouts save him. Although it may be because of his so-called mortal identity, after all, no one asks for return to break him. For this , Thank you or thank you!

Everyone found the cave house of Gen'er Taoist people, divided the treasures of Gener's Taoist people in the cave house, and then did not rush to leave. They meditated on Gen'er Mountain to heal the wound. The energy from Gen'er Mountain to Yangquan was constant. A great place to practice.


Everyone was meditating to heal, and the sky found Su Hang and asked about Su Hang's experience during this time.

"Your kid, you can escape from the hands of Liu Lao Dao, and you're really big!" At the cliffside, the two sat together. There was some fear in Cangtian's face. His eyes looked carefully at Su Hang. "You Break through the realm of the realm?"

Obviously, Cang Tian saw the difference in Su Hang, but he was not sure.

Su Hang paused and smiled bitterly, "To be honest, I don't know very well. It seems that it is a breakthrough, but it seems that there is no breakthrough..."

This remark made Cang Tian a little ignorant. Break through, break through, and break through without breakthrough.

"Is there a life monument?" Cang Tian then asked If he became the king of the world, he would have to be rewarded by fate. This kid is a fate and is associated with fate. Maybe when will fate seal him? However, how does the sky look like Su Hang does not seem to be enshrouded, and his body is also very restrained, if he is not as smart as a torch, I really can not see how Su Hang is different from before!

The King of the Realm is sealed, and destiny will give a life monument. Just like Chen Xiaoli, if there is no life monument, he will make it himself.

If Su Hang can come up with a life monument, then there is no doubt that he has become the realm king. If he can't take it out, it is worth pondering!

Sure enough, Su Hang shook his head, he did not have any life monument, in the phaseless trip, with the help of the last wave of spring eruption, Su Hang successfully completed the first chapter of the "Ancestral Scripture" "Hua Dao Pian". The child Taoist opened the tripod, and he came out. As for whether the realm king is the realm king, he has no time to study it.

However, Wuxiang Dao Ren said that as long as he completed the "Hua Dao Pian", he would be considered as a breakthrough in the realm of the realm of the realm. He did not know if this was the case. Moreover, without fate, he would not be a real realm, or , Just have the strength of the realm of realm?

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