Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2686: Newly married!

"I stayed in the Supreme Heaven for five days, and I didn't see the real Wang Hongzhen. I was received by Hong Zhen, the eldest son of Hong Zhen. This person is pretty gentle. I have seen a lot of places in the five days. I want to show it. Minions!" Yin Tianfeng talked about Kaikai and began to talk about the next point.

"There is something, it feels a little weird!" Yin Tianfeng groaned for a moment, and didn't sell the pass, and said directly, "On the third day I arrived, the supreme faction began to gather all the masters of the road, and the movement was quite big. At that time, I thought It was Hong Wanli who wanted to give me a welcome meeting, but when I thought about it later, I didn’t have such a big face, and, even if you were the suzerain, you wouldn’t have such a big battle, so I don’t think so. There must be something serious in the Shanghai School, and I want to listen to it, but I have nowhere to ask. On the fifth day, Hong Wanli prepared some salute for me. When I saw it, it was clear that I had to **** the customer. I had no choice but to leave. Heaven is up!"


Su Hang listened, gently squeezed his chin, it seemed a little surprised, Yin Tianfeng did not see Hong Zhen, he was not surprised, because at that time, Hong Zhen and Cang Tian they should break ten in front of Gen'er Mountain Yang Yin and Yin are absolutely out of the picture, and Yin Tianfeng cannot see him at all.

In addition, the attitude of Supreme Heaven toward Yin Tianfeng seems somewhat unexpectedly good, but it is also reasonable. After all, the two parties did not tear their faces openly, not to mention that even if the two armies are engaged, they should not be cut!

But what is the purpose of this supreme heaven to summon so many real masters suddenly? Could it be that you are preparing for war?

"No news was found?" Su Hang asked.

Yin Tianfeng shook his head, "I wanted to buy a few young disciples and listen to a little bit of the situation, but it was really inconvenient. On the other hand, time was not allowed and I could only give up. However, when leaving, Hong Wanli left a message and said yes If you have time, please, Sovereign, you will visit Wushangtian personally!

This is obviously a polite sentence, as if you are going to finish walking relatives. When you are leaving, the relatives tell you that they often come to play in the future.

This is a polite remark, how many of them are true and sincere, only the party concerned knows clearly, maybe the other party wants you not to come in the future!

However, this sentence sounds in Su Hang's ears, but it seems there is much to do.

Yin Tianfeng saw the intention of Su Hang and immediately said, "You shouldn't think, really go to the Supreme Realm?"

Su Hang heard that, but only smiled, not at all!

Yin Tianfeng said, "I'm going, that's the special envoy, I'm a small character, they won't take me as much, but if you go, it will be different, that is Jackal Tiger Cave, Sect Master, please think twice!"

Su Hang gave Yin Tianfeng a blank look. Although the old man said so, he was afraid that he would not want to go on his own. It is better to hang in the sky so that he can take advantage of it!

Of course, Su Hang thought so, a little bit of a villain's heart, to spend the belly of a gentleman, maybe someone else is really for you.

"This matter has yet to be considered, and wait for the other elders to come back, make plans again!" Su Hang waved his hand and brought the matter over.

There is no need to go this trip to the sky. Su Hang does have to think about it. He has now broken through the realm of the realm, and it is not necessary to go to the sky alone.

After all, although Hong Zhen is strong, it is impossible to win two flights with Su Hang. If it is not an absolute crush, this level of battle is enough for Su Hang to be superior to the sky. destroy.

Unless Hong Zhen is willing to take the supreme plane to Su Hang for burial, otherwise, Su Hang still really does not dare him.

The reason for thinking of the sky is not Su Hang’s courageous interest in Hong Zhen, because then the Nuwa clan’s cause and effect, sooner or later, there will be a battle between the two sides. Now the whole sky is the only one that is of interest to Su Hang, in fact, there is only one person. That's Gener Taoist.

Especially after talking with Yangliu last night, Su Hang became very interested in Gener Taoist.



Earth, Suxi!

In the past two days, Su Xi was decorated with lanterns, and there was a festive atmosphere everywhere. At the village entrance, a slender old man, followed by a girl in pink, came down from a tricycle.

When the girl asked someone to find out, she realized that it was the old Su family in the village who had married a new wife. The villagers were all envious of this.

The girl pouted her lips and hugged her hands in front of her chest. "Sure enough, he is a descendant of the sky. The little color ruff brought by the old color ruff is all the way!"

"Oh, miss, can't you say that!" the old man next to him quickly said, "If this word is heard, it will be a great disrespect!"

The girl glanced back at the old man, "Why are you so timid? Isn't this heard by anyone? Are you afraid?"

"You can't say that, Miss!" The old man's face was timid. "Miss, it's not a long time since we came out. The old man and the aunt must be very worried about you. Let's go back and stop making trouble!"

The girl threw a white eye, "I don't want to go back. If you want to go back and go back yourself, I have to find Su Hang and let him help me!"

The voice did not fall, the girl did not say anything, and went straight to the village. The old man was helpless and could only keep up!



Under the mother's Zhang Luo ~ ~ Su Hang still married Min Rou into the door, after all, it was Su Hang's own promise to others, no matter what kind of psychology at that time, people were dead. After waiting for you for so long, the eldest husband promises a lot of money, especially in this respect, if he is a gossip, he can't pass this level in his heart, and he will definitely be scolded by the backbone!

The rules of the village, the wedding banquet is generally three days, which has been the third day, the last meal thank you banquet has been eaten at noon, the guests and friends are almost gone, there is still a seat in the evening, but according to the rules, leave the dinner These are the villagers who have helped these days.

It was already afternoon, and Su Hang and Shuai Yu played mahjong in the backyard pavilion. At this time, someone came to the newspaper and said that there were guests coming. Su Hang was confused for a while. He gave his bride to Min Rou and got up and went to the front yard.

In the main hall, an old man and a girl were sitting, and Su Hang's mother was talking to the old man, and the girl was sitting next to him, tasting tea quietly. How familiar is this scene!

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