Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2701: 7 color steps!

"Where!" Su Hang shook his head and smiled, "Sister Xiaoli is here, Su Hang welcomes..."

Politely speaking, Su Hang raised an eyebrow, "Little Sister Li knows how to manifest the aura of destiny?"

Chen Xiaoli stared at Su Hang and looked, "The premise is, have you broken through the realm of the realm?"

A pair of eyes stared at Su Hang, faintly eager.

Su Hang hesitated and nodded. "I don't know very well, but it should be considered!"

Chen Xiaoli paused and smiled bitterly, "Sure enough, the mortal is the mortal. Even if there is no destiny to seal, the realm of the realm of the kingdom is also natural. As I waited like this, I worked hard all my life. I tried my best to find a way. In the end, I was not trapped in this. Realm, can’t be freed!"

"Sister Xiaoli is not good at that. Didn't you say to me at the beginning? If you want to achieve a higher level, self-confidence is the key. What's wrong, Sister Xiaoli has become unconfident now?" Su Hangdao.

Chen Xiaoli sighed, "No matter how hot the blood is, it can't stand the cold water again and again. If confidence and ability don't match, then it's arrogance!"

Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry. At first, Chen Xiaoli taught him, but now he changed to Su Hang to teach him.

I wanted to see Chen Xiaoli, how heroic and charming, the whole person was full of confidence, and this time when I saw Chen Xiaoli, the whole person seemed to have a little more vicissitudes, full of emotion!

It seems that this time, he failed to break through the realm of the realm as expected, which hit Chen Xiaoli quite hard!

Chen Xiaoli smiled lightly and looked up at Su Hang sitting on the stone. "Today, Chuangjie Mountain also wanted to apologize to you!"

"Apology?" Su Hang looked at Chen Xiaoli unexpectedly.

Chen Xiaoli smiled bitterly, "That day, in the Temple of Destiny, Dasheng and I coaxed you to write my name on the life monument. That was our fault. To be precise, it was my fault. It was my eagerness to become the king of the world. In this way, I fought to seal my fate in this way. It’s not right. It should be said that it is a fraud!"

Speaking of which, Chen Xiaoli looked bitter and sat down slowly next to Su Hang. "At first, we all guessed that you were reincarnated by fate, but in the end we were all wrong. You are just a fate, huh, how fate is so good. What about it?"

Turned his face and looked at Su Hang, "Sister Xiaoli, do you think that Xiaoli is abhorrent?"

Su Hang took a deep breath, "In fact, it's nothing, Xiaoli can be so frank, I'm very pleased, I don't need to mention the past, if it wasn't for the Promise, I wouldn't accidentally go to the ancient world , Will not find Xiaoman!"

"Xiaoman?" Chen Xiaoli froze for a moment.

Su Hang gave a brief account of She Xiaoman's story. Chen Xiaoli couldn't help but sigh, Xu Jiu just sighed, "Sure enough, it's the man who cares for fate.

What kind of luck was this, Chen Xiaoli was very emotional, "Now that you have found her reincarnated body, then, did the hatred resembling Hong Zhen go down?"

"Leave it down?" Su Hang shook his head. "Sister Xiaoli, do you think it is possible to let go? The Nuwa clan has a great cause and effect with me. The granddaughter Wawa is my righteous sister, but now she reincarnates, but she also enters After I became my disciple and became my disciple, how could you say that you should let go when you let go? If you let go, in the temple of destiny, those unowned spirits, I am afraid that the eternal life will not be peaceful!"

It is impossible to let go, and it is never possible to put it down. If the Soviet Air Force is now strong enough, I am afraid that I would have rushed to the sky and wiped out Hong Zhen’s gang!

Chen Xiaoli took a serious look at Su Hang, and for a long time, Zhan Yan said, "It's a good man who values ​​love and righteousness. Unfortunately, Xiaoyu in my family doesn't have that blessing. I can't marry you Langjun. It's a pity, a pity..."

Su Hang sweats, but did not expect Chen Xiaoli to mention this again!

"Sister Xiaoli, this kind of thing, pay attention to wishful thinking, Pan girl will find a happy husband!" Su Hang accosted, and then said, "This time in Xuanhuang Realm, that Meng Nan..."

Chen Xiaoli raised his hand and didn't wait for Su Hang to finish his speech, then interrupted him. "It's not too late to talk about this matter. You just asked me, how to manifest the aura of destiny?"

Su Hang nodded and returned to the business, "Please ask Xiaoli for advice!"

Chen Xiaoli said, "Although I haven't been to the Realm of Realm, I haven't eaten pork, and I've seen pigs running. Realm of Realm of Realm has been able to feel the existence of the air of destiny, which has condensed into a halo state. You can find the aura of destiny by closing your eyes and sensing the existence of the gas of destiny!"

Hearing Chen Xiaoli's words, Su Hang took a deep breath and closed his eyes. According to Chen Xiaoli, he searched for the aura of destiny all over his body!

When Su Hang observed the aura of destiny, Chen Xiaoli continued, "In this chaotic world, under fate, the aura of destiny is divided into three levels, which are for heaven, earth, and people! Among these three auras, only the aura of heaven Only qualified to become the realm king!"

"There are six out of eighty kings in Chaos Realm, including those who have fallen, such as Hongjun Daozu and so on. Among them, there are twenty-four people who are not well-known, and only sixty people have really opened up their own plane The two, the eighty-six kings of the realm, without exception, are all heavenly destiny auras, former life disciples, destiny caregivers!"

"The aura of the heavenly order is divided into seven ranks, the weakest being monochrome, and the strongest being seven colors. Now in chaos, I believe you also know that there are only two kings who reach the seven-color realm, Cangtian and Hongzhen!"

"My younger brother was a great victor, and he was under the two, the six-color realm, his aura, that day on the Chuangjie Mountain, you also saw it with your own eyes!"

"The eighty-six kings of chaos, two in seven-color realm, five in six colors, eighteen in five colors, twenty-one in four colors, fourteen in three colors, nine in two colors, and seven in one color. The Realm of Realm is more based on this to distinguish the honor!"

Chen Xiaoli said that her eyes were on Su Hang. She was very curious. What realm can Su Hang's destiny aura have? You know, Su Hang has come all the way, there are many holy helpers, and now it has become the king of the world, and it is the current destiny. What level of aura can be achieved by the existence of such a creation? "

Five colors? Six colors? Even seven colors? The rank of the aura of destiny is related to how far Su Hang can go, and how long destiny will abandon this destiny!

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