Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2893: The origin of the sword spirit!


The sky was stunned, looking at Su Hang with a weird expression, "What are you saying?"

???? "I said, who the **** are you?" Since the words had already been spoken, the Soviet Union didn't care anymore, and repeated it again.

Cangtian stared at Su Hang for a long time, their eyes collided in midair, and time and space seemed to be forbidden at this moment.

???? Su Hang still has some uneasiness in his heart. After all, if this is the deity of the heavens, and his secrets are revealed, he is afraid that he will not be able to do him. If this is the fake of the void prince, he does not know how powerful Strength!

In an instant, Su Hang's mind flashed countless thoughts and countless countermeasures, but in the end it was a mess.

????For a long time, Cangtian withdrew his gaze, a smile appeared on his face, "It looks like, what Chu Beng told you!"

???Su Hang did not deny, "Indeed, he told me something about you, I was skeptical at first, but now, looking at your reaction, I think, Chu Bang should be right, what should I do? To call you, are you a real person in the sky, or the crown prince of the Void Temple? Are you simply posing, or are you and the real person in the sky, the same person?"

Cangtian heard the words, smiled bitterly, and looked at Suhang quite helplessly, "You asked so much at once, which one should I answer you first?"

???? Su Hang looked at the sky a little bit unexpectedly, "You seem calm?"

??? It's really calm, no panic at all, too calm.

??? Such calmness can only explain one thing, the person in front believes that everything is under his control, and does not care about the uncovering of Su Hang.

???Cang Tian pointed to the chair next to him, "Don't be so nervous, sit down and talk slowly, the long night is long, we have time!"

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? frowned, Su Hang sat down with a little bit of anxiety!

???? "Ask, one by one, ask all your doubts!" ​​Cang Tian said directly.

?????"Since you don't know how to answer, then answer one by one, tell me first, who are you?" Su Hang asked directly.

????? "Of course I am, Chen Jinyuan!" Cang Tian said.

?????? Hearing this, Su Hang paused, "You are Chen Jinyuan, Chen Jinyuan is the sky, who is the Prince of the Void Temple?"

????? Hearing this, Cangtian looked at Su Hang with some amusement, "If I tell you, the Prince of the Void Temple is also me, are you going to turn my face and treat me like an enemy?"

?????? Su Hang was stagnant. To be honest, he really didn't think about what attitude he should use to deal with it.

"So, are you really?" Su Hang took a deep breath and calmed his turbulent emotions.

??????? "Is it right or not, so important?" Cang Tian asked.

???? Su Hang looked straight at the sky, "Important, very important, the existence of the Void Temple is a huge threat to the chaotic world..."

??Cangtian waved his hand, "Since you know the Prince of the Void Temple, you should have heard of his past?"

???Su Air did not deny, "I heard some, but this is not enough for me to remove him from the blacklist of hostile forces!"

????? The sky nodded slightly, "I understand that you have regarded the Void Temple as a hostile force, but how can good and bad good and evil be made in one word? Take that Chu Beng as an example. , Do you think he will be your enemy? One thing you need to know is that there are poor and fierce people in chaos, but there are good people in the void!"

????? Su Hang interrupted the words of heaven, "Nothing more, I just want to hear from you, are you the prince of the Void Temple?"

????Cangtian and Su Hang looked at each other for a moment, and shook their heads gently.

????? "No?" Su Hang was a little stunned. With so much forefront in front, I was already prepared for the worst, and my emotions were already on the top. Did you actually tell me not?

????? Faced with Su Hang's questioning eyes, the sky pondered for a long time, "I don't know how to explain, I am indeed not a prince of the Void Temple, he just temporarily stayed in my body and borrowed my body. Avoid wind and rain, and restore your skills at the same time!"

???? "Huh?" Su Hang understands a little, "What do you mean?"

???? "Is it difficult to understand?" Cang Tian smiled bitterly, "Summary in one sentence, he is him, I am me, I knew him in his early years, I was secretly calculated by the two Xuanhuang, but also thanks to He helped each other secretly, and I had the chance to reincarnate, but I didn’t know his identity at that time. Later, he fell into trouble and found me. I have no reason to refuse him!"

????? "You have known each other for a long time?" Su Hang was very surprised. For a time, he was a little confused. "That is to say, he is inside you. Are you two in one?"

?????"You can say that!" Cangtian nodded!

????? "What happened?" Suhang immediately asked.

?????? Cang Tian sighed and said, "Just a while ago, do you remember when you were fighting in the chaos and attracted a group of chaotic strongmen to challenge?"

???? Su Hang nodded, that was only a few months ago, "It was at that time?"

国幺赽蹽奇奇novel fiction|w~w~w.

?????? Cang Tian nodded slightly, "Yes, that's when he happened to meet the enemy and was seriously injured. As far as I know, you have a sword spirit on him, that's how he condenses A treasure for many years!"

?? "Void Sword Spirit?" Su Hang has eaten already, Void Sword Spirit is the baby of the great prince?

?????? Cang Tian smiled, "Is it weird? Otherwise, where do you think that the sword spirit came from? Isn't it possible to summon it with a three-tiered sword array based on three grandmaes that day? You too Is it naive?"

?????? Su Hang's face shivered, the strength of the Void Sword Spirit, he had seen it, and the three priests of Heavenly Grandmother, but three monks of the Quasi Realm King Realm, could have the ability to summon such a powerful sword spirit ?

????? Suhang had doubts But now listening to the sky, it is indeed the case, that the Void Sword Spirit may not have been summoned by the Three Talents, but came out separately.

?????? Su Hang took a deep breath, sorted out his thoughts and calmed down his mood, "That is to say, this Void Prince is now stored in your body, then, is he an enemy? Friends?"

??????? Cang Tian waved his hand, "Su Hang, who am I? You should know very well, if he is not good for chaos, do you think I will make such a friend?"

????? After listening to the words of the sky, Su Hang calmed down a bit, but he could believe in the sky, but he could not believe that big prince so easily!

So, Su Hangdao, "Can you call him out, shall we talk about it?"

?????Cang Tian shook his head, "He was seriously injured in the battle, has been recuperating, now it is inconvenient to disturb him, if you have any questions, I will answer with you!"

????? Su Hangdao, "You said he was seriously injured, who seriously injured him?"

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