Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2946: Stuck again!

"How is this kid calculating?" Cang Tian looked back at Xianren Cave, with some worry on his face. Can Su Hang successfully break through the Nine Realm King Realm? If you break through the Nine Realm King Realm, how sure are you to fight against the Yuehua Sans?

You know, after the Yuehua San people have gained their physical destiny, they will become more powerful if they become more powerful. At that time, let alone one Jiu Sejie King, I am afraid that the ten Jiu Sejie Kings may not necessarily be his opponents, right?

Hong Jun said, "You and I can't do anything. Wait patiently. Brother is not a risk-taking person. Since he dares to give his fate to the Yuehua San people, there must be his plan in his heart. The Huasan people reached a certain agreement..."

"Oh, agreement!" Cang Tian shook his head. "It is undoubtedly that he is trying to kill himself with the tiger. What is the existence of the Yuehuasan people? You and I are very clear. If it was not the blessing of fate, how could we win with our existence. That battle? Do you think he will reach an agreement with us? No longer invade the chaotic world? Come on, even if he agrees temporarily, when he gets what he wants, he will definitely turn his face, and his desires are endless, he also same!"

Hong Jun took a deep breath. "It doesn't make any sense to say this now. What we can do now is to wait!"

After listening to the sky, there is nothing more to say, things are getting more and more complicated. Originally, the saints have been practicing the Void Demon Formation together, and they have achieved little success. By then, they will cooperate with the four-image array method of the four-image ancestors. Some hope that they can compete with some of the newly born Yuehua San people, but they have such a stubble. If the Yuehua San people have great strength, their previous efforts will be lost!


In the fairy cave, Su Hang sat on the futon, knew nothing about the outside world, and was completely immersed in spiritual practice.

There is a bottle next to it, the bottle is empty, Su Hang frowns, the whole person is like a statue, the flesh changes between the reality and the reality, and suddenly disappears!

Three days ago, he successfully entered the Nine-Color Realm. After briefly adapting to the new realm, Su Hang took out the bottle of growth and happiness. After waiting for so long, this bottle of elixir finally came in handy.

This medicine is a real cow. A medicine is taken to the stomach, and it takes almost no time to digest it. It does not need the original sins of the body to help develop it. It only completes one percent of the physical development in an instant.

No more, no less. It takes less than half an hour for a bottle of medicine to go down, and 100% development has arrived.

Three days ago, it was as simple as this, and it reached the peak of the nine-color realm. Su Hang thought that it was time to break through the nine-color realm and step into the legendary realm of domination. However, something unexpected happened.

What a special stuck!

Stuck in the pinnacle of the nine-color realm, the same as before stuck in the pinnacle of the eight-color realm.

The physical development degree is 100%, and the second chapter of the ancestral scriptures has been completed. However, the scriptures do not say how to take the last step and enter the dominance after the ninth development degree is 100%.

This card is three days. Su Hang first handed Meng Nan to his ancestral scripture the third chapter, the Yuming chapter to come out to study, but the above is only the practice method of the dominance, and there is no record of this breakthrough to the dominance. One way.

This is a bit embarrassing, is it necessary to condensate the aura of destiny?

Su Hang thought about it, pulled out the Xueshen system, and looked around, and there was no aura of destiny above the nine-color realm.

There are only a few nine-color environment auras that can be exchanged by the system. If you add them together, you may not be able to condense the ten colors, not to mention that Su Hang now has no so many energy points!

Where is it so easy to break through the dominance?

Su Hang felt that his scalp was numb, and there were four days left. If these four days could not break through the dominance, then his previous foreshadowing would be in vain, the peak of the nine-color realm, I am afraid that there is a great probability that Yuehuasan people can't help it.

If there is a breakthrough, Su Hang will have 90% confidence to win the Yuehua Sans, but if this is the case, it may be less than 40%.

Not sure, what should I do? This time, the Yuehua San people were given to the pit, and when he reacted, did he not find himself desperately? By then the whole chaos may be cold!

It is simply not realistic to break through the dominance realm with the aura of destiny, because the aura of destiny is used to limit the monks below the **** realm, and what is the aura of destiny for the existence of the dominance realm? Never heard of it!

After three days of research, Su Hang has used the remaining energy of the Mongolian nucleus and wanted to use the energy to break through the final shackles, but the result was still in vain.

Even many of the original sins worked together in vain, so Su Hang's test was gone, and for a moment, I was a little more irritable!


Outside Xianren Cave, Cang Tian and the two did not know that Su Hang had encountered a problem at this time, and they had a conversation outside the cave.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the cave, but both Cang Tian and Hong Jun were startled.

Looking up, it turned out to be Tai Cang, Tian Tian frowned, and quickly stood up, "Brother Tai Cang, but what happened to Chuangjie Mountain?"

It has been three days since he and Hongjun came here. In these three days, they were afraid of what happened to Chuangjie Mountain. In the event of Huashan people committing crimes in January, with the power of the sages of Chuangjie Mountain, I am afraid they could not resist it!

At this time, the arrival of Tai Cang caused their hearts to hang up. It wasn’t that something happened in Chuangjie Mountain. Tai Cang ran to report it?

Tai Cang heard the words, but shook his head lightly, "Chuangjie Mountain is very good, the two don't need to worry!"

With that, Tai Cang looked up at the fairy hole in front of him, "Is Su Hang inside?"

As soon as they heard nothing, Cang Tian and Hong Jun nodded slightly, and they all sighed with relief in their hearts. They are not afraid of anything now, just afraid of this!

"It's been three days, I haven't seen anything, but I don't know when it will be!" Hong Jun sighed, not knowing how long to Such a thing as retreat is completely unknown!

"Brother Tai Cang, you are here..." Cang Tian asked, since nothing happened to Chuangjie Mountain, how could Tai Cang come here.

"An old friend asked me to bring him a few words!" Tai Cang said, without a word, directly raised his legs and walked into the fairy hole.

"Brother Tai Cang!"

Cang Tian and Hong Jun said nothing, one left and one right, stopped in front of Tai Cang.

Cang Tiandao, "He is breaking through in retreat, don't disturb him!"

Tai Cang looked at the two people in front of him, "If he is not breaking through the retreat, I will not come yet!"

The two stopped, and Tai Cang couldn't enter, but could only refrain. The two in front of them didn't mean to give in at all.

After all, Tai Cang's original criticism was not good, and it was a very dangerous thing for the retreat to be disturbed. In any case, they could not let Tai Cang go in to disturb Su Hang.

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