Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2992: Everyone join forces!

Su Hang didn't have anything to say. He took out a thing directly. The black one was the unmatched one. He threw a loud sound into the hall and shook the ground a few times.

"All of you are old seniors, and you must practice what you say. This tripod is the undeserved tripe left to me by your destiny. All the seniors only need to put the fates of their collections into it, and everyone will work together. Reunite the physical body of fate!"

After Su Hang's words, several of the ninth-ranking powerhouses are all looking at each other, obviously they are waiting for others to get their ideas first.

Mo Changchun hesitated for a while and said, "It's okay, everyone rarely gathers here. Let's try it. Everyone is to be able to go out. As for what method, it doesn't matter!"

With that said, Mo Changchun walked to Wu Xiangding and took out a green box. The box is part of his fateful body that he has cherished for many years.

Mo Changchun took the part of the torso that had been condensed to the size of his palm. He hesitated, and Mo Changchun took out the torso and threw it directly into the phaseless tripod.

Putting the lid on the box, Mo Changchun looked up at Ye Feifan and others, "Dear friends, come on, even if you don't succeed, there will be no loss, and you will get it back by then!"

It can be said that Mo Changchun made a good lead. Several people looked at each other and Mo Changchun handed it over. When they held it again, they seemed too demeanor!

"Then, I will make a sample!" At this time, Yunlang stood up and walked to the side of Wuxiang Ding, first looked at Su Hang, and then took out a box, and took out the contents of the box, Put into the phaseless tripod!

Unexpectedly, the second person who came out would be Yun Lang. This person he didn't know, he thought it would be Ye Feifan. After all, in the view of Su Hang, Ye Feifan was a kind of friendship for him. of!

Yun Lang looked at Su Hang, "Young people, if you can't do anything, please trouble you!"

Su Hang paused. When he was about to say something, Yun Lang had turned and walked to his own seat. "Let's act!"

The remaining four people looked at each other, but were unmoved, obviously hesitating.

Mo Changchun frowned slightly, "Do you have any concerns, Dao friends?"

At this time, Tie Ahu said, "I was thinking, if we divided the body of fate back then, if he was reborn, would it be bad for me to wait?"

It turned out that I was worried about this. Mo Changchun looked at the other three. Obviously, the other three also had the same worries as Tie Ahu.

Mo Changchun said, "At this point, I can assure you that even if your destiny is reborn, you will not be held accountable for your previous faults. Everyone knows that I have a close relationship with my destiny. This can be guaranteed!"

Su Hang wanted to say something, but Mo Changchun said it all, and it seemed that it was not his turn to speak.

Hesitating again and again, the old woman Xing Yuzhen stood up, took out a bead, and threw it into the tripod.

That is also a part of the physical body of fate, but just like the king of owls, they have all become magic instruments.

This has been turned into a magic weapon, can it be restored to the flesh?

Xing Yuzhen was a little skeptical, but since everyone was involved, she wasn’t useful to pinch the bead. It’s better to try it out. No one can take it anyway.

The women all shot, and the remaining three can still sit there. Ye Feifan, King Xiao, and Iron Ahu all got up, walked to Dingbian, took out their own body of fate, and threw them into Ding, King Xiao That Ling Yunzhu was also thrown in.

"Now, what should I do?" Ye Feifan turned his head to look at Su Hang. Since Su Hang said he wanted to repair his fate, then he must have a plan?

Some of these six parts of the flesh have been refined into magic weapons. It is impossible to put them together, they will be able to merge and restore vitality by themselves!

Su Hangdao, "After a while, the team will perform the exercises together. Wuxiang Ding will re-train the body of fate, but it requires huge energy. Therefore, we can greatly reduce the need to re-exercise the body if we exercise together. time!"

Everyone listened to Su Hang's words and looked at the black tripod in front of Su Hang with some doubts. "Are you sure, this tripod can bear it?"

Su Hangdao, "This tripod is left by fate, although you can rest assured it is!"

Prior to this, Su Hang had already passed through Wu Xiang, Wu Xiang has assured him that Wu Xiang Ding can reinvent his fate. As long as everyone is willing to cooperate, powerful energy blessing, it will not take three or two days to retrain Can be completed.

"Changing another place!" Mo Changchun said. Although he was also puzzled, he decided to give it a try!

Dading was placed on the square in front of the palace gate, and turned into a height of two feet. Thirty or so powerful people were sitting next to Dading. Su Hang and Bingji were no exception.

Su Hang communicated with Wuxiang, his right hand approached Ju Ding, and the skill broke away, turning into a beam of light and pouring into Ding's body.

"Seniors, let's get started!" Su Hang said.

Bing Ji beside him also stretched out his hand, aimed at the body, the skill came out through the body, condensed into a beam of light, direct shot without phase.

When everyone saw this, they also sent their skills to the phaseless tripod, a beam of light condensed by the skills, connected to the phaseless tripod at all angles, and more than 30 masters joined forces. The strength of the skill can really be said to be There is no one before!

Wuxiang Ding roared, trembling, the Ding fire inside was burning, and the whole Ding body slowly turned red!

Su Hang is really a bit worried about whether the phaseless can bear it, after all, these are the existence of the dominating realm!

However, Su Hang’s fears may be superfluous. After a while, the phaseless jitter has stabilized ~ ~ seems to have adapted to the powerful energy input and entered the refining stage.

Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief. Since Wu Xiang had already promised him, then Su Hang does not have to worry anymore. As long as there is a huge energy supply, he will wait for the trip and take the fate of his flesh!

Although Su Hang does not know in what state fate is now attached to himself, is it a system of learning the gods? Or is the soul attached? However, Su Hang has reason to believe that as long as the fate of the body is repaired, if it is in itself, it will certainly not be indifferent!

After all, Su Hang is a destiny and coexists with destiny, that is to say, destiny is on Su Hang, and fate has been in this space in the past. Knowing the power of this space, I still follow Su Hang this time. Why? ? From Suhang's point of view, should it be for this body?

In addition to this, Su Hang can't think of any reason. Unless destiny is not conscious, if it is not for this flesh, it must be reminded or left by Su Hang when it is trying to enter this box.

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