Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3006: treasure house!

?????????????? "Young man, I don't know what it is!" The old man glanced at Chu Beng. "Gross is unlucky, but he is clever. He is now trapped in a box and cannot be relieved. Your name is Chu Bang, I see that your character is quite pure. The offense just now, the old man does not care about you, this box, I took it away..."

?????????? "No!" Chu Beng quickly stopped drinking, he was not stupid, knowing that the other party must be stronger than him, after calming down, he did not dare to rush to grab it, "You can't bring Take it!"

?????????????? "Why? Give me a reason?" the old man asked lightly.

?????? Chu collapsed, "This box is only borrowed by the old hall master, not the old hall master, it belongs to Chuangjie Mountain!"

???????? Chu Chuan's anxiety, can only come up with such a reason!

???????? "Hehe!" The old man heard the words, hehe smiled, "I know better than you where this box comes from, since Gros can borrow, I naturally can borrow!"

???????? After he finished speaking, his figure flashed, but he had disappeared. Chu Beng jumped to the top of the cliff and looked around. There were people there.

???????? It’s over, it’s over, the man took the box away, and the old master can still be in it. How can this be?

???????? The man said that he was the old master's brother, is it true?

?????? For a moment, Chu Beng felt his heart was like a floating cloud around him, completely at a loss. He actually lost the old hall master. How can this end?


???????? In the chaos, an old man was slowly walking with the wooden box in his hand, and he could see that his mood should be good.

?????? If Chu Bang is here, he can definitely recognize that this old man is the Luo Jiuchen who just grabbed his box!

???????? Luo Jiuchen looked at the wooden box in his hand, a little lonely at the corner of his mouth, "Master's treasure chest is about to open, how can such a great event miss me?"

???????? The voice fell, Luo Jiuchen turned into a streamer, and entered the box directly. However, unlike other people who entered the box, this Luo Jiuchen seemed to know something.

???????? The box floated quietly in chaos, as if abandoned by someone!



???????? Let's talk about the world in the box, that dazzling light has slowly converged, and when Suhang feels the light source, the shocking light is no longer there!


???????? The sight in front of everyone makes everyone stunned. What is waiting for them in front is not the box opening, but a magnificent building.

??????The arc-shaped dome is like a fortress, there are about five layers from bottom to top, supported by a huge stone column, quietly floating in the void, looking from a distance, revealing Very mysterious.

???????? No one has seen this building, and everyone has discussed it. They have been in this space for so many years. It can be said that they have been thoroughly understood by them, and they have never seen it. Past this building.

?????? Where did this building come from? Why did it suddenly appear here?

?????? For a while, everyone stood in the same place, it was a dumb!

??????Gross rushed to look at the building in front of him, his face changed, and his eyes showed a very dazzling light.

???????? "Ha ha ha ha, I said, there is treasure in this box, ha ha ha..."

??????Gross suddenly couldn't help it, he laughed, and the whole person seemed crazy.

??? "Brother, do you know this building?" Wang Xiao asked next to him.

?????? "Not only to know!" Gros haha ​​smiled, "This is the treasure trove of Master, there is a massive collection of Master!"

???????? Before he finished speaking, he flew directly to the building. When everyone heard it was a treasure trove, it was okay. I wanted to catch up with it in a hurry. general.

???????? In front of the building, there is a broad bluestone platform with huge pillars, simple and mysterious.

???????? A gate of five or six feet tall stood in front of everyone. Without saying anything, Gross went up to push the door. However, with the power of Gross, he could not shake the gate.

???????? The rest of the crowd rushed in without saying a word, each means tried to break the door, but it turned out to be in vain.

???????? So many powerhouses dominating the realm are actually blocked by a gate. It is really incredible. If it is not what you have seen with your own eyes, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

???????? Suhang also tried it, and found that he could not get the gate, he could not see any barriers to the gate, but it was heavy and solid, and could not be shaken at all. !

???????? After a while, everyone gave up, gathered in one place, and began to discuss the way!

???????????? "Brother Ge, don't you know the origin of this treasure house? How can you not know how to go in?" Ye Feifan asked.

?????????? Gros grinned bitterly, "When Master Zun accepted me for entry, I was allowed to go in and pick a treasure. I did go in, but that was when Master Zun opened the door. I went in, I really don’t know how to open the door!"

???????? Everyone looked at Gross speechlessly, this guy seemed useless, and the chain fell off at a critical moment!

?????????? "Will everyone work together to see if we can break through this door?" At this time, Mo Changchun said.

?????????? Gross shook his head, "Useless, this is a treasure trove of the master. If it can't be opened, it can't be opened. No matter how many people come, it's useless!"

???????? Everyone heard it, but could not help but take a breath of breath, thinking that this Gros is not bragging, is there such a strong person?

???????? Among these people, who really believe in the words of Gros, I am afraid that only Su Hang, because Su Hang knows Meng Nan a little bit, it is indeed a mysterious and powerful existence. It is far beyond everyone's imagination.

?????????? "So let's just look at it like that?" Ye Feifan frowned, and everyone else was sullen, and the treasure trove was in front of them, but they couldn't get in, This is suffering!

?????????? "Gross, you think about it, but what else can you do?" Tie Ahu asked. The man was so grumpy that he wanted to break the gate with a punch, but the result was very hurtful. , With his power, failed to leave any mark on that gate!

?????????? Gross smiled bitterly, "If I have a way, I have already entered Do I have to wait until now?"

?????????? It's the same reason that everyone thinks about it. For a moment, their eyes widened, and they all stood in front of the gate worrying.

???????? "I had an idea!" At this time, the King of Owls stepped forward and reached out to touch the door. "Shrink the flesh, just like when we entered this box, through this door material Enter the gap!"

???? The King of Owls said nothing, but others listened in his ears, but his eyes flashed!

The idea is true and wise, and the frost road says, "You can go in, you can't get out, and you're trapped inside. You can try it. If you succeed, don't forget to tell us!"

?????????? As said, Old King Xiao blushed. Obviously, he did not dare to try it hurriedly. After all, trapped in this box is already miserable enough, and then trapped in it. , Isn't that going crazy?

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