Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3015: The key to the box!

????????"Moreover, Lord Gros, there are countless powerful people in this box space. As long as we use it reasonably, this is a powerful help. If they can use it for both of you, you can keep it. Your Void Temple, I can also keep my chaotic world, those forces in the Void, if you want to move you and me, then it must be weighed well?"

?????? After Suhang finished his speech, Gross did not speak. He had the same idea. In this box, there are only six powerhouses in the ninth order, and almost three in the ninth order. Ten, this is a very powerful force, and Gross has long wanted to get a good deal.

?????? Now that Su Air has proposed it, Gross has started to think carefully. Among these strong men, there are a few who have a good relationship with him, but there are many who have a bad relationship or have no friendship. Dealing with them is a bit of a hassle. Those with bad relations can let Su Hang negotiate.

???????? If Suhang can help everyone go out, I believe that with this condition, even if it can’t be used by me, let them owe a cause and effect, it is also good to ask them to discuss it in the future. They don’t think they can stand by with help.



???????? When he came out of Gros’s house, there was a slight smile on Suhang’s face. This time he came in this broken box, it wasn’t all without gain. At least, he got Gros, he got the void. The temple has resolved this crisis from the void world into invisible.

?????????? Soldiers who succumb to war without fighting, this is the result that Suhang wants to see most!

???????? Su Hang is very keen to make friends with these strong men in this box. After all, these are potential helpers. Making friends with them will only benefit you.

???????? It's just that the airline is too weak and the realm is low. These eyes are higher than the top. Where is it possible to see the airline? With such a short time, Su Hang wants to make friends with them, which is not very realistic at all, and others may not bother to take care of it!

???????? Before those glances, Su Hang is not without feeling!

???????? Therefore, the Soviet Union chose to make a good relationship with Gros, borrow Gros’ status, and make friends with everyone. In the last time left in the box, how much can be made, how much can be made, can the group heat up, one It is unrealistic for people to go it alone.

???????? "Are you really going to leave?" In the room, Bing Ji looked at Su Hang and asked gently, seeming to stop talking!

???????? Su Hang nodded slightly, "Don't you want to go out?"

?????????? Bing Ji sighed, "I have stayed here for too long, and suddenly said that I want to go out, but I don't know what it is like. After going out, where should I go? ?"

?????????? Hearing this, Su Hang's heart seemed to be twisted by something, and it felt a bit sour and a little bit painful!

???????? Hesitated for a moment, Suhangdao, "If you don't dislike it, why not let me go, I am heaven and earth, the sky is vast and the scenery is beautiful, you should like it!"

?????????? Bing Ji looked up at Su Hang, "What are you saying is true?"

???????? Su Hang nodded, "Nature is real!"

???????? "I'll take it seriously then?" Bing Ji's face, a relief smile!

?????????? Su Hang smiled, "I'm afraid you won't want to, as long as you want, Tiantiantian is your home!"

?????????? Bing Ji looked at Su Hang, her eyes involuntarily showed a touch of affection. At this moment, she felt that she seemed to really like the man in front of her a little bit, although She didn’t know what attracted her to this ordinary-looking man!

???????? Perhaps, it is really that Luanfeng and Mingdan are doing it, but anyway, Bingji feels that she can't suppress that feeling, just let it go!

?????????? Leaving this box world, she really doesn't know where to go? Want to say that her righteous brother, Mo Changchun? I'm afraid that her sister-in-law's condensate frost has to trouble her every day. Now for her, Su Hang can give her a go out. It's already very good. After all, she and Su Hang have also visited each other and become married!

?????????????? For Su Hang, his and Bing Ji's affairs, not from the two people's willingness, were inexplicably cobbled together by those old monsters.

?????????????? But despite the cohesiveness, Su Hang can’t be irresponsible at all, so his attitude towards Bing Ji is also natural. If there is a day in the future, Bing Ji wants to leave, and Suhang will not stop.

?????????????? "Do you have any way to leave here? Do you already know the specific meaning of the Proverbs of Destiny?" Bing Ji got better and asked Suhang.

?????????? Suhang listened and said, "Proverbs and proverbs don't matter. I already have the key to this wooden box, so I can go out anytime I want!"

?????????? Said, Su Hang's right hand was spread out, and in his palm was indeed a golden key!

?????????? Bing Ji's face was full of curiosity, and her eyes fell on Suhang's palm, "Where did it come from?"

???????? Su Hangdao, "I got it in the treasure trove, do you remember the scroll of destiny that I took, this key was obtained from that scroll!"

?????????? This is not a lie. It's just that it should be covered up. It still has to be covered up. He has never confided to the second person.

???????????? Bing Ji could also see that Su Hang had concealed, but did not ask much, but just nodded slightly, "So when are you going to leave?"

?????????? "No hurry, I have discussed something with Gros, and when it's done, it's when we leave!" Su Hangdao.

?????? Destiny Proverbs, when a new life is born, it is when leaving, Su Hang now seems to understand the meaning of this sentence, the new life that Destiny said, I am afraid it is Destiny himself.

???????? After this fate maintenance and upgrade, it has grown into the ultimate form, which is regarded as new. Fate is associated with Su Hang, Su Hang is naturally life, and now fate exceeds the limit of Hongmeng in this way, It is beyond the dominance to become a brand new system, that is to say, Su Hang, now equipped with the new system, is that new life!

???????? The sky is vast in the future, and the upgraded Xueshen system has opened another space for Su Hang. For Su Hang, it is already a new life, and the future is expected!


???????? The next assembled a bureau, brought most of the people together, some were still meditating in silence, they were pulled out, everyone sat Together, a small meeting was held.

The content of the meeting was that it left the box space. Of course, Su Hang, as the protagonist, also participated in this meeting.

?????????? Without too much discourse, Su Hang took the key out and explained to everyone that it was ready to go out. Then Gros told everyone about the situation in the outer world today and hoped everyone Be able to form an alliance and rely on each other to help after going out.

???????? Everyone heard that they were able to go out immediately. Naturally, many people were reluctant to wait for those thirty or fifty years. However, they have all been in for a long time. They are already very strange to the situation outside. That is naturally the best, after all, there is no outside without the strong!

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