Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3017: good news!

?????????? Ye Feifan, Zui Mengsheng and others also bid farewell one by one, this time they can come out of the box, everyone owes Su Hang's favor, there is no doubt about it.

?????? After a while, the rest will be few!

???????? Mo Changchun took the condensed frost and stepped forward, looked at Bing Ji beside Su Hang, and his eyes fell on Su Hang again, "Brother Su, also for Wei brother, so For years, I have to go back to Zongmen to see..."

???????????????? Su Hang nodded slightly and arched his hand, "Two slow walk!"

???????????????? Mo Changchun said, "In the past few days in Moya Mountain, I have offended many brothers and humble people. I also hope Haihan. In the future, the little girl will ask you to take care of you !"

???????????????? Su Hang turned his head to look at Bing Ji, just smiled and nodded, and did not answer Mo Changchun's words.

?????????? Then the two went hand in hand. Condensate frost looked back. Perhaps, the heart disease had gone, and Su Hang did not feel any hostility!

???????????? As soon as the two left, Gross and the King of the Moon were left, Gross said, "The old man has to go back to the Temple of the Void, boy, you can remember, don't No matter what small actions we have, since we are already in the league, we should help each other and help each other. If you do any conspiracy, then don’t blame the old man for turning his face!

?????????? Su Hang nodded slightly, "I don't have any conspiracies or tricks, and Lord Lord Gross need not worry, just hope Lord Lord Gross can remember the promise between you and me, you don't commit me , I will never commit you!"

?????? Suddenly, Suhang thought of something, "One more thing, your two great-grandsons, Ge Miao and Gesen, are now crushed by me in Chaos Killing Mountain, otherwise, the Lord of the Temple of Gross Take them back by the way?"

???????? "No need!" Gross shook his head. "Continue to hold on, something that is not climatic, let them remember for a long time!"

"What about Gexin?" Su Hang asked again.

??????Gross said, frowning slightly, "Don’t worry about these things, just take care of yourself, Gexin’s business, let it be, let him stand up if he really has that ability. ,we'll talk about it then!"

???????? After all, it’s someone else’s family affair, so Su Hang is not good to say more, and immediately, "So Su will not be far away, the two of you go!"

?????????? Gross nodded slightly, "Find a time, come to my temple, let's talk about something more!"

???????? Su Hang nodded, and next to the King Xiao Xiao arched his hand, "Brother Su, sister Bing Ji, brother, I don't have to live too!"

?????? The two returned their salute, and then Gross left the chaos with King Owl, leaving only Su Hang and Bing Ji in place.

???????? It was so lively just now, and the people were finished in a blink of an eye. The two couldn't help but sigh, Suhang looked back at Bingji, "We are left, let's go!"

???????? Bing Ji nodded, she did not go out, said to follow Su Hang, of course, went to heaven and earth!



???????? Chuangjie Mountain, Su Hang returned to Chuangjie Mountain and learned the good news from Tiantian. Both Su Rong and Qin Shiyu were pregnant, but he was so happy!

???????? Although he already had a son Su Jin, but Su Jin was born, he was not accompanied, when he first saw Su Jin, Su Jin had grown up, kind of The feeling of being a dad is a little weird. It is more of a surprise than a surprise, but this time is different. Su Hang is surprised and happy!

???????? However, Su Rong and they saw Su Hang disappeared for a few days and brought back a woman, the mood was not so beautiful, all gave Su Hang a face.

???????? Su Hang couldn't tell, and didn't know how to explain, only Su Xi gave him a thumbs up.

???????? Su Hang is very clear, Su Rong they just gave him a face, expressed some dissatisfaction, but they are very enthusiastic about Bing Ji, waiting for some time, Su Hang is looking for They just explain it!

?????? Now, Suhang has been completely immersed in the joy of being a father again!


???????? Mingyue Peak!

??????Yin Tianfeng reported to Su Hang that Su Hang was not in these days. "That Gross is still at the peak of the passengers. There has been no movement for a few days. Sect Master, do you want to visit me? ? This person doesn't look like a messy lord!"

?????? Su Hang smiled and shook his head, "People are gone!"


?????? Yin Tianfeng froze for a moment, when did he leave? I do not know how?

?????? Su Hang waved his hand and gave Yin Tianfeng a brief account of his experiences over the past few days. Yin Tianfeng was like listening to the fantasy of night, and he was so sighed!

It turns out that the disappearance of Su Hang in the past few days, and such an experience, think about it, Yin Tianfeng was a little lucky, if there is no box, the consequences may be unbearable!

???????? "That Chu collapse, but still waiting at the guest drop peak! This person has some sentiment..." Yin Tianfeng said!

?????????? Su Hang nodded slightly, "Brother Chu is loyal, I will see him later!"

???????? Yin Tianfeng said, "Sovereign, that is to say, the crisis of our chaotic world has passed?"

???????? Su Hang pondered for a moment, shook his head, "This time only reached an agreement with Gros, the Chaos World and the Void Temple reached an alliance, but there is more than the Void Temple in the Void. After the two-year period expires, the chaotic world will still be threatened by the void, but this kind of threat, there is a temple in front of it..."

???????? Yin Tianfeng nodded slightly, the threat was still there, but not as great as before.

???????? Su Hangdao, "Chaos is not the same as the void, the void forces, as long as there is such an eighty-nine-ranking dominion of the powerful sitting in the town, basically will not be passively shaken, at least all forces will be There are fears, but the existence of chaos is itself opposed to the void, and the situation is not so good, so there are still many things we have to do!"

?????????????? I was just a little lucky, but after listening to Su Hang said, Yin Tianfeng’s mood became heavy again, "Unfortunately, we are too weak to help you!" "

???????? Sighs of emotion, once Yin Tianfeng can be considered a personal thing, but now, seeing more and stronger existence, only then found I don't even have root hair!

????????"Help me manage the sect gate, I haven't thought of letting you participate in this dispute!" Su Hang shook his head, "For me now, if it can be used We will never consider using our fists to solve the problem with our mouths. Compared with the void, we are not at the same order of magnitude. We only use self-defeating force.

???????? Yin Tianfeng nodded his agreement, if it was not the previous wave of Sao operation, I am afraid that now the chaos will have been wiped out by the Yuehua Sans!

Although it was a straight fight, the result was unexpected. No one, including Yin Tianfeng, wanted to fight a war. The chaotic world could develop as it is now. It was not easy. It couldn’t withstand tossing at all. Now this kind of ending is the best. of.

However, Su Hang is very clear that this is not the end. Although this time he met a lot of experts and will help him in the future, but chaos and vanity obviously cannot coexist, and one day conflicts will break out. At that time, it was still harder than whose fist!

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