Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3020: The Elder of Netherworld!

The Xueshen system has been opened for the first time to retrieve the information of this room full of people. Previously, he used God’s eyes to see that there are two demonic spirits on this **** Wushan. Among the aunts who are full of houses.

Sure enough, the Xueshen system soon gained something. When all the aunts looked at Su Hang with their expectant eyes, hoping that the suzerain could select themselves, Su Hang's eyes fell on the rear corners.

"Two people, can you speak now?" Su Hang said directly.

After being named by Su Hang, the two old ladies were stunned for a moment, shaking all over. After glancing at each other, they rushed forward with their heads buried.

All the aunts around looked at these two colleagues with a bit of jealousy. They did not understand why the patriarch chose these two. You must know that you can be selected by the patriarch to serve the patriarch. For them, that It's really a step in the sky!

At this time, the aunt who was instructed to bring someone opened his mouth and opened his mouth, "Sect Master, these two people, clumsy, I think the Sect Master will find two more?"

The two aunts nodded again and again, as if they did not want to be elected at all, and the other aunts ignited a little hope.

However, Su Hang waved his hand, "Too lazy to choose, just the two of them, and the rest, wait for them!"

The manager did not dare to violate the will of Su Hang, and quickly took the rest to bow down. After a while, when the man was gone, only the two aunts, Su Hang, and Bing Ji were left in the hall.

At this time, the two aunts obviously felt a little bad, and they didn't know what mood they were in. They both buried their heads and dared not look up.

"Two!" Su Hang's mouth curved a little arc, "No need to be nervous, this sect won't eat you!"

Both aunts buried their heads and didn't dare to talk back.

"You don't have to pretend anymore, you are the Holy Spirit House, show your true body, let's talk about it!" Bing Ji said aside, and didn't talk to them nonsense, since Su Hang chose them Come out, it must be the void demons they are looking for.

The freckled old lady raised her head and looked at Su Hang, "Holy Ghost? Sect Master, the old lady does not know what holy hall!"

It's quite like pretending, but where will Suhang be blinded? Immediately, "I'm not malicious, can you give me a name?"

The old lady heard the words, with a little fear on her face, "When I return to the patriarch, the old lady has no name. Others call me rich aunt. Next to this is the old lady's daughter-in-law, named Huang Que!"

Oh, by this time, I could still pretend to be a very wealthy aunt. The name is too earthy, and the Soviet airlines are unable to vomit!

Su Hang looked at the old woman in front of him with a profound expression, "One of the eight elders of the Holy Spirit Academy, the elder of the fifth elder, the existence of the fifth-order dominion, and the next one, the elder of the elder Mingtong Xuanyuan, the supreme realm Eighth order, I don’t know if I’m right?"

Ok? As soon as the two aunts heard this, their faces suddenly changed. Obviously, what Su Hang said gave them a lot of excitement, and it can be said to be the center of the matter. After all, the name history has been said!

The younger aunt next to him stayed in place for a while. After a bit of teeth, a few pieces of spirit stones were thrown directly on the ground. "Master, let's show it off, let's do it with a knife and a gun!"

I yelled directly, and I can see that this aunt is not bad tempered. Obviously, she has suffered a lot of frustration these days. At this time, it exploded completely!

When the words fell, the young aunt turned around, her body flashed, and she became a beautiful young man!

Beside, the freckled aunt also flashed, and when she appeared, she was already an rickety old man with a staff.

White beard and white hair, thin body, obviously not small age!

The aunt became uncle, it is really an anecdote. Seeing the true colors of these two people, Su Hang's mouth slightly raised. The match between these two people is a bit different from what Su Hang imagined!

"Oh, Su Sect Master is really extraordinary. The old man thought he was hiding very well. After washing the diapers for so many days in Shenwufeng, I could still find it for you. Good eyesight, really good eyesight!" The old man's crutches were on the ground Putting the pestle on, "However, the old man wanted to ask, where did Sect Master Su know my name and origin?"

Su Hang smiled and said, "Why should I say that I caught a woman some time ago, what is the Profound Spirit, and it seems that it is also the Holy Spirit Academy!"

Of course, Su Hang couldn't say that it was checked with the Xueshen system, so he let Xuan Ling take the pot and let them betray them!

Sure enough, as soon as Su Hang said this, the face of both the master and the apprentice changed!

"You said that Sister Xuan Ling betrayed us? No, this is impossible!" When Xuan Yuan heard this, he shook his head quickly and couldn't believe it was true.

Su Hang smiled faintly, "Otherwise, why do you think I appeared here? With your concealment technique, how could I find you if it was not revealed by someone?"

Mingtong took a deep breath, stopped Xuan Yuan, who was almost gone, and looked directly at Su Hang. "What do you want?"

Su Hang couldn't help crying and laughing, "What do I want? I think this should be my question to ask you?"

"What do you mean?" Ming Tong looked incomprehensible.

Su Hangdao, "Your Excellency has come to my mountain of creation and turned into a woman to be a maiden. I want to ask, what do you want to do? What is your intention?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, "If I said that I am purely a personal hobby to experience life, do you believe it?"

"Do you think I will believe it?" Su Hang's speechless face, for such a reason, if he believed it, it was really stupid!

"Then, the old man has nothing to say!" Ming Tong shook his head. "What means do you have, the old man is fighting!"

Su Hang frowned is Chuangjie Mountain, not everyone's place, Su Hang never thought of conflicting with them, but that the existence of the dominating realm, hands on, loss It is this day outside the sky!

"Relax, Ben Zong came to you today, not to embarrass you, so the two can rest assured, let's have a good chat, if there is any demand, we can also discuss, what do you think?" Su Hangdao.

The old man looked at Su Hang with some surprises and doubts in his eyes. Can this kid talk so well?

"Please sit down first!" Su Hang, with a smile on his face as always, extended his finger to the seat next to him. "If the information I got is correct, there is still one person on this mountain, why not call them together? Otherwise? If I do, I personally go to please, it is a waste of time!"

Super Learn God

Super Learn God

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