Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3030: Make a move!

???????? Gross smiled, "Don't you want me as a treasure tree? I gave it to you, but unfortunately you dare not come to take it, do you want me to take it to your hands personally? !"

???????? Yuan Kui's face was black, as if despised, and after thinking about it, he said, "Where is this treasure tree?"

?????? Su Hang heard laughter next to him, this person is really interesting, don't know what the other person is in his hand, he just wants to reach out when he sees something terrible?

?????????? "Haha..." Gross laughed unabashedly. "Wait for these juniors, or go back and guard the Tianhe Mountain, and wait for the old man to go to Wanmo. In the ancient grotto, I met the three Heavenly Prisoners, and then talked to them about this matter. Apart from the three of them, the gatekeepers of Heavenly Prison Hill are too shameful!"

?????????? Yuan Kui's face was even darker, and he pointed to Su Hang next to him, "Boy, take that treasure tree, bring it to me!"

?????????? "Me?" Su Hang froze for a moment. Why did it come to me again?

?????????? "Yes, it's you!" Yuan Kui snorted coldly, the treasure was naturally not in his hands in Gros, but if it was this kid, it would be much simpler At least, there will not be such a big risk!

???????????? "Oh!" Su Hang heard the words, but smiled, "Your Excellency is too high on yourself!"

?????? "What do you mean?" Yuan Kui frowned.

???????? "Nothing special!" Su Hang shook his head, "No!"

???????? "Don't do it?" Yuan Kui's eyes burst out with a killing intention, "If you don't do it, I will kill you!"

???????? Impressive, Su Hang, such a small second-order master, was not taken by his eyes at all.

???????? Gross said, "Is your lord so timid? Why bother a junior?"

???????? Yuan Kuiang raised his head, "If you don't leave things behind, don't want to leave here!"

?????? Speaking, turned to Su Hang again, "Junior, my patience is limited, do as I say, otherwise, die!"

???????? Su Hang looked at Yuan Kui faintly, "Listening to your tone, it's up to me? I can understand that you are provoking me? Challenge me!"

???????? "Ha ha ha..." Yuan Kui seemed to hear Tianda's joke, ha ha laughed, "I'm provoking you? What do you count, it is worth provoking Yuan Kui's master Yuan Kui you?"

???????? Su Hang shrugged, "Will we compare?"

?????? "Comparing? Comparing what?" Yuan Kui looked at Su Hang, weird, what kind of tricks did he want to play?

?????????? Su Hangdao, "Let's take a punch, if you win, I will help you get the treasure tree, if you lose, obediently give way, let us cross the border, the previous Gu Bo thing , No more investigation!"

???????? Yuan Kui frowned, then laughed, "What a junior, extremely arrogant, well, since you want to die like this, I will succeed you, but if you lose, I don’t want You helped me get some treasure tree, because, after my punch, you can't be alive!"

?????????? "So confident?" Su Hang said lightly.

?????????? Yuan Kui sneered, "Junior, this is not self-confidence, but, you are so funny!"

???????? "Funny? Then, come on!"

?????????? Su Hang snorted coldly, and then, a man exactly like him!

?????? Doppelganger? Yuan Kui was stunned for a moment, and in doubt, Su Hang had instantly melted into that flesh.

???????? Two identical people fuse together, Yuan Kui is stunned, what is this operation?

?????? At this time, Su Hang, who had become one, opened his eyes again. Without a word, he stepped out and came to Yuan Kui. He punched Yuan Kui with a punch!

????????????"court death!"

???????? This kid really dared to do it with himself, this is not what it means to die? Yuan Kui snorted and greeted him directly with a punch!

???????? The void is trembling, how powerful is the power of the eighth-order dominant realm?

????????Gross next to it, Ben wanted to stop it, but he did not expect that Su Hang was so reckless, he went straight to work.

???????? Second-order vs. eighth-order, who wins and who loses, there is no suspense at all, Gross shook his head secretly, and did not mean to shoot, after all, it was picked up by Su Hang itself!


???????? The fist intersects, the void is distorted, and numerous cracks are formed between the two, and the figures of the two disappear instantly in place.

?????????? The broken space, countless black cracks, healed after a while, at this time, the voices of the two people slowly appeared again!

?????????? "What?" Seeing the scene in front of him, Gross' eyes almost fell out. Suffered from Yuan Kui, Su Hang was still alive, not only alive, but also Can stand!

?????????? This scene is really beyond the expectation of Gross, you know, he knows the strength of the Soviet Airways very well, the other party is almost almost nine-tier existence, that one Fist down, even the ordinary eighth order, you have to kneel!

???????????? At the same time, Yuan Kui was even more shocked. Although the punch did not exert his full strength, the strength of the opponent’s punch has subverted his cognition. That power is not under him at all. At this moment, his right hand is numb, and the void body is a little trembling.

?????????? Is this kid pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, hiding his strength?

?????????? This must be the case. Yuan Kui looked at Su Hang with a shock. He suddenly didn't know what to say.

?????????? Su Hang exhaled softly and looked at Yuan Kui in front of him, "Oh, what is this? It's about the same, regardless of the outcome? Or else, compare?"

???????? When it comes to here, Su Hang's eyes became sharper.

?????? Yuan Kui heard the words, frowning slightly, thinking secretly in his heart, this kid must have hidden his strength, he was a little bit unable to understand the bottom of Su Hang, but, as far as the power of the punch Absolutely not under him.

?????????? At this moment, he and the red mantle are facing, not only a Soviet airline, but also Gros, the means of Gros They have already seen, Two-on-two, one's own side doesn't take advantage at all!

???????????? Although it is said to be the site of Tianyu Mountain, there are still many strong men on the mountain, and there are even two seventh-order prison masters sitting in town, but Yuan Kui is very clear, I don’t know how many people are staring at their seats on the mountain. Even if they lose, I am afraid that no one will help you.

?????????? So, this fight, I am afraid that 80% will lose, after all, even if the strength of this kid in front of him is only equal to him, Gross is enough to destroy the red mantle, when the time comes Yes, what victory did he win? Take the lead to win?

Next to it, Chiman also frowned, fearing that Yuan Kui was hot all the time and chose to dry.

If that's the case, Chimao is afraid that he will choose to retreat as soon as possible. After all, he can see clearly the situation in front of him. Although he has a good relationship with Yuan Kui, he hasn't reached the point where he lives and dies together. Survival in the void is the most important thing for life!

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