Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3037: The people waiting!

It can be seen that Tong Zhanxuan is a little bit floating. Not only is it floating, but there may be a little expansion, but people should really expand. After all, they will soon surpass Hongmeng and enter the founding state!

This is like a child who is about to be promoted to a small class. Looking at a group of little fart children who are still repeating grades in kindergarten, can he feel superior? Since the founding of Hongmeng, he is the first one who will surpass Hongmeng. Even if the fate of that year, he has not been able to surpass it, but he can do it, he can do it in Tong Zhanxuan!

Su Hang looked at Tong Zhanxuan, nodded slightly, "I will bring you the words of seniors!"

At this time, Su Hang has a little doubt in his heart. Is it so easy to break through the founding situation? As Tong Zhanxuan said, the fate of the incompetent life could not be solved. Why can this Tong Zhanxuan touch that state?

Su Hang thought to himself, there must be some chance for this old man. After all, more than fate, even the disciple named Luo Jiuchen under Meng Nan's door, got a lot of fortune in Meng Nan's treasure house before he got advanced founding. Of hope.

Su Hang does not believe that this Tong Zhan Xuan can have such a strong ability, and can surpass Hongmeng in dry practice. After all, in Su Hang's view, regardless of talent or blessing, this Tong Zhan Xuan is far less than destiny and Luo Jiuchen!

It is a pity that Su Hang scanned the specific information of Tong Zhanxuan and could not know the specific situation. However, since the scan was unclear, it means that Tong Zhanxuan has indeed touched the threshold of the founding realm.

Su Hang is curious, but at this time it can only be curious!

After a few simple words, he did not continue. Su Hang sat back on his seat and chewed the food on the table, which tasted like chewing wax!

In this void, there is really no food at all. This is far from the chaotic world.

There was probably an hour when the banquet was almost gone. The people such as Tong Zhanxuan still hadn't appeared yet. I saw that the winter clothes looked from time to time in the cave. She could see that she was also looking forward to something faintly.

"Brother Tong, the person you are waiting for may not come!" Tie Ahu said.

At this time, it is time to eat, drink and drink, and the rest can only stare at Tong Zhanxuan!

Tong Zhanxuan's face changed slightly, and he sighed, "Everyone, please wait, wait, wait!"

Everyone is speechless, I really don't know what the **** this Tong Zhanxuan is doing!

"Elder Holy Spirit Academy, Wraith arrives!"

At this time, a voice came from the hole, everyone was surprised by the sudden sound, and turned their heads to look towards the direction of the door, including the cold clothes, and their faces lost a little calm.

An old man came in, wearing a blue robe, holding a long stick in his hand, and a black gourd hanging from the stick. The cheekbones were towering, like a life star!

Is it the Holy Ghost? Everyone was stunned for a moment, thinking that Ming Gu did not appear until now. Could it be that Ming Gu, Tong Zhanxuan and others are Ming Gu?

"Wraith meets Tong Grotto Master, and everyone sees you in the same way!" The old man came directly to the neighborhood, first worshipped Tong Zhanxuan, and then turned around to worship everyone around him.

Everyone returned their salutes, but they were wondering, how come a ghost soul? Why don't you see Ming Gu?

Without waiting for everyone to ask, Tong Zhanxuan asked first, "Why don't you see the old brother of Ming soul?"

The apprentice’s husband is called the younger brother. This generation is really messy, but is this not the case in the spiritual world? Where is the seniority at all!

Wraith smiled embarrassedly, "The court owner asked Wraith to come to the banquet on his behalf, so the court owner and the future Demon Grotto..."

Tong Zhanxuan said, but his face changed, "If I remember correctly, the invitation is clear, let the old brother Ming have to come, even if the old brother Ming let you come, why are you too late? , Your Holy Spirit House, look down upon me at the Demon Cave?"

Hey, this is a bit serious, this is a direct question!

Everyone looked at the Wraith, and they didn't make a sound. This tenth feast is going on until now, and it's just a little playful moment!

Earlier they guessed that the winter clothes must have invited Ming Gu. When the ancient clothes come, there must be a good show between the winter clothes and the ancient clothes. However, they did not expect that Tong Zhanxuan was still there. The people of the Holy Spirit Academy had never appeared before. There is no such thing!

Now it seems that Tong Zhanxuan wants to be angry for his apprentice?

It seems to have long known that he would be asked by Tong Zhanxuan. At this time, Wraith said, "If you go back to the Tong Cave Master, the Master will not come, but he will not come!"

can not come? The winter clothes beside him frowned slightly, what could not be called? Obviously is to escape!

"What does it mean that you can't come?" Tong Zhanxuan sneered. "Today, many fellows are gathered here, just waiting for him to be alone. He didn't speak for a long time, and the Lord did not arrive, but he still found all kinds of reasons. Can you really be a man?"

When everyone listened to this, they were all a little speechless, and they said when we are waiting for the ancient times, it is clear that you are waiting!

Su Hang also felt that in terms of life, Ming Gu didn't know how, but this Tong Zhanxuan did seem to be almost something.

The winter clothes didn't speak, and the crowd watched the wall and watched the performance quietly.

Wraith said, "The yard master has recently touched the threshold of the realm above the ninth level, and it is a critical moment in cultivation, so I can't do it. I hope you understand!"

what? Xinggu also touched the threshold of the realm above the ninth level?

Everyone could not help but exclaim, a child Zhanxuan would just go away, and there was another Ming Gu?

Why is it so coincident? Since Hongmeng, no one has touched the threshold, but now, not only has someone touched it, but two people have appeared at the same time, which is a coincidence!

"Oh, that's congratulations!" Tong Zhanxuan sneered, and didn't feel surprised by the words of Wraith, and pointed to the last position on the right, "Seat it!"

I don't know when, there is an empty table in the last position on the right side, which is the space opposite to the Suhang.

Ghost Soul paused, fortunately, he also came to represent the ancient Ming, at the same time, he is also a strong seventh-order dominance, Tong Zhanxuan actually let him sit in the last place, this is a bit bullying!

"Dark Soul is under the orders of the master of the courtyard and sent a congratulatory gift to his Congratulations to his wife for taking over as the master of the Wanmo Ancient Cave!"

After Wraith finished, he held a black lacquered wooden box in his hands and put it in front of Han Yi.

Han Yi stared at Wraith, and took the wooden box with both hands, but nodded slightly, without saying a word.

Wraith didn't mind, turned to Tong Zhanxuan and arched his hand, "Something has been delivered, Wraith is leaving!"

Tong Zhanxuan stared at the Wraith for a long time, his brow furrowed tightly, and for a long time, he let go, "Slow walk, don't send!"

Wraith turned around and left straight, Tong Zhanxuan did not stop!

That's it? Everyone is stunned, thinking that there will be a good show, but don't want to just end it?

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