Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3041: Desolate slave!

There are cold clothes to explain, those red dot areas, that is definitely not going, after all, it represents an unknown danger, and Su Hang will encounter some red dot areas along the way, but just go around.

There are countless powerhouses in the void, although Su Hang said it has dominance, but walking in the void can’t be said to be absolutely safe. After all, no one knows how many strongmen are hidden in the void, maybe when Just jumped out and stopped your way.

What's more, here is still the site of the Demon Race. Although there are directions to guide the way, Suhang is still careful.

No danger was encountered along the way, but Su Hang gradually felt a little puzzled.

Anyway, the cold clothes are also the master of a cave, why should I let myself send her a courier? After all, there are so many people in the Wanmo Ancient Cave, why should you find yourself?

Could it be that the thing that the cold clothes made him send was concealed from her master? Don't want Tong Zhanxuan to know?

Although there are countless demons in Wanmo Ancient Caves, Tong Zhanxuan brought them up and down, and none of them can make Han Yi trust, so I chose Su Hang, so that Su Hang has nothing to do with Wanmo Ancient Cave. People to do this.

Well, if this is the case, what the cold clothes want to send themselves is a bit worth scrutinizing. What is it must be sent by yourself, and it must be sent at this time, avoiding everyone in the Wanmo Ancient Caves Eyeliner?

Although he knew that curiosity killed the cat, Su Hang still couldn't help curiosity at this time. What was in the box?

Subconsciously, Su Hang had the urge to take out the box and open it, but before he was asked by Han Yi, he thought that he was so curious about the magical machine box at first, but he almost couldn't come out after entering. The curious thought slowly faded away!

However, Su Hang felt a little uneasy in his heart, and felt that this trip to the Holy Ghost was probably not that simple.

"But the Su Hang friends are in front, and stay!" Just when Su Hang thoughts, a voice suddenly came from behind Su Hang.

Su Hang stopped and looked back, only to see an old man with a black face, chasing from the depths of the void.

The old man, who was not tall, only reached the neck of Su Hang, but his body was very strong, and his skin was black, like black charcoal, as if he had just crawled out of the coal pile, only to see a pair of eyes wandering.

Even if it looks black, the old man is still wearing a white robe, which makes Su Hang want to talk.

Su Hang looked at the old man with a vague impression. Wasn't this one of the eight ancient demon standing behind Tong Zhanxuan at the Ten Thousand Demon Banquet?

Because of the image, Su Hang was impressed, and the Xueshen system pulled out a scan to get a general idea of ​​the information of the person coming.

One of the eight ancient monsters of the Wanmo Ancient Cave, the ancient demon slave, the fifth in the strength of the eight ancient monsters, and the seventh-order dominance!

How did this person come after? Su Hang groaned for a while, this deserted slave could not appear here so cleverly for no reason. Looking at this posture, it was clear that he was chasing himself.

"Su Xiaoyou, you are going too fast!" Huang Nu pretends to be a little breathless. Su Hang can only see two rows of white teeth floating in the void, closing up and down!

"I don't know, your Excellency is..." Although Su had already known the other party's information, Su Hang asked.

The Road to the Slaughter, "The old deceased is a slave to the Ten Thousand Devil Caves, but the Brothers Su have forgotten things. We have seen them not long ago!"

Su Hang quickly arched his hand. "It turned out to be Senior Slave Slave, but in disrespect and disrespect, but I don't know that Senior Slave Slave stopped Su Mou, what advice?"

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be!" Huang Nu waved his hand. "This Ten Thousand Demon Feast is not over yet, why did Brothers Su rush away?"

At this moment, Su Hang thought that the slave was chasing at this time, I am afraid that 80% was for the box that the cold clothes gave him!

Obviously, it was discovered that I helped express delivery of the cold clothes!

In fact, at Suhang Airlines, such operations are not normal until they are discovered. After all, Tong Zhanxuan is also an existence that is about to surpass Hongmeng!

"Isn't the Wanmo Banquet yet? I thought it was over!" Su Hang's sloppy eyes!

Huang Nu smiled faintly. "The old cave master will preach in the cave. Everyone hasn't left yet. Why did the Brothers Su go so urgently?"

Su Hang waved his hand, "Sue's state is low, and he can't understand the way of the children's cave master, so he simply left first, and then, Su is still in a hurry, so..."

"Oh?" Huang Nu looked at Su Hang with a curious look. "I don't know what's urgent for Brother Su?"

Where did Su Hang say, just called haha, "Senior Slave Master hasn't said yet, why did he appear here? Is it because Su Su came?"

The Huang Nu listened and said, "Brothers Su came from afar and left like this. It seemed that I had been neglected. The old cave owner was a little bit sorry when he heard that, so let me give you a ride!"

Give you a ride? When Suhang heard this, he immediately prepared for it. Send? Where to send it? In this way, in the practice world, generally speaking to the enemy?

"Senior is welcome!" Calmly calmed down, Su Hang said, "I'll just walk by myself. Senior should go back, so as not to mistake the Tong Lao cave master to preach!"

Fortunately, the slaves only have the seventh-order dominance. For the Soviet airlines, there is a threat, but it is not particularly large. With the armor of fate, you should not be afraid of the slaves.

After all, Su Hang had tested it earlier and had a match with Yuan Kui, the Lord of Heaven in the Heavenly Prison Mountain. Yuan Kui was an eighth order!

"No hurry, no hurry!" Huang Nu smiled very simply, "The old cave master asked me to send you, I naturally have to send you, I do not know where Brother Su is going?"

Su Hang frowned slightly, wondering what the slave slave meant!

"Just walk around, eat after dinner, and meet old friends by the way!" Su Hangdao.

"Oh? Old friend? Brother Su is in this There are old friends?" Huang Nu smiled and said immediately, "I look at the direction of Brother Su, but I went to the original abyss? Su Brother's friend, in the original abyss?"

"Primary abyss?" Su Hang froze for a moment. Isn't this the way to go to the Holy Ghost?

At the moment, Su Hang revisited, and the slave must have asked it on purpose. It is impossible for him to tell him, no, I am going to the Holy Spirit Academy, right?

Waste slave road, "The primal abyss is one of the Eight Abyss Jedi of the Void, that is a terrible place, entrenched in the powerful Void Demon, Brother Su, what are you doing in that place?"

Su Hang shrugged, "It's true, I'm going to the Holy Spirit Academy!"

"Holy Ghost House?" Huang Nu heard the words and frowned lightly, but then he smiled. "If Brother Su went to the holy house, it was in the wrong direction. This is indeed the direction of the original abyss. , You should go north!"

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