Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3091: 2 walnuts!

??????????????? Chen Dasheng walked beside Su Hang and glanced along Su Hang’s eyes, a smile appeared on his face, "Xin'er is the most To my heart, it is my favorite one of the third generation. I don’t know how many people come to court. I don’t want to let go. How can those stinky fish and rotten shrimp deserve my little granddaughter Chen Dasheng. Still close your eyes!"

?????????? Su Hang glanced at Chen Dasheng, "I am afraid that the stinky fish rotten shrimp in the mouth of my predecessors, just take one out, they are more powerful than I am?"

?????????? Chen Dasheng heard the words and waved his hand. "In my opinion, strength is second, character is the most important!"

?????????? Su Hang's face is a ghost I believe in you!

?????????? Chen Dasheng smiled, "Of course, strength is also very important, but it’s not a matter of minutes if you have a father like you.

???????? "You thought too much of me too!" Su Hang smiled bitterly, "However, only when you have strength can you be confident. Now I look at it, it is a bit less than before. confidence."

Next to it, Yin Yu'er sighed, "Jin'er has lacked parental care since he was a child, and his temperament is a bit colder. Previously in Xuanhuang Realm, as a Dragon Emperor, a dear child, it is inevitable to be arrogant and confident. It’s indispensable, but now that I’m out of the Xuanhuang Realm and I have seen too many young strong men, that confidence has naturally been cut a lot..."

???????? Su Hang nodded. He had noticed this point for a long time, and he could see that Su Jin was still a little bit interested in this dish, but the strong female was weak, which made Su Jin faint Feeling far away.

?????? This is a lack of self-confidence. Su Hang did not care enough about Su Jin before. This time he should go back to class!

Chen Dasheng is right. As long as Su Hang is his father, Su Jin's strength will not be affected even if he is weak. There are countless people thinking about him.

???????? But if Su Jin heard this, it would definitely not taste it!

???????? Su Hang understands this mood very well, because he also came here, a strong person often has a fragile heart.

?????????? During the talk, the sky and sky were already in sight, but Su Hang stopped!

?????????? "What's wrong?" Yin Yuer asked.

???????? "You go back first, I'll see two friends!" Su Hang looked in one direction, in the vast chaos, the breath was tumbling, dark and obscure. This chaotic world is really daunting. .


???????? Yin Yuer froze for a moment, but did not ask too much. Chen Dasheng and his party next to him did not say much. The party left with mighty power!

???????? There was only one Su Hang on the spot. After a short stay, he went straight to a gray area in the west.

???????? Killing God Mountain, after the Killing God Terrace was taken away, the deity of this mountain is no longer there, but those devil gods who are too early are still entrenched here.

???????? Among them, there are many strong ones, and there are also many people in the realm of the realm of kings. However, these existences have not posed a threat to the chaotic world. This area has long been used by Soviet airlines to provide magical powers. Isolated, no matter how they make trouble, they can't leave this area.

?????????? "You two, why don't you leave?"

???????? In the cave, Suhang looked at the two brothers Gemiao and Gesen in front of him. Suhang had trapped them here before, but because they had a peace with the Temple of the Void, Suhang was early. They had already let them go, they thought they would have gone to the temple already, and they didn't want to stay here!

?????? Just passing by today, Su Hang came over to see!

?????? Looking at the bunch of brothers and brothers in front of them, Su Hang suddenly felt that they were a little bit pitiful, and it seems that it is inseparable from Su Hang when it reaches the point where it is today.

???????? Ge Miao said, "Su, Brother Su, we, we discussed, and feel that we will not go back for the time being!"

???????? "Oh?" Su Hang frowned slightly, looked at them a little puzzled, "Why?"

?????????? After the two looked at each other, Ge Miao said, "You won't get much attention when you go back, maybe you will get a heavy penalty. Stay here, at least you can be stable."

?????????? Su Hangdao, "You don't go back, but you can understand, but Gesen is the heir of the temple, you don't go back?"

??????Gerson smiled bitterly, "Brother Su, what heir, that is the past tense, this time things are done badly, the ancestor will not value me any more, and like Ge Miao, my situation It’s not much better, it’s better to stay here, maybe someday when the ancestor's anger disappeared, and I remembered that I came..."

???????? Suhang heard this and shook his head again and again to be honest, the two were really sad enough.

?????????? This is the realm of the chaotic world. The two of them want to break up with each other.

?????????? "Brother Su please complete us!" Gesen puffed and knelt down to Su Hang!

???????? Ge Miao also knelt down quickly, if Suhang drove them away, they really had nowhere to go!

???????????? Su Hang took a deep breath, these two guys, and the group of demon gods outside, if both stay, it is always a disaster.

?????????? When he first arrived, Su Hang was still thinking about forcibly expelling this scourge into the void!

???????????? "Brother Su, if you want us to be here, we have something for you!" At this time, Ge Miao said!

?????????????? Su Hang frowned slightly, "Oh? You look like this now, what else can you give me?"

???????????????? "Brother Su, don't underestimate me!" Ge Miao's face showed some confidence, "Don't look at us now, we are too I have an identity!"

???????????? "Huh?" Su Hang couldn't help but smile, "I only know that your most proud identity is the descendants of the Void Temple. Besides, you What else can I have?"

??????????????????Gerson said, "Brother Su, you may not know that our two mothers, such as Ji, are the daughters of Nirvana Hill, the main lord of Yunyou Palace. , Yunyou Palace, that is no weaker than the Void Temple!"

???????????? "Oh?" Su Hang hesitated for a Ru Ji, he had seen him in the Void Temple and heard her talk about her identity background, It's just that Su Hang didn't take it seriously.

?????????????? "So, what can you give me?" Suhang asked.

?????????? The two looked at each other, and at the same time took out each one, held it in their hands, and handed it to Su Hang.

???????? Su Hang's face turned blue when he looked at it. It turned out to be two walnuts. The oil was bright and shiny, and it turned black, just like a pair.

?????????? "You guys, just send me this stuff to pass me?" Su Hang was a little upset!

?????????? Two walnuts, just want to send yourself? Or, they think, what is the rare treasure of these two walnuts?

????????Gerson quickly said, "Brother Su is not angry, these two walnuts are given by the mother. It is said that when the mother married my father, the grandfather gave my mother the only dowry. These two walnuts show how precious these two walnuts are!"

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